Equestrian trivia is full of information, learning, and fun. The horse is our good friend and a lot of learning is needed while you ponder over them. This equestrian trivia quiz in English is for all levels of horse lovers and for those who wish to use their time to learn and have fun with equestrian trivia and quiz online.
Riding, driving, and vaulting are all disciplines of equestrianism, or horseback riding in American English. Riding a horse is a great way to get some cardiovascular activity. Research commissioned by the equestrian trivia, British Horse Society discovered that just half an hour of horse-related activities, such as mucking out, is considered moderate exercise, whereas trotting may burn up to 600 calories every ride!
Equestrian riders, handlers, and drivers include both leisure and competitive riders, handlers, and drivers. All disciplines or activities done while mounted on a horse, equestrian trivia, , as well as unmounted disciplines or activities, are considered equestrian. It is a horse-human and, in certain disciplines, horse-to-horse partnership.
Horseback riding has been shown to have an antidepressant effect by lowering stress hormone levels. Horseback riding is a natural stimulator of the hormone serotonin, which is a mood enhancer with equestrian trivia. When this hormone is produced, we experience a sensation of well-being.
A team consists of a rider and their horse. The purpose of a rider is to communicate with his or her horse. The balance and symmetry of the horse should be linked with equestrian trivia, the rider’s posture, and dressage stance. Riders must be steady and motionless while yet being fluid and flexible in order to move with the horse.
Stability, appropriate posture, right riding position, alignment, and stamina are all required to become a highly proficient rider. Improving these qualities will aid the horse’s understanding of the orders and increase the equestrian trivia, likelihood of a positive response. Body strength, balance, posture, and riding position are all addressed in particular workouts for riders.
Equestrian Trivia Quiz Questions Answer Printable Horse Quiz
Let’s find below 65 fresh equestrian trivia picked up from many reliable sources, with a lot of patience and endeavor so that you get the precise information you need.
1. Who rode the horse Husao that had a record for the highest jump in 1949 in Vina del Mar, Chile?
Captain Alberto Larraguibel
2. Who painted the famous artwork “The Horse Fair”?
Rosa Bonheur
3. What is Australian Waler?
A horse breed
4. What breeds are used in Harness racing?
5. What is the name of the horse show category in which horses and riders of varying ages and experiences compete against one another?
6. Beholder Mile Stakes race is held during which month?
7. Who is the 2008 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes winner, and the first horse from the 20th post position to win the Kentucky Derby since Clyde Van Dusen?
Big Brown
8. Lusitano horse breed was originated in which country?
9. What is meant by “horse sense”?
practical thinking, common sense
10. Balnarring Racecourse is located in which location in Australia?
11. What is the capacity of the Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne?
12. Churchill Downs racecourse is located in which location in the USA?
Louisville, Kentucky
13. What is the oldest for three-year-olds in the United States?
Travers (1864)
14. Brumbie horse breed was originated in which country?
15. Jump (or jumps) racing is known what in Great Britain and Ireland?
National Hunt racing
16. What is the only draft horse breed still in existence that was originated in the United States?
The American Cream Draft
17. What is the name of the horse that has accomplished the feat of winning all four: Travers, Belmont, Preakness, and Kentucky Derby?
18. What is meant by “horse trade”?
to bargain in a professional, hard, and skillful way
19. Which horse is the Cox Plate winner for the year 2020?
Sir Dragonet (IRE)
20. What is the other name of Eleia Horse breed?
21. The dun horse has dominant hair that is a shade of which color?
22. Who was the jockey of Lys Gracieux (JPN) horse, the Cox Plate winner for the year 2019?
Damian Lane
23. Belmont Park Racecourse is located in which location in Australia?
24. The American Indian Horse is a mixture of which other breeds?
Arabian, Spanish Barb, Mustang, as well as “Foundation” Appaloosa
25. In Mary O’Hara’s novel My Friend Flicka, what is the name of a rambunctious, wild filly who injures herself while attempting to flee?
26. What is the name of Prince Eadric’s horse in E.D. Baker’s classic series The Tales of the Frog Princess?
Bright Country
27. Corlais horse breed was originated from which country?
28. Where will you be able to see the famous painting “The 1821 Derby at Epsom”?
The Louvre Museum, Paris, France
29. What is zony?
A cross between zebra and pony

30. How many horses are there in the world now in total?
60 million
31. The Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab is a breed from Arabian and what else?
32. Bangor racecourse is located in which county in Wales?
33. What do you understand when someone says “lock the barn door after the horse is gone”?
attempt to deal with a problem when it has become too late
34. Who is Hasili (horse)?
a Blue Hen Broodmare of French origin
35. How do you understand by seeing its ears that the horse is concentrating?
Ears to be back
36. What is the name of the class in which the rider displays the horse on foot rather than in a saddle?
37. What is the name of the horse that the Steel General rides in Roger Zelazny’s Creatures of Light and Darkness?
38. What was the breed of the Brooklyn “Brookie” Supreme?
A red roan Belgian stallion
39. What is the name of the magnificent silver-colored horse that Gandalf the White rides in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings?
40. Big Jake, the Belgian gelding horse was notable for what?
Extreme height
41. Mérens horse breed was originated from which country?
42. Bendigo Racecourse is located in which location in Australia?
43. What is the name of the horse from Christopher Paolini’s Eragon?
44. In William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Act 3, Scene 4, what is Sir Andrew’s Ague Cheek’s horse?
45. Who is Win Approval?
an American Thoroughbred racehorse and famous “Blue Hen” broodmare
46. A trained person who assesses contestants in a class and selects the winner in the horse show is called what?
47. What is the name of the stunning black horse ridden by the main character Mattie Ross in Charles Portis’ 1968 novel and film True Grit?
Little Blackie
48. Which ear witnessed the rise of heavy cavalry, especially the European knight?
Medieval Era
49. In Spain, which horse breed was used as a light cavalry horse during the Middle Ages?
50. What word is used when a rider under the age of 18 competes in junior classes?
51. In Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote, what is a workhorse owned by the titular character?
52. Callaghan Park is located in which location in Australia?
Rockhampton, Queensland
53. Famous Thoroughbred racehorse Colin (1952) had how many wins in total in their career?
16 wins
54. National Velvet was a horse-related movie released in which year?
55. What is Lascaux,
A depiction of a horse in the cave, c. Stone Age cave painting
56. From which country was Emil Franz Adam, the equestrian painter from?
57. Who painted the “Cavalry battle between Turks and Christians”?
Vincent Adriaenssen
58. What is EEE?
Eastern Equine Encephalitis, a deadly mosquito-borne illness in horses
59. Sand Wash Basin is famous for what?
Wild horses
60. LONGINES FEI Jumping European Championships 2021 was held in which city?
Riesenbeck, Germany
61. Aegidienberger gaited horse breed is originated in which country?
62. What is Pegasus?
Pegasus is a mythical winged horse from Greek mythology.
63. Who is Devadatta?
In Hinduism, Devadatta? is a white-colored winged horse of Kalki, gifted by God Shiva.
64. What is Dosanko?
A Japanese horse breed
65. Who painted the famous artwork “The Parade”?
Edgar Degas
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