Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, this football trivia for kids is a great repository for younger people at ease and free. In Scotland, a game called “football” was played as early as the 15th century. Although the Football Act of 1424 forbade the game, it wasn’t abolished until 1906. It is noteworthy as an early allusion to what some have regarded to be passing the ball that there is evidence of schoolboys playing a “football” ball game in Aberdeen in 1633 (some references mention 1636). The most recent translation of “pass” comes from the Latin phrases “huc percute” (strike it here) and “repercute pilam” (hit the ball again).
Let’s solve this football trivia for kids and learn many interesting issues. 99 Football trivia for kids is good to test their level of knowledge and gain new learning. Share this football trivia for kids. It’s not known if the players on the same team were smacking the ball. The word “metum,” which is the Latin equivalent of the English word “goal,” literally refers to the “pillar at each end of the circus track” in a Roman chariot race. It is implied that handling of the ball was permitted by the phrase “grab hold of the ball before [another player] does” (Praeripe illi pilam si possis agere). The original 1930 translation of one phrase reads, “Throw yourselves against him” (Age, objice te illi).
In 1409, when he issued a proclamation forbidding the levying of money for “foteball,” King Henry IV of England also provided one of the earliest recorded uses of the English word “football.” There is also a Latin report of football being played at Caunton, Nottinghamshire, around the end of the 15th century. This is the first time a “kicking game” and dribbling have both been described: Some refer to the game they played together as a kind of entertainment as the foot-ball game. A large ball is propelled by young men in a rural sport by striking and rolling it along the ground rather than hurling it into the air. They do this without using their hands and instead kick the ball in opposing directions with their feet. The chronicler makes the earliest mention of a football field, writing that “the game had begun” after the borders had been drawn.
The term “football” was first used in 1486 to refer to a ball rather than a game. The Book of St. Albans by Dame Juliana Berners has a reference to this. “A particular rounde instrument to play with,” it reads. “It is an instrument for the foote and is called in Latyn “pila pedalis,” or a fotebal.” King Henry VIII of England placed an order for a set of football boots in 1526. Sir Philip Sidney first mentioned women playing a specific type of football in a poem he wrote in 1580. “[A] tyme there is for all, my mother frequently says, When she, with skirts, tucked very hy, with girles at football playes,” he wrote.
Football multiple choice trivia quiz questions for kids
1. What is the first English team to win a European trophy?

2. Only one country has had two cities with two teams reach the semi-finals of the European Cup/Champions League that is

3. Who was born in international waters, whose birth certificate does not have a nation listed, it just says “Born at sea”?

4. Who first gained media attention when his youth team won a game 23-0 and he scored every single goal?

5. There is a lion in the Chelsea FC crest. Leo is the Latin word for

6. Who holds the record for the quickest Premier League goal?

7. Which country came up with the word soccer? It’s a shortened version of “Association Football” which got changed to “Assoc Football” which then got changed to “Soccer”.

8. Arsene Wenger has an asteroid named after him called

9. AC Milan was actually founded as a ______ team.

10. Gary and Phil Neville’s father is called

11. There are only two football teams in the Isles of Scilly –

11. Who is not just a footballer in his home country and helped stop a civil war in Ivory Coast after qualifying for the World Cup?

12. Fernando d’Ercoli, while playing for Pianta in 1989, got so mad after getting a red card that he

13. Brazilian striker Ronaldo got this ridiculous haircut at the 2002 World Cup so that

14. According to Mexico City police, crime rates in Mexico reduce when

15. Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes series, played keeper for Portsmouth under the name

16. Simon Mignolet started his career as a

17. Fernando Torres started his career as a

18. Who once played for Tottenham Hotspur?

19. Most red cards in a game is 36 (Claypole vs Victoriano Arenas) including substitutes and technical staff. True/ False?

20. The fastest Premier League hat-trick was by Sadio Mané for Southampton against Aston Villa in 2 minutes 56 seconds. Treu/ False?

21. Who is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the first and only person to score four consecutive hat-tricks?

22. Which Brazilian gaolkeeper scored 131 goals in his career, 64 goals more than the second most goal-rich keeper in history, Jose Luis Chilavert?

23. Which country appeared in 20 FIFA world cups, which is most by any team?

24. Who scored 13 goals against American Samoa in Australia’s 31–0 victory during the 2002 FIFA World Cup qualification?

25. Wich team hold the record for the most Champions League victories?

26. Who holds the record for the fastest red card in history?

27. The longest football club name in the world is:

28. Which team won just 1 La Liga title between 1960 and 1985?

29. What is the highest-scoring international footballer in the world that is still playing?

30. Manchester United’s highest home attendance is 83,260 for a match at ________, in January 1948, against Arsenal.

31. Which team were the first English club to play in Europe?

32. What is the only professional team in Britain with a “J” in their name?

33. Who scored a truly incredible 73 goals, making him the highest goalscorer in a single European campaign?

34. Who is the only Englishman to have played in a Champions League Final (for Liverpool v AC Milan), but never play for England?

35. Who scored in 21 consecutive La Liga games?

36. Which country has the most World Cup games (team)?

37. Which country has the most World Cup wins (team)?

38. Most World Cup victories (player) is

39. Most World Cup titles (team) is

40. Ronaldo (the Brazilian) has never won the Champions League despite playing for 5 teams that did. Zlatan Ibrahimovic has also never won the Champions League. True/ False?

41. Hosts that went out in the first round

42. Hosts who were runners-up

43. Hosts who became world champions

44. Largest average crowd per game

45. World Cup game with the most spectators

46. World Cup game with the fewest spectators

47. Most lost penalty shootouts in WC

48. Most won penalty shootouts

49. Most penalty shootouts (team)

50. Most World Cup knockout games

51. Longest run without a goal (team)

52. Longest run without a victory (team)

53. Longest losing streak (team)

54. Longest unbeaten run (team)

55. Longest World Cup winning streak (team)

56. Most World Cup defeats (team)

57. Most World Cup goals in the final

58. Most clean sheet games (team)

59. Most World Cup games without conceding a goal (goalkeeper)

60. Most World Cup goals against (goalkeeper)

61. Most World Cup goals (team)

62. First hat-trick (player) in WC

63. First Golden Goal in FIFA EC

64. The most penalties awarded (team) in FIFA WC

65. The fastest penalty in a FIFA WC match

66. First penalty (scored) is FIFA WC

67. Most yellow cards in one FIFA WC game

68. Most sending-offs in one game

69. First sending-off in World Cup history

70. Oldest coach at a World Cup

71. Youngest coach at a World Cup

72. World Cup titles (as player and coach)

73. Most World Cup titles (trainer)

74. Most World Cup victories (trainer)

75. Most World Cup games (coach)

76. Most World Cup participation (trainer)

77. Most World Cup minutes without conceding a goal (goalkeeper)

78. Fastest World Cup goal after kick-off

79. Highest World Cup win

80. World Cup match with most goals

81. The oldest world champion (player)

82. The oldest player in the game

83. Youngest world champion (player)

84. Youngest World Cup scorer

85. The youngest player in the game

86. First World Cup Goal (player)

87. Most goals in a FIFA game (player)

88. Most goals in a World Cup (player)

90. Most goals in a World Cup (team)

91. Most World Cup goals in the shortest time

92. Most World Cup goals in total (player)

93. Most World Cup goals (team)

94. Most World Cup game minutes on the pitch (player)

95. Most World Cup games contested (player)

96. Most World Cup titles (player)

97. Most World Cup participations (Players)

98. Which country has the most FIFA Finals (team)?

99. Most World Cup runners-up (team) is

100. Most frequent host in WC

In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, goals are first mentioned. John Norden and Richard Carew, writing in 1584 and 1602, respectively, discussed “goals” in Cornish hurling. They pitch two bushes in the ground, about eight or ten feet apart, and immediately against them, ten or twelve [twelve] score off, other twayne in similar distance, which they refer to as their goals, according to Carew. In addition, he is the first to discuss goalkeepers and interception of the ball by players.
The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green by John Day (performed around 1600; published 1659) contains the earliest direct mention of scoring a goal: “I’ll play a gole at camp-ball” (an extremely violent variety of football, which was popular in East Anglia). When the ball is thrown and driven to the goal, like in Michael Drayton’s lyric from 1613, “in squadrons they goe out,”
In order to commemorate the time between Epiphany and Lent, the city of Florence played a game in the Piazza Santa Croce that is now known as “calcio storico” (historic kickball). Young city aristocracy would dress up in luxurious silk robes and engage in a rough version of football. Players in calcio, for instance, could punch, shoulder charge, and kick adversaries. Below-the-belt strikes were permitted. According to rumors, the game started out as a military training exercise. Discorso sopra ‘l giuoco del Calcio Fiorentino was written in 1580 by Count Giovanni de’ Bardi di Vernio. This is allegedly the first set of regulations for a football game. After January 1739, the game was not played again (until it was revived in May 1930).
Throughout history, from the Middle Ages to the Present, there have been several efforts to outlaw football. More than 30 such laws were passed in England alone between 1314 and 1667 after the first one was enacted there in 1314. 6 In 1921, women were forbidden from participating in football at English and Scottish Football League venues; the prohibition was finally overturned in the 1970s. In certain regions of the world, issues comparable to these still exist for female players. Additionally, there was movement to outlaw American football. Old division football, a popular variation of the game played in the 19th century that originated as mob football in medieval Europe, was outlawed in some communities by the middle of the century. The game has changed by the 20th century to resemble rugby more. American president Theodore Roosevelt hosted a meeting that year that resulted in significant rule changes that caused the sport to significantly diverge from its rugby roots and become more like the sport as it is played today. In 1905, there were calls to outlaw American football in the U.S. due to its violence.

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