Basic general knowledge questions quiz general knowledge printable, GK is suitable for easy and free learning with fun and entertainment. The success of magic lanterns, chronophotographic demonstrations, and other closely related projected entertainment mediums like illustrated songs served as a foundation for advancements in motion picture projection technology. Émile Reynaud displayed his Théâtre Optique (“Optical Theatre”) film system at the Musée Grévin in Paris from October 1892 to March 1900. Over the course of 12,800 presentations, Reynaud’s contraption, which projected a selection of animated tales including Pauvre Pierrot and Autour d’une cabine, was seen by more than 500,000 spectators.
In order to increase your knowledge base, there is no other alternative but to learn continuously. If you hone your mind and attention regularly, there is much good news for you. Ottomar Anschütz showed motion pictures on a huge screen at the Grand Auditorium of a Berlin Post Office Building on November 25, 29, and 30 of 1894. The room was dark. The historic Reichstag in Berlin hosted a commercial 1.5-hour show with 40 distinct images from 22 February to 30 March 1895, drawing about 4,000 viewers.
Solving basic general knowledge questions is also a good source of pastime and joy. The investment approach and style of the portfolio manager—generally speaking, active vs. passive, value vs. growth, and small-cap vs. large size—are overlaid. The asset mix chosen determines the overall investment performance of a well-diversified portfolio, with individual securities having less of an influence. Depending on how well it meshes with the market cycle, the particular philosophy or approach will also be important. Instead of employing human judgment to administer a quantitative fund, computer-based approaches (increasingly, machine learning) are used. The actual trading is frequently automated by highly complex algorithms.
In order to bypass the monotony of life, there are many product options for you, these basic general knowledge questions quiz questions are one of those opportunities. It’s noteworthy that in Ancient Greece, cultural portrayals of a strong female physique were not just found in sports but also in depictions of a tribe of warrioresses known as the Amazons. The Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties all had professional Cuju teams with female players. The French Revolution’s (1789) educational committees covered intellectual, moral, and physical education for both boys and girls. Less than twenty years after Napoleon’s victory, physical education was restricted to preparing boys and men for the military. Girls’ education was part of GutsMuths’ (1793) physical education program in Germany. Girls’ performances were measured as part of this. This resulted in Germany actively pursuing women’s sports more so than most other nations. German success in elite sports was combined with a male vice president when the Fédération Sportive Féminine Internationale was founded as an all-female international organization.
Let’s solve the basic general knowledge questions printable quiz from here. Al-Maktab Daimi uses books like al-Shamsu al-Dzahirah by Habib Abdurrahman bin Mohammed al-Mashhoor, seven volumes of Salman bin Said bin Awad Ba-Ghauts’ original handwritten books, the three-volume book by Ali bin Ja’far al-Seggaf, the book on the Alawiyyin census report in Indonesia, and the 15 volumes of The Ledger of Alawiyyin lineage books authored by Habib Abdullah bin Isa ibn Hud al-Habshi are all genuine and solely possessed by al-Maktab al-Daimi.
Basic general knowledge questions
1. Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport is situated in which country?
2. A cheetah’s heartbeat can go up to what BPM in just a few seconds?
250 BPM
3. What is the motto of Hallmark?
When you care enough to send the very best
4. What is Verminophobia?
Fear of germs
5. The Human eye is the only multi-focus lens in the world that can adjust in how much time?
2 milliseconds
6. What does an Ackerman do?
An oxherder
7. Who created the Turin 2016 Olympic mascot?
Pedro Albuquerque
8. Where is Freights Bay situated?
9. Kabul, Afghanistan is situated at the bank of which river?
10. How long is the human eyeball?
24.5 mm
11. Tower of Pisa is leaning by now about how much?
5.5 degrees; 17 feet (5.2 m) out of the perpendicular
12. Who played Dr. McCoy in the original Star Trek series?
Deforest Kelly
13. Iconic world landmark Swarovski Crystal World is situated in which country?
Innsbruck, Austria
14. What are the ” ( ) ” symbols called in American English?
Parentheses (Brackets in British)
15. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. T/F?
16. Which German film of the 1920s starred Max Schreck as a vampire?
17. Who were the 4 Caliphs of Islam?
The first four caliphs of the Islamic community were Rashidun (Arabic: “Rightly Guided,” or “Perfect”), often known in Muslim history as the patriarchal or orthodox caliphs: Ab Bakr (reigned 632–634), Umar (reigned 634-644), Uthmn (reigned 644-656), and Al (reigned 656–661).
18. Who are the national poets in Greece?
Homer, and Dionysios Solomos
19. Which is called– The White City of the North?
20. If you could save all the times your eyes blink in one lifetime and use them all at once you would see blackness for how many years?
1.2 years
21. Which company has the motto “Go Further”?
22. There is a place named “Gravesend” in which country?
23. A Renifleur gets aroused from doing what?
Sniffing underwear
24. Where is Saint Agnes beach situated?
25. Who was the first king of India?
Chandra Gupta I
26. What song gave a 9-year-old US a UK No 1 lots weeks 1972/73?
Long-haired lover from Liverpool
27. In the middle of the day, our eyesight will be sharper. T/F?
28. Eureka – is the state motto of what state?
29. What is the No. 1 cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and adult blindness?
30. What word is spelled the same in French, English, German, and Swedish?
31. Which company has the motto “It keeps going, and going, and going…”?
32. Who was the first American to receive the Nobel Literature prize?
Sinclair Lewis
33. Which is called the City of Wine?
34. Lalo Schifrin composed which famous TV series theme?
Mission Impossible — plus others
35. What is the name of the airport located in Mascot, New South Wales, Australia?
Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport
36. It is believed that the main purpose of eyebrows is to keep sweat out of the eyes. True or false?
37. What are the 3 Islamic empires?
Between 1453 and 1526 Muslims founded three major states in the Mediterranean, Iran, and South Asia: respectively the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires.
38. Iconic world landmark Schloss Schönbrunn is situated in which country?
Vienna, Austria
39. What is the name of Turin’s 2016 Olympic mascot?
Neve and Gliz
In Italian, “neve” means snow, and “gliz” is a nod to the word “ghiaccio”, which means ice.
40. There is a place named “Goose Pimple Junction” in which US state?
41. Which is called the– Angels City
42. Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better. T/F?
43. Who is the national poet in Gibraltar
Héctor Licudi
44. Who was Ben Casey’s boss?
Dr. Zorba
45. What is Wiccaphobia?
Fear of witches and witchcraft
46. 91% of Americans do what regularly?
47. What is the chemical name of Vermelium?
48. In Alabama it is illegal to be what while driving?
49. Most people blink about how many times per minute?
25 times
50. All reptiles have three-chambered hearts, except crocodilians which have hearts with four chambers. T/F?
51. How old is the Tower of Pisa?
848 years, built in c. 1173-1372
52. Where are the Los Lances located in Spain?
53. Karachi, Pakistan is situated at the bank of which river?
54. What is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States?

55. Most people have how many types of color receptors to see the color vision, while some women have four or even five of these receptors and can see a wider range of colors?
Three types
56. Top USA food consumption days – Xmas Thanksgiving and what?
Super Bowl Sunday
57. What does a Collier do?
Who makes and sells charcoal
58. Hamburgers were invented in what country?
59. What does Clinomania mean?
Here is up to you. Clinomania is an excessive desire to stay in bed.
60. What are the fastest-moving human body parts?
61. Iconic world landmark Manneken Pis is situated in which country?
Brussels, Belgium
62. What causes Crapulence?
Crapulence: Sickness or indisposition resulting from an excess of drinking (or eating). Crapulence is an almost exact synonym for a hangover.
63. How many hearts do octopuses have?
64. What is the common link between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Friedrich Schiller?
National poets in Germany
65. What is Nyctophilia?
Nyctophilia is a condition that makes you want to sit in the dark all by yourself late at night, wide awake
66. There are around how many optic fibers in the human eye?
67. What is a throttle bottom?
: an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.
68. There is a place named “Greasy” in which US state?
69. Kiev, Ukraine is situated at the bank of which river?
70. Weight of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is estimated at what?
14,500 tonnes
71. Narita International Airport is situated in which country?
72. There are how many light-sensitive cells in the eye’s retina and the fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day?
137 million
73. What does Strikhedonia mean?
Origin: Greek. Definition: The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it!”
74. What does Agathokakological mean?
Composed of both good and evil
75. What does a Haberdasher do?
One who deals in men’s furnishings
76. South Asian Country Bangladesh is liberated in which year from Pakistan?
77. In Montana it is a felony for a wife to open her husband’s what?
78. What is a nincompoop?
informal. : a stupid or silly person: fool, simpleton …
79. When we see an image, the human eye captures the inverted image of it. True or false?
80. What is the common name of Nitrous Oxide?
Laughing Gas
81. Ernest Evans became famous under what name?
Chubby Checker
82. If you blink one eye you move how many muscles?
Over 200
83. What animals don’t have any heart?
Starfish, sea cucumbers, coral, jellyfish
84. What does an Eggler do?
85. What star had a job as an aircraft factory inspector?
Marilyn Munroe
86. It is the brain’s interpretation that makes us see the upside-down captured image into a normal erect image. True or false?
87. What does Snickersnee mean?
A large knife, designed for use as a thrusting and cutting weapon.
88. You dot your – what is the dot called?
89. What is Crapulence?
1 archaic : sickness occasioned by intemperance (as in food or drink) 2 : great intemperance especially in drinking.
90. What’s the opposite of an insomniac?
Hypersomnia: The Opposite of Insomnia.
91. What does alter Kocker mean?
Alter Kockers are most common in comedies, due to the influence of Jewish comedians.
92. You can see ultraviolet light, the ability is just filtered out by the eye’s lens. True or false?
93. What were elite Ottoman soldiers called?
94. What is the Arabic name for a princess?
95. Clinophobia is the fear of what?
96. Where could you see or do an Ollie and a McTwist?
97. What country does French toast come from?
Italy – Rome
98. What is the Hebrew word for an adversary?
99. What is the busiest European airport?
London Heathrow
100. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have what megapixels?
576 megapixels
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