100 Easy General Knowledge Quiz With Answers Printable

An easy general knowledge quiz with answers printable is really easy to solve, only with a basic level of knowledge. However, the sources of this easy general knowledge quiz with answers are reliable and updated. Fish behavior is a complex and multifaceted topic. The way a particular fish reacts to environmental stimuli relies on the hereditary properties of its nervous system, what it has learned from prior experiences, and the type of stimuli, much like in nearly all creatures with a central nervous system. However, unlike the wide range of human reactions, a fish’s behavior is stereotyped and not much altered by “thinking” or learning, thus researchers must be careful not to oversimplify fish behavior.

An easy general knowledge quiz with answers are appropriate for all and for all sort of competition, quiz, fun, and time pass. Curzon accepted Salisbury’s invitation to take a position as undersecretary of state for India in the Tory administration on November 10, 1891, which was his first step up the political ladder. When he wed Mary Victoria Leiter, the daughter of Chicago businessman Adolphus (Levi) Leiter, his financial worries—caused by his developing expensive tastes—were allayed. On April 22, 1895, the couple wed in Washington, D.C., and the wedding featured marital settlements totaling several million dollars. As the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon, Lord Salisbury was ready with an additional gift: he had just been named foreign secretary and was offering Curzon the position of undersecretary of state. Curzon agreed under the condition that he would also become a privy councillor, and on June 29, 1895, at Windsor Castle, he was formally sworn in by Queen Victoria. His climb to political stardom was rapid after this point.

The motivations for medieval European mathematicians’ interest in the subject were very different from those of modern mathematicians. The idea that mathematics holds the key to comprehending nature’s constructed order was one of its primary motivators. This idea was widely supported by Plato’s Timaeus and a biblical verse (in the Book of Wisdom) that states that God created everything in measure, number, and weight. By using the word quadrivium to refer to the study of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music, Boethius established a place for mathematics in the curriculum in the sixth century. De institutione musica, which was likewise adapted from Greek sources, and a number of portions from Euclid’s Elements were also written by him. De institutione arithmetica was a free translation of Nicomachus’ Introduction to Arithmetic from Greek. Before the discovery of Greek and Arabic mathematical works, his theoretical rather than practical works served as the foundation for mathematical research.

The Knickerbocker Rules are a set of baseball regulations that were created in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright, a member of New York City’s Knickerbocker Club. The old-fashioned method of “soaking” or “plugging,” which involved putting out runners by striking them with thrown balls, was prohibited. Thus, the regulations made it easier to utilize a smaller, harder ball than had previously been customary. Other regulations made the Knickerbockers’ game resemble the present game, however, only underhand throwing was permitted and a ball caught on the first bounce was again an out. The New York Nine beat the Knickerbockers, 23-1, in four innings on June 19, 1846, in Hoboken, New Jersey. While there are rumors that the New York Knickerbockers played games in 1845, this game is often regarded as the first official baseball game in American history. Over the following fifty years, the guidelines for contemporary baseball continued to develop using the Knickerbocker code as a foundation.

Easy general knowledge quiz with answers

1. How many languages are there in the world?

6,500 languages

2. What is the surname of the children in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?


3. On the fifth day of Christmas what new items did my true love give to me?

Gold rings (5 gold rings)

4. Which chemical is mostly used for anaesthetics?

Nitrous oxide

5. Each day on Earth, sexual intercourse occurs

120 million times

6. Which large animal annually kills more people than any other large animal in Africa?


7. Which month in the UK is the longest?

October (31 days plus an hour extra because the clocks go back)

8. Which British field athlete competed at six Olympic Games?

Tessa Sanderson

9. What is the world’s oldest flower found in northeast China, which bloomed around 125 million years ago and resembles a water lily?

Archaefructus sinensis

10. Which Apollo mission landed the first men on the Moon?

Apollo 11

11. Who plays aspiring entertainer, Private First Class Phil Davis, in the 1954 film White Christmas?

Danny Kaye

12. Which Christmas carol is noted for the Latin line “Gloria Hosanna in Excelsis!”?

Ding Dong Merrily on High

13. Much like fingerprints, we all have _____ prints too.


14. What color sweatshirts was Brian Clough known for wearing?


15. Romania shares an almost identical flag with which African country?

Chad (almost identical, both blue-yellow-red tricolors, with the blue being slightly lighter in one)

16. “It was a pleasure to burn” is the opening line of which book?

Fahrenheit 451 (by Ray Bradbury)

17. The magnetic field inside the body forms the basis of obtaining the image of the different body parts and the technique is called


18. Which town in Cheshire is named after King Canute?


19. Who has a Heinz Ketchup tattoo on their arm and always carries a bottle or two of it on tour?

Ed Sheeran

20. The only reliable pregnancy test until the 1960s was to take a female ________ and inject a woman’s urine into it. If a frog ovulates within 12 hours the woman is pregnant.

African clawed frog

21. Which country’s national flag is inscribed with the motto ‘Ordem e Progresso’?

Brazil (the national motto is ‘order and progress’)

22. Your nose can remember how many different scents?


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23. By what name is Sir Percy Blakeney known?

The Scarlet Pimpernel

24. Which scientist became the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice?

Marie Curie

25. What do Americans Charles Julius Guiteau and Leon Czolgosz have in common?

Both assassinated American presidents

26. The process of using microbes to treat areas of land or sea that have been contaminated by pesticides, oil, or solvent is known as


27. Which sport’s ball size was changed from 38mmm to 40mm in 2000 to slow down the game?

Table tennis balls

28. Who played his last professional game for the Australian club Blacktown City in 1980, scoring a goal?

Bobby Charlton

29. How old was Kevin in the 1990 Christmas comedy film Home Alone?


30. Babies are super strong. Right after a delivery a newborn can hang on a chin-up bar and support its own weight. But only for a few weeks. True or false?


31. Name the three clubs which have spent just one season in the Premier League?

Barnsley, Blackpool, and Swindon

32. What is a plant that is used to treat blood pressure, is only found in India and Bangladesh?


33. Bronze is an alloy consisting primarily of copper and which other element?


34. Kirsch is a colorless brandy traditionally made from which fruit?


35. How many whacks did Lizzie Borden give her father?


36. Your eyes are always the same size from birth. True or false?


37. Who portrays Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series?

Orlando Bloom

38. Which small flower, usually with 5 blue or purple petals, is associated with freemasonry and has the scientific name Myosotis?


39. Clark Kent worked as a reporter for which newspaper?

Daily Planet

40. Which book was published in 1924 and follows a Muslim Indian doctor named Aziz?

A Passage to India (by E.M. Forster)

41. How old was Boris Becker when he won Wimbledon for the first time?


42. The board game Trivial Pursuit was created in 1979 by Chris Haney in which country?


43. Do you know the unit of electrical capacitance which is named after a famous scientist?


44. In the film Cast Away what sort of sports ball is given the name Wilson?


45. Which author created some lethal plants called triffids?

John Wyndham

46. Retired American basketball player Larry Bird played his entire career for which team?

Boston Celtics

47. What percentage of diseases are caused or complicated by stress?

Over 90%

48. What is the famous motto of the British SAS?

Who Dares Wins

49. Which novel by writer Frances Hodgson Burnett was her first for children?

Little Lord Fauntleroy

50. Which country’s flag is famous for having an AK-47 gun featured on it?


51. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill how many swimming pools?


52. How many teaspoons are there in a tablespoon?

3 teaspoons in a tablespoon.

53. “Be yourself and people will like you” is a quote from which book by Jeff Kinney?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

54. What is nitrous oxide commonly known as?

Laughing Gas

55. Who can change gender depending on which is best for mating?


56. What did Ian Dury and the Blockheads want to be hit with?

Rhythm Stick (“Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick”)

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57. The primary diet of blue whales is what tiny shrimp-like animals?


58. Often used in Christmas floral displays, what is Euphorbia pulcherrima?


59. How many wisdom teeth do humans have?

4 wisdom teeth

60. Which Australian dessert consists of squares of sponge cake coated first in a layer of traditional chocolate sauce, then in desiccated coconut?


61. What did Tom Smith of London invent in 1847 after getting the idea of a trip to Paris?

Christmas crackers

62. Calamari is a dish made from which animal?


63. How many muscles it takes to smile?


64. At what time on Christmas Day each year does the Queen broadcast to the nation?


65. Which animals are known as the ‘big five’ in Africa?

Lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and African buffalo

66. Which 13-year-old won two gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics?

Ellie Simmonds

67. What is the largest internal organ of the human body?

Small intestine

68. Who was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace?

Queen Victoria

69. What chemical is used as Rodenticide?

Zinc sulfide

70. Which German word means lightning war?


71. Which famous building is found at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

The White House

72. The General Post Office stopped delivering letters on Christmas Day in England in which year: 1940, 1950, 1960, or 1970?


73. What is 7+4x 8?

39 equals 7+4×8

74. Not all jellyfish are immortal. T/F

True. Only jellyfish of the genus Turritopsis is immortal.

75. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?

12 pairs

76. How many muscles it takes to frown?


77. Can you name the rather tall co-presenter of the BBC One television quiz show Pointless?

Richard Osman

78. In 1989, a record TV audience of 22 million watched the UK premiere of which film on Christmas Day?

Crocodile Dundee

79. A badminton net at its center: 4 feet, 5 feet, 6 feet, or 7 feet high?

5 feet

80. “Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia” is the scientific term for which complexity of the body?

Brain freeze

81. Prince Harry is what number in line to the throne?

6th- Prince Harry is sixth in line to the throne.

82. Which novel set during World War II mainly follows the life of Captain John Yossarian?

Catch-22 (by Joseph Heller)

83. The ‘prairie wolf’ is an alternative name for which animal?


84. How many smaller stars are around the bigger star on the flag of China?


85. Which English band, formed in 1974 in South London, had 1982 Top 5 hit single with “Ghosts”?


86. What name links the former rugby-playing husband of Charlotte Church to the creator of The Muppets?


87. The first English dictionary was published in which year


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88. How many men have walked on the moon?

12 men have walked on the moon.

89. What is the study of plants called?


90. Ozone hole is clearly visible from which continent during the winter season?


91. Steeplejack Fred Dibnah was born and bred in which town?


92. Which singer played himself in Tim Burton’s 1996 film Mars Attacks!?

Tom Jones

93. What are rhino horns made from?


94. Which fictional school was created by the cartoonist Ronald Searle?

St. Trinian’s

95. In which part of the world would you find Saint Piran’s Flag?

The flag of Cornwall

96. Name the last British monarch to be born outside Great Britain?

George II (born 1683 in Hanover)

97. What sickness is caused at high altitudes due to low partial pressure of oxygen?

Altitude sickness

98. How many continents are there?

7 continents.

99. Which novel follows the lives of the March sisters?

Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott)

100. Which British television series is filmed at Weald and Downland Living Museum in Singleton, West Sussex?

The Repair Shop

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