World quiz questions and answers general knowledge GK English printable trivia and fun facts for all. Knowledge is the key to success: Without knowledge, we wouldn’t be able to do anything in life. The more competent you are in your industry, the more money you are worth to a firm; as a result of the world quiz questions and answers general knowledge, you will get paid more or achieve more success in your life. You will have a better understanding of the situation and will be able to deal with it more effectively via world quiz questions and answers to general knowledge.
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World General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers
1. In 1904, who from Trinity college received a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford?
Worthington Hoskin
2. The Continental Association, often known as what, was a detailed system created by America’s First Continental Congress in October 1774?
3. What were punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party?
The Intolerable Acts
4. Who said, “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking”?
Haruki Murakami
5. “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” 1st airs on TV in which year?
6. What does the astronomical symbol ⚕mean?
Hygiea (Asteroid)
7. Atakpamé city is located in which African country?
8. What is a 1961 film about the Roman legend of the Horatii, triplet brothers from Rome who fought a duel against the Curiatii?
Duel of Champions
9. Borovichi, Russia is one of the sisters of which city in New York?
10. Who won the 27th Heisman Trophy Award in 1961 for 1st African American to win?
Ernie Davis, Syracuse (HB)
11. Rachel Forster Hospital is a specialist children’s hospital located in which country?
12. A Bible, the color white stands for salvation in which country’s flag?
Dominican Republic
13. St. Catherines Island is located in which US state?
14. Laura Arraya (Gildemeister) is a woman tennis player from which country?
Argentina/ Peru
15. Test Cricket debut of Graeme Pollock at what venue in 1963?
16. What is the current name of John Golden Theatre (1934–1940), NY?
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre
17. Aston Rowant NNR is a National nature reserve in which country?
England (Oxfordshire)
18. Built in 2013, what is the name of the statue of Buddha in Ravangla, Sikkim, India?
Tathagata Tsal
19. As per the report of the University of Oxford’s Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment 2015, what is the CO2 intensity (kg/kWh) of GDF Suez, France?
20. Which team’s 1st NBA home victory, beating Buffalo Braves 108-106 in 1970?
Cleveland Cavaliers
21. What was a 1755 meeting of Major-General Edward Braddock, commander-in-chief of the British Army in North America, and governors?
The Congress or Council of Alexandria
22. The UK Energy Bill received Royal Assent and was passed into law in which year?
23. What was the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, from 31 October to 13 November 2021?
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26
24. Built in 610–590 BC, what is the figure monolith name, located at Delos, Greek isles?
Colossus of the Naxians
25. Worst Canadian mass murder, who killed 14 women at U Montreal in 1989?
Marc Lepine
26. What is a 2,257-seat Moorish Revival theater at 131 West 55th Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues in Midtown Manhattan, New York City?
New York City Center

27. What is the largest island in the Philippines?
28. Coma Pedrosa is the highest point of which country?
29. What is the date of the acquisition of sovereignty of Botswana?
30 September 1966
30. Mafia drug kingpin bombs security force at which city, kills 52 in 1989?
31. Brazil has what percent of total water of the Earth?
32. What is the lowest point of Antarctica?
Deep Lake, Vestfold Hills
33. Almere city is located in which country?
The Netherlands
34. Any film over how many minutes long is considered to be of feature-length?
40 minutes
35. NL votes to move San Diego Padres to which city in 1973?
Washington, D.C. (doesn’t happen)
36. What was the genre of American film “In a Chinese Laundry”, released in 1897?
37. Who was Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus, also known as Aemilian?
Roman emperor for three months in 253
38. Café Pamplona restaurant is located in which city in Massachusetts, USA?
39. Clarà is a what in Barcelona?
Public library
40. Who purchases Baltimore Orioles for $70 million Eli Jacobs becomes CEO of Baltimore Orioles in 1988?
Agnes Neil Williams
41. Mar Azul is a seaside resort in which country?
Buenos Aires, Argentina
42. How many provinces are there in Poland?
43. What is the pinnacle height of Shanghai Tower, a skyscraper founded in 2015 in Shanghai?
632.0 m (2,073.5 ft)
44. What is the name of a 2000 psychological thriller film from the United States, directed by Tarsem Singh, that casts Jennifer Lopez?
The Cell
45. Which spacecraft landed in California after a secret mission in 1988?
STS-27 Atlantis
46. Who was the Prime Minister of Japan in 1994–1996?
Tomiichi Murayama
47. Name a professional skater, who has appeared in the Dancing on Ice – a British television series telecast from 2006 to 2011.
Mark Hanretty
48. Which newspaper was published in 1640 from Milan in the Italian language?
49. Published in 2019, what is the techno-thriller novel by Brett Arquette, depicting the continuation of Hail pursuing a terrorist that killed his family and was being held in an underground CIA detention facility?
Hail Fury (Hail 5)
50. Who was the 52nd Heisman Trophy Award in 1986?
Vinny Testaverde, Miami Fla (QB)
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