The best friend GK quiz questions games to ask online are quite fresh and full of learning as well as fun. Friendship, as defined above, is a distinctly personal connection based on each friend’s care for the other’s well-being, for the sake of the other, and involves some degree of intimacy. Enjoy these best friend GK quiz questions games to ask online. As a result, friendship is unquestionably important in our lives, in part because our specific care for our friends must fit into a larger set of concerns, including moral ones, and in part because our friends may help form who we are as individuals. Given this importance, important questions arise about the justification of friendship, including whether it is permissible to “trade up” when someone new comes along, and whether it is possible to reconcile the demands of friendship with the demands of morality in cases where the two appear to conflict. Stick to the best friend GK quiz questions games to ask online.
Does your friend know, the world’s most fragrant flower? Titan arum, a Sumatran native, is believed to have a stench akin to that of a dead body. As a result, it’s popularly referred to as the “corpse flower.” Corpse flowers are also known to be the world’s biggest flower, reaching heights of up to 3 meters! Keep learning with the best friend GK quiz questions games to ask online.
Does your friend know, about the cost of tulip bulbs? Tulips have long been one of the world’s most popular flowers, particularly in the Netherlands, where over 3 billion tulips are grown each year. They’ve never been more valuable than they were in Holland in the 17th century, when they were valued higher than other precious metals, including gold. According to some estimates, a single bulb may cost upwards of $2,000! Another interesting tulip fact? In recipes, they can be used in place of onions. Enjoy the best friend GK quiz questions games to ask online now!
Best Friend GK Quiz Questions Games to Ask Online
1. Which day is Happy Friendship Day?
first Sunday of August
2. In astronomy, what is Iris?
An asteroid
3. Who said, “The truth is found when men are free to pursue it”?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4. Root cuttings are the main mode of reproduction from which roots?
Reproductive Roots
5. In 496, which king has baptized a Roman Catholic in Reims cathedral – first Germanic king to do so, according to Henry of Tours (year disputed)?
King Clovis I
6. Ann Patchett wrote which fiction in 2001?
Bel Canto
7. Talk down =?
to argue down
8. Where does a Cattle live?
9. What is the flower of love?
Red rose
10. In 875, who was crowned emperor of Rome?
Charles the Bald
11. Army F.C. is a football club in which country?
12. In 1888, the first indoor baseball game was played at fairgrounds in Philadelphia; 2,000 watch the Uptowners beat the Downtowners by what score?
13. What is a street in the St James’s area of the City of Westminster, Central London?
Pall Mall
14. Upper Canada was a former colony of which country?
15. In 967, who was crowned Otto II the Red German compassionate emperor?
16. Aïcha Lemsine (born 1942) is a French-language writer and women’s rights activist from which country?
17. In 1894, 1st midwestern football team to play on the west coast, which team defeats Stanford 24-4 at Palo Alto, CA in football?
University of Chicago
18. The Eighty Years’ War began in which year?
19. Austria Speed Skating Association was admitted to the International Skating Union in which year?
20. In 969, who was crowned emperor of Byzantium?
Johannes I Tzimisces
21. KORS is a what type of company?
22. In 1875, Lambs Club was formed in which city?
New York
23. Hintergrund term is related to what in Germany?
24. What is the former name of Nippon Professional Baseball?
Japanese Baseball League

25. In 999, who becomes the bishop of Cologne?
26. What zodiac has its sign “3”?
27. In ballet, what is À terre?
Touching the floor; on the floor
28. Cyprus Emergency began in which year?
29. In ballet, what term is used to mean “featuring slow, controlled movements”
30. In 1000, Monarch Istvan was crowned king of which country?
31. Irish statesman, economist, and philosopher Edmund Burke died in which city?
32. Fox River Mills, Inc., is a what product’s manufacturer based in Osage, Iowa?
33. Talk over =?
to discuss
34. What is Bukhnuq?
A hijab
35. In 1046, who crowns Henry III as Holy Roman Emperor?
Pope Clemens VI
36. Catch as Catch Can: The Collected Stories and Other Writings (2003) is a famous work by whom, with Captain John Yossarian?
Joseph Heller
37. In 1688, British King James II lands in Ambleteuse in which country?
38. What is an element that readily forms positive ions (cations) and has metallic bonds?
A metal
39. Vietnam War ended in which year?
40. In 1101, who becomes Duke of Lower Lorraine?
Henry I of Limburg
41. What is the boiling point (°C) of Helium-4?
42. Which bra was first designed in the United States in about 1938?
43. Office for Outer Space Affairs is headquartered in which city?
44. Memoir of which Secretary-General of the United Nations is “View from the UN”?
U Thant
45. In 1121, who finds the order of the Norbertijnen?
Norbertus van Xanten
46. Ausfaltung is a term related to what in Germany?
47. Despite bitter opposition, which US President grants unconditional pardon to all persons involved in Southern rebellion (Civil War) in 1868?
Andrew Johnson
48. Which President of Cuba left his office on 28 September 1906?
Tomás Estrada Palma
49. “Ain’t We Got Fun?” song was recorded by whom on February 20, 1953?
Doris Day
50. In 1683, which English Whig leader flees to Holland?
Duke of Monmouth
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