Food and drink trivia questions give you a thorough understanding of food and drink around the world. People from different countries have different food choices, and these food and drink trivia questions will help you make knowledgeable about food and drinks worldwide. Food and drink trivia questions are sharable to your network and friends. Bird’s saliva is the meal of the wealthy, at least in China. Solve food and drink trivia questions. Forget caviar and pricey truffles. A pricey delicacy known as “bird’s nest soup” is produced from rare bird nests that are constructed from the saliva of young swiftlets. The nests, used in Chinese cookery for more than four centuries, are dissolved in water to create a soup that is said to have a delicious flavor and be good for your health. One of the most costly animal foods that people eat is said to be these bird nests.
You can find little amounts of insects in your diet. You may be excused for believing that your purchased food will be bug-free and that the law will make sure it stays that way. Well, regrettably not. Some of these substances appear to be acceptable (and frequently unavoidable) at tiny doses. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for instance, in the US, permits “natural defects” in food products, which means that your food may legally contain traces of substances that you probably don’t want to be consuming. Share food and drink trivia questions easy. You can find little amounts of insects in your diet. When food levels exceed the limits they set, the FDA will merely start an inquiry. For instance, the level of insect fragments in chocolate would never be investigated until it reached 60 or more per 100 grams; anything below this level is deemed safe. The standard for peanut butter is lower, at 30 insect fragments per 100 grams.
Fruit and vegetables are not as nutrient-dense as they formerly were. Even if you consume the required amounts of fruit and vegetables, it’s conceivable that you aren’t benefiting from them as much as you formerly were. Compete for food and drink trivia questions for adults. According to research that was published in the journal HortScience, fruit and vegetables now are less nutrient-dense than they were 50 years ago. According to one theory, in order to consume the same quantity of vitamin A that your ancestors did decades ago, one would need to consume eight times as many oranges. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake and, if feasible, go for organic produce to maximize your health advantages.
As nutritious as fruit, and chocolate. Perhaps we should be urging you to eat more chocolate in addition to the prior advice to eat more fruit. According to research, chocolate might be just as healthy for you as fruit. Dark chocolate was discovered to have more disease-preventing antioxidants in experiments that contrasted it with fruit juices prepared from blueberries and pomegranate. Rejoice with food and drink trivia questions. Dark chocolate is preferable to milk chocolate for optimal health benefits since milk chocolate is more processed and has more added sugar, which lessens its advantages over dark chocolate.
Food and drink trivia questions
1. Fear of garlic is called

2. Which fatty acid is found in many fish and considered to be of a major health benefit?

Omega 3
3. What colour is a typical Maine lobster after it is cooked?

Red and orange
4. Kobe meat originates in which country?

5. English Toffee Day is in which month?

January (8th)
6. Wasabi is used in which type of food?

Japanese food, especially Sushi
7. What is affinage?

The maturation of cheese
8. What confectionary product is traditionally bought as a gift from a seaside holiday?

Sticks of rock
9. What is Arachibutyrophobia?

Fear of penut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
10. Preserved lemons are popular in Morocco, how are they preserved?

They are stuffed with salt and stored in brine or water
11. Which part of the lotus flower is frequently used in Asian cookery?

12. Fear of cooking is called

13. From which animal does Italian pancetta come from?

14. What kind of oranges are used to make marmalade?

Seville oranges
15. What is the main ingredient of Tarka Dahl?

16. What is the national dish of South Africa?

17. Lachanophobia is

Fear of vegetables
18. Which popular nut, grown in the Middle East, is green?

19. What does ‘artisan’ mean?

Made by small-scale producers with traditional methods
20. What is the name for the removal of the green and white stalks of a strawberry?

21. What nut does Waldorf Salad contain?

22. Fear of food is

23. Mole sauce often has which sweet treat in it?

24. For what dish is air injected under a duck’s skin to separate it from the fat?

Peking Duck
25. Brown shrimp are native to Morecambe Bay in England, but how are they preserved?

Potted – boiled and stored in seasoned butter
26. Tripe, popular in the North of England, is what?

The stomach, usually of a cow
27. Ichthyophobia is

Fear of fish
28. Which country has the highest usage per person of olive oil?

29. What is the main vegetable ingredient of moussaka?

30. What is a carbonade cooked in?

31. Fear of fat in food is called

32. What are the sugared almonds often used at weddings called?

33. What type of milk was mozzarella cheese originally made from?

Buffalo milk
34. What is laver?

35. Bovinophobia is

Fear of cattle
36. In which country do red onions originate?

37. What three main ingredients are added to mayonnaise to make a Waldorf salad?

Apple. celery and walnuts
38. What shape is the pasta called rigatoni?

39. What type of fish is in an Omelette Arnold Bennett?

Smoked haddock
40. What is couscous made from?

41. What is a Kugelhupf?

42. What is added to cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese?

Beer and garlic
43. What are the two main ingredients of a Hollandaise sauce?

Egg yolks and butter
44. What type of fish are Arbroath smokies?

45. Where does coulibiac originate and what is it?

Russia, fish pie
46. How does paella get its name?

From the pan that it’s cooked in
47. Which nut do you find in pesto?

48. Which luxury food shop has been in Piccadilly, London since 1707?

Fortnum and Mason
49. Which herb is in pesto sauce?

50. What is pancetta?

51. Which type of pasta’s name means “little worms”?

52. What is Roquefort cheese made from?

Ewe’s milk
53. Which vegetables can be Pentland Crown or Maris Bard?

Potatoes and cabbage
54. What is a Worcester Pearmain?

55. What is laver?

Beef Wellington
56. In which country do red onions originate?

57. What three main ingredients are added to mayonnaise to make a Waldorf salad?

Apple. celery and walnuts
58. What shape is the pasta called rigatoni?

59. What type of fish is in an Omelette Arnold Bennett?

Smoked haddock
60. What is couscous made from?

61. What is a Kugelhupf?

62. What is added to cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese?

Beer and garlic
63. What type of fish are Arbroath smokies?

64. What are the two main ingredients of a Hollandaise sauce?

Egg yolks and butter
65. Where does coulibiac originate and what is it?

Russia, fish pie
66. How does paella get its name?

From the pan that it’s cooked in
67. Which nut do you find in pesto?

68. Which luxury food shop has been in Piccadilly, London since 1707?

Fortnum and Mason
69. Which type of beans are used to make baked beans?

haricot beans
70. Bobotie is the national dish of which country?

South Africa
Greens and salads sold pre-packaged might not be clean. When you purchase pre-packaged salads and other fresh green vegetables, it has likely been washed, but how clean is it really? 39% of the 200+ samples of pre-washed salads tested positive for bacteria that would suggest contamination, according to a Consumer Reports investigation. Bookmark food and drink trivia questions easy. Similar findings were made by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, who discovered that certain leaves, in this case, spinach leaves, had multiple crevices and nooks where germs can persist even after washing. No of the packaging or other means by which they are delivered, the best suggestion is to properly wash all greens.
Chocolate may become scarce. Unfortunately, chocolate is at serious risk of running out for those of you who wish to enjoy the health advantages described above. Solve food and drink trivia questions for adults. First off, the rising demand for cocoa on a worldwide scale has caused prices of your favorite chocolate bars to increase (or the bars to get smaller). Additionally, there aren’t enough cacao plants to fulfill demand, which raises the prospect of a supply shortage. These rising mass markets include China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and Russia.
Coffee beans can be chewed to get rid of foul breath. Need to get rid of the garlic odor on your breath after eating too much of it? The answer, it seems, resides in the coffee bean, therefore those of you who choose to chew on some gum or even some extra-strong mints are doing it incorrectly. Yes, chewing on the roasted coffee beans can help you get rid of your garlic or onion breath to a certain extent. Enjoy food and drink trivia questions. Parsley or mint leaves are other effective alternatives for breath fresheners. Israeli researchers have discovered that coffee helps suppress the bacteria that cause foul breath, but it’s recommended to drink it black if you like to drink rather than chew your coffee.

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