It’s a gift for everything related to Christmas and the holidays – gift shopping, great food, and family gatherings. Make your festivities more fun with a game of Christmas trivia questions and answers or use our trivia lists for the Christmas Trivia Quiz. Family fun general knowledge questions about Christmas are here. You can also become a Christmas expert by choosing our Christmas trivia quiz, start at the beginning of the article or choose a section that covers your favorite Christmas trivia quiz. We’ve also included some guidelines for using Christmas Trivia games.
For grown-ups, you may like Christmas trivia quiz games and ice breakers. Enjoy these general knowledge questions about Christmas!
General knowledge questions about the Christmas trivia quiz
Use our Christmas trivia quiz questions and answers to play the Trivia game. The easiest way to play is to divide your group into groups of three or more players. Nominate one to ask a question. The caller can either take turns asking the Christmas trivia quiz question or team to answer a question or ask a question and let the first person answer it.
Explore general knowledge questions about Christmas If you have a small group and people are playing individually, you can give each person a Christmas trivia quiz question around. Each correct Christmas trivia quiz answer gets a point. You can set a predetermined number of points needed to win the game or play your Christmas trivia quiz questions until the end and the one who has the most points wins the game.
Add fun to your holiday get-togethers this Christmas, with the Christmas trivia quiz. When you plan a trivia game, it’s fun to play in teams, because one team member doesn’t know, another can. Have a fun and memorable holiday with our collection of Christmas trivia quizzes, questions, and answers!
1. Which milk-based beverage is available around the Christmas holidays and comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions?
2. Stollen is the traditional fruit cake of which country?
3. What name is given to small sausages wrapped in bacon, a staple at a British Christmas dinner?
Answer: Pigs in blankets
4. The red and white costume of Father Christmas was allegedly first introduced by which drinks manufacturer?
Answer: Coca-Cola
5. In which direction should you stir mincemeat for good luck; clockwise or anti-clockwise?
Answer: Clockwise
6. What would you stick into an onion, when following a traditional bread sauce recipe?
Answer: Cloves
7. A swede is a cross between which two vegetables?
Answer: A cabbage and a turnip

8. What is a female turkey called?
Answer: A hen
9. What is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey’s neck?
Answer: Wattle
10. Which spirit is traditionally added to butter and served with Christmas pudding?
Answer: Brandy
11. True or False: Before turkey, the traditional English Christmas dinner included a pig’s head smothered in mustard.
Answer: True
12. Visions of which sweet foodstuff danced in children’s heads as they slept, according to Clement Clarke Moore’s poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”?
Answer: Sugar-plums
13. In Oaxaca City, Mexico, Noche de rábanos is celebrated every 23rd of December. Which food gives this festival its name?
Answer: Radish; Noche de rábanos is the Night of the Radishes when Mexican craftsmen create carvings from root vegetables.
14. Approximately how many turkeys were purchased at Christmas 2013 in the UK; 1 million, 10 million, or 20 million?
Answer: 10 million

15. Who was the star of the Christmas movie Jingle All the Way?
Answer: Arnold Schwarzenegger
16. Who tries to stop Christmas from coming, by stealing all things of Christmas from “the Who’s”?
Answer: The Grinch
17. Who was the star of the movie titled White Christmas?
Answer: Bing Crosby
18. What is the first name of Scrooge, the principal character of the novel, A Christmas Carol?
Answer: Ebenezer
19. Who was the author of A Christmas Carol?
Answer: Charles Dickens
20. How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol?
Answer: Four
21. What was the name of the animated Christmas movie featuring Tom Hanks?
Answer: The Polar Express

22. What is a ‘Bûche de Noël’, commonly eaten in France at Christmas?
Answer: Yule log (cake/chocolate log or similar acceptable)
23. What would you be drinking if you had ‘Glühwein’?
Answer: Mulled wine
24. Which type of sweet bread loaf, which originated in Milan, is traditionally eaten at Christmas in Italy and many other European countries?
Answer: Panettone ( a type of sweet bread)
25. Which Christmas food is it considered good luck to eat on each of the 12 days of Christmas?
Answer: Mince Pies
26. As the clock chimes midnight to ring in the New Year, a Spanish tradition involves eating twelve of what – one for each chime?
Answer: Grapes
27. Who invented electric Christmas lights?
Answer: Thomas Edison in 1880
28. The legend of Santa Claus is associated with which saint or monk?
Answer: Saint Nicholas

29. Which was the last US state to declare an official holiday for Christmas?
Answer: Oklahoma
30. Which was the first country to issue a Christmas postage stamp?
Answer: Canada
31. When was Christmas declared a federal holiday in the United States?
Answer: 1870
32. Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas?
Answer: Italy
33. What is Santa Claus called in France?
Answer: Père Noël

34. Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?
Answer: Canada
35. Which American President banned Christmas trees in the White House?
Answer: Theodore Roosevelt
36. How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany?
Answer: Twelve
37. Which country follows the tradition to light candles on the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve?
Answer: Finland
38. Where did the Nativity take place?
Answer: Bethlehem

39. Which of these was not a gift given by the ‘Wise Men’ to Baby Jesus – gold, silver, myrrh, or frankincense?
Answer: Silver
40. Which type of tree was the partridge sitting in, according to a well-known Christmas song?
Answer: Pear
41. When was the first Christmas card sent? Who designed it?
Answer: The first Christmas card was sent in 1843 and was designed by John Horsley.
42. Canada, The U.K., and most other Commonwealth countries officially celebrate the day after Christmas as what holiday?
Answer: Boxing Day
43. How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
Answer: Feliz Navidad
44. Similar to tinsel, these long strips of shiny foil are used to decorate a Christmas tree. What are they called?
Answer: Icicles

45. What are two other names for Santa Claus?
Answer: Saint Nick and Kris Kringle
46. True or False: The first Christmas tree appeared in the United States.
Answer: False
47. What country has the tradition of filling children’s clogs with candy and treats on December 5?
Answer: The Netherlands
48. Who created Rudolph, the most popular reindeer of Santa Claus?
Answer: Robert L. May created Rudolph in 1939 when he wrote a Christmas-themed story-poem to attract customers in his department store.
49. How many reindeer drive Santa Claus’ sleigh (counting Rudolph)?
Answer: Nine
50. Who once stole Christmas?
Answer: The Grinch
51. One of Santa’s reindeer shares a name with a famous symbol of Valentine’s Day. Which reindeer is that?
52. What Christmas-themed ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892?
The Nutcracker
53. In 1981, Bob and Doug McKenzie released their own version of a classic Christmas song. Which song is that?
The Twelve Days of Christmas

54. What animated 2004 film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve?
The Polar Express
55. What much-reviled Christmas edible is known for its long shelf life?
Christmas Trivia Time! I love Trivia! So today I’m sharing 55 Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers. See how accurate you can be. These are great for sharing at your Christmas gathering just like a conversation or as part of a game you love.
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