Do you suppose that you realize your greatest pal very properly or you could have recognized all the things about friendship if sure then you’re positively going to take pleasure in this sport with these Friends trivia questions and answers. It is going to assist you a large number to make your relationship greatest with your folks and get a chance to know extra about your folks. You might ask some humorous, emotional, or difficult inquiries to your Friends trivia questions and answers.
Friends TV show Trivia Questions and Answers Printable
1. Chandler dumps Janice on these two holidays
New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day
2. The father of Rachel’s baby is a secret for a while, and all they have to go on is the sweater he left in her apartment. What color was the infamous sweater?
3. Who is the father of Rachel’s baby?
4. Janice’s ex-husband owns a company that sells…?
5. Which two characters put a turkey on their head?
Joey and Monica
6. Who is pregnant at Monica and Chandler’s wedding?
7. What is Joey dressed as when he shows up to Monica and Chandler’s wedding?
An army uniform
8. What is Phoebe’s fake name/alter ego?
Regina Phalange
9. What is actually Rachel’s favorite movie?
Weekend at Bernies
10. In the episode “The One With the Ball” which friend doesn’t touch the ball?
11. Why did Phoebe hate the PBS network?
Because she wrote a letter to Sesame Street that was ignored
12. Monica and Rachel almost get kicked out of their apartment because of their building’s superintendent. What was his name?
13. What character does Paul Rudd play?
Mike, Phoebe’s boyfriend
14. What does Phoebe legally change her name to?
Princess Consuela Banana Hammock
15. In their college days, Ross and Chandler have a band. What was it called?
Way, No Way
16. Which character plays Dr. Drake Ramorey in Days Of Our Lives?
17. How many pages was Rachel’s letter to Ross?
18 pages, front and back
18. What game do the friends play when they’re at the beach house?
Strip Happy Days
19. How old was Monica when she learned how to tell time?
20. Why is Ross suspended from the museum for a month?
Anger issues because someone ate his sandwich
21. Which character says “could I be wearing any more clothes?”
22. Which cast member was the youngest when the show started?
Matthew Perry
23. Before it got changed, what was the number of Monica and Rachel’s apartment?
24. Before it got changed, what was the number of Chandler and Joey’s apartment?
25. After Friends ended, Matt LeBlanc got a spin-off show. What was it called?
26. What is Chandler’s father’s job?
A drag queen in Vegas
27. What was the name of Chandler’s psycho roommate?
28. Bruce Willis guest-stars as a character on the show. Who does he play?
Paul, Rachel’s boyfriend
29. What name does Ross say at his wedding?
30. What does Rachel say is Chandler’s job?
31. What is Phoebe’s profession?
32. What language does Phoebe try to teach Joey?
33. Monica dates a millionaire for a few episodes. What was his name?
34. During one of the Christmas episodes, Ross entertains his son Ben by dressing up as…?
The Holiday Armadillo
35. When talking about Ross and Rachel’s relationship, Phoebe says they are each others’ ___?
36. What were the names of the two people who were in the “I Hate Rachel Green Club”?
Ross and Will
37. What is the name of Dr. Drake Ramorey’s twin brother?
Striker Ramorey
38. Where did Monica and Chandler first get together?
In London, at Ross’ wedding
39. What is Monica’s biggest pet peeve?
Animals dressed as humans
40. Which actor hated Marcel (Ross’ monkey)?
David Schwimmer
41. Which character tells his girlfriend he’s moving to Yemen?
42. What was Chandler’s address in Yemen?
15 Yemen Road, Remen
43. Where are Monica and Ross performing their 8th-grade dance routine?
Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve
44. Rachel and Ross buy the same tables from a place that Phoebe hates. What’s the store called?
Pottery Barn
45. According to Phoebe, someone dies every time she goes to ___?
The dentist
46. What is Ross’ fantasy?
Princess Leia
47. What is on the door at Chandler and Joey’s apartment?
A Magna Doodle
48. Who gets stuck in a pair of leather pants?
49. Where does Monica lose a fingernail?
In a quiche
50. Who puts on their resume that they can drink a gallon of milk in under 10 seconds?
51. What movie does Rachel claim is her favorite?
Dangerous Liaisons
52. Which one of the friends married a gay ice dancer?
53. What game show did Joey appear on?
54. What is the name of the white-haired barista?
55. Phoebe Buffay has a twin. What’s her name?
56. Where was Rachel’s first job?
Central Perk
57. How was Joey’s character written off on Days Of Our Lives?
He falls down an elevator shaft
58. Which character stole the comic book, Science Boy, from Ross?
59. What is Rachel’s fear?
60. In the episode where they are all trying to win the lottery, why does Phoebe drop the bowl of lottery tickets?
A bird scared her
61. What is Joey’s fake name?
Ken Adams
62. Which character owns a pet monkey?
63. What was baby Emma’s first word?
64. What was the game Chandler made up so he could give money to Joey?
65. Which one of the friends does Joey live with and realize he’s falling in love with?
66. Who marries Chandler and Monica?
67. What is the name of Rachel’s hairless cat?”
Mrs. Whiskerson
68. Who does Chandler get stuck with within the ATM vestibule?
Victoria’s Secret model Jill Goodacre
69. Which character gives birth to triplets?
70. According to Monica, how many erroneous zones does a woman have?
71. Why did Phoebe break up with Gary the cop?
Because he shot a bird
72. Who is Mr. Heckles?
Monica and Rachel’s downstairs neighbor
73. In which car the Phoebe Briefly live?
A Buick Lesabre

74. How many roses send to Emily by the Ross?
75. What was the job of Susie Moss?
Makeup artist
76. Which type of business has Emily’s Parents?
Interior Designing
77. What kind of stuffed animal does Joey sleep with?
A penguin
78. Phoebe dates a scientist named David, who ends up moving away to try and make a scientific discovery. Where does he move to?
79. The fridge in Joey’s apartment breaks…what does he do?
Eat all the food
80. Which character said the memorable line, “Pivot”?
81. At one point during the show, Joey has a girlfriend named Kathy. Which one of the friends falls in love with her by accident?
82. What is the name of the character who speaks first?
83. What are the sisters’ names of Joey?
Tina, Angela, Dina, Maria, Gina, Maria Theresa, Cookie and Veronica.
84. What is the biggest pet peeve of Monica?
Animals dressed as humans
85. Who said that ‘Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.’?
86. At Ralph Lauren what is the name of an executive who interviews Rachel?
87. In the pilot episode what was the name of whom Rachel was supposed to marry?
88. At Monica’s apartment to whom Rachel was talking on the phone?
Her Father
89. What was the name of the place where Rachel was going on her honeymoon?
90. What was the name of the person who helped Ross to set up a new apartment?
Chandler and Joey
91. What was the name of Ross’ bald girlfriend?
92. What is in the locked closet of Monica?
A whole bunch of junk
93. Which character was delivered in the final line of the episode?
94. The Ross monkey’s name was?
95. The pocking device of the giant was made of?
96. About which country the Chandler tell Janice where he’s moving to?
97. The Stuffed animal of Joey is known as?
98. How many sisters have Joey?
99. Who steals the watch of Ross?
100. Who said that “On second thought, Gum would be perfection?”?
101. “They don’t know that we know they know we know,” said?
102. Who said that “You were my first kiss ever”?
103. What is the name of a Friends cast member who never hosted Live on Saturday night?
Matt LeBlanc
104. What day is Thursday according to Joey?
105. What is the name of a person who sings the theme song?
The Rembrandts
106. What is the middle name of Ross?
107. What is the name of a friend who has a tattoo?
108. What was the name of the person who said that ‘Could I be wearing any more clothes’?
109. What is the favorite drink of Dr. Green?
Scotch Neat
110. Who was not on the ‘List’ of Ross?
Isabella Rosellini
111. What is the name of a friend who has been kissed by all other friends?
112. To give the money of Joey what game the Chandler was made?
113. In the early show seasons what was the job of Chandler?
IT procurements manager
114. When Monica was getting stung by jellyfish who peed on her leg?
115. At Phoebe and Rachel’s apartment which thing became a cause of the fire?
Hair straightener of Rachel
116. What is Joey’s special?
Ordering two pizzas at the same time
117. About which famous person was Phoebe believes is her grandfather?
Albert Einstein
118. To thanksgiving which dessert Rachel tries to make?
119. What is the name of Dr. Drake Ramorey’s twin brother?
Striker Ramorey
120. Which song Ross was singing when Emma starts to cry?
Baby got back
121. Which toy is always on the door of Joey and Chandler?
A Magna Doodle
122. What was the porn film Ursula is called?
Buffay the vampire layer
123. Melanie works in which industry?
Fruit basket business
124. From which thing Monica was allergic?
Cat Hair
125. From where do the duck and chick come?
First Joey buys a chick for Chandler and then Chandler buys a duck
126. What is the name of a friend who has only nine toes?
127. Where the boyfriend of Phoebe did move?
128. What thing was Monica Receives from her father?
129. In the Final season, Phoebe changed her name to?
Princess Consuela Bananahammock
130. Where was the official first date of Ross and Rachel?
The Planetarium
131. What is the favorite flower of Rachel?
132. Where Rachel, Monica, and Ross did attends their high school?
Lincoln High
133. What was the name of the twin children of Monica and Chandler?
Jack and Erica
134. For towels, Monica has how many categories?
135. What is the name of the youngest friend?
136. What name was Joey given to his recliner?
137. The show of Chandler’s dad is known as?
Viva Las Gaygas
138. What is the name of a person who speaks the last ever line in friends?
139. What was the name of Chip Matthews’s motorcycle?
The Chipper
140. In Ross Apartment what insect was in the painting?
141. What was the address of Phoebe’s apartment?
Morton St., Apartment 14
142. When was the birthday of Chandler Bing?
April 8, 1968
143. In which plays the Joey and Kate played the role of a star?
Boxing Day
144. Tell the name of Phoebe Ex who ate a calk?
145. What was the color of the coffee cup magnet of Monica?
Green, Blue, and Yellow
146. Which character was in most episodes?
Susan Bunch
147. What are the names of the animals that Chandler and Joey keep in their apartment?
The chick and the duck
148. What are the names of Monica and Chandler’s kids?
Jack and Erica
149. What was the name of the self-defense form Ross tries to teach Phoebe and Rachel?
150. What is the name of the paleontologist that both Ross and Joey date?
151. The Imaginary Friend of Joey is known as?
152. What is the name of the person who said I’m Not Very Fond Of New York’?
153. What was the name of the Laundry Detergent that Ross used just to impress Rachel?
154. In the Central Perk what color of the couch was used?
155. What was the name of Phoebe’s twin sister?
156. What is the name of the pairing who never kissed on the show?
Chandler and Rachel
157. What was the number of Monica’s apartment?
158. What was the name of the bedtime penguin pal of Joey?
159. What was the middle name of Phoebe?
She doesn’t have a middle name
160. Which is the favorite food of Joey?
161. Who said that “Stupid British snack food”?
162. What was the name of the place where Chandler go to hide with cold feet?
His Office
163. What is the name of the person who said that ‘We could eat the wax? It’s organic’?
164. What tattoo was Phoebe gets?
The world from far away
165. What was the name of a female paleontologist who was dated by both Joey and Ross?
166. What is the middle name of Chandler?
167. What was the thing to which Ross was not allergic?
168. What is the full name of Joey?
Joseph Francis Tribbiani
169. At which place the very first scene was taken place?
Central Park
170. Balderdash has been around for how many years?
171. Bezzerwizzer game name was taken from which language?
172. The famous sitcom “Friends” was first aired on which date? do you remember the date?
September 22, 1994
173. The sitcom Friends was first time on aired by which broadcast company?
NBC (National Broadcasting Company)
174. Do you remember the name of the main characters of the sitcom “Friends”?
There were 6 main characters and their names are Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer
175. Between November and December 1993, what was the name of the sitcom “Friends”?
Insomnia Cafe
176. The show was filmed in a famous studio in California. Do you know the name of that studio?
Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank
177. In which episode the Joey Explain “Moo Point”?
The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs
178. With which name the Amy mistakenly keep calling Emma?
179. How many years old board game is the Trivial Pursuit?
40 years old
180. Are there any versions of the Trivial Pursuit board game?
181. When Trivial Pursuit was released?
182. Which friendship game won multiple awards?
Wits & Wagers
183. Wits & Wagers was first released in which year?
184. Which game has sold copies of more than 2.5 million?
Smart Ass
185. The Smart Ass board game was released by which company?
University Games
186. Can you get a Friends TV show trivia board game?
187. Which Australian trivia game is best to play with family as well as with friends?
OZ Quiz
188. Which game won the award for game of the year?
Wits End
189. Who was Monica’s first kiss?
190. Which one of Phoebe’s songs gets turned into a music video?
‘Smelly Cat”
191. What is the name of the person they watch through their window?
Ugly Naked Guy
192. What is Phoebe Buffay’s birth mother’s name?
193. How many sisters does Joey Tribbiani have?
194. What’s inside the secret closet in Monica’s apartment?
195. What was the name of Joey’s imaginary best friend when he was a child?
196. Chandler Bing receives a magazine from TV Guide but it’s addressed to the wrong name. What’s the name?
“Miss Chanandler Bong”
197. Which one of the friends got mugged when they were younger?
198. What is Phoebe’s brother’s name?
Frank Jr.
199. What is Ross’s profession?
200. What is Joey’s agent’s name?
201. How many seasons of the show are there?
202. What instrument does Phoebe play?
203. What hangs on the back of the door in Monica’s apartment?
Yellow picture frame
204. What is Chandler Bing’s middle name?
205. What does Monica Geller do for a living?
She’s a chef
206. Which two characters were friends in high school?
Monica and Rachel
207. It’s the first episode and Rachel has run away from her wedding. What was the name of the man she was going to marry?
208. Which one of Joey’s sisters did Chandler hook up with?
Mary Angela
209. Joey doesn’t share….?
210. In the theme tune, how many claps are there?
211. Complete the quote “”______-seven, ______-seven, ______-seven . . . seven.”?
Four, Five and Six
212. “Girls tend not to like me” said by?
213. Who said that “You are over me? When you were under me?”
214. What is the name of the person who said: “Here come the meat sweats…”?
215. The memorable line “Pivot” was said by?
216. “Joey Doesn’t Share”?
217. Who said that “Just take off your shirt and tell us”?
218. “Who serves steak when there’s no place to sit” said by which character?
219. Who said, “Oh My Gawd”?
220. “Pick up the sock. Pick up the sockkkkk” said by which character?
221. What was the name of the Ross comic book that Phoebe stole?
Science Boy
222. What is the name of the magazine that was sent to ‘Miss Chanandler Bong?
TV Guide
223. What was the last name of Amanda?
224. On the wall of Joey’s bedroom which poster was hung?
225. Rachel spells which word wrong on her Resume?
226. Tell the name of Ursula’s fiancé?
227. What is the fake name of Joey?
Ken Adams
228. When the Wits End was released?
In 1995
229. How much rating the Matter of Fact board game has on Amazon?
4.1 star
230. Matter of Fact is invented by which company?
Game Development Group
231. Monica categorizes her towels….how many categories are there?
232. What body part does Phoebe find inside a can of soda?
A human thumb
233. Monica dated one of her parents’ friends. What was his name?
234. What is Richard’s job?
Ophthalmologist, aka an eye doctor
235. What does Phoebe do for her brother Frank Jr. and his wife?
Have their baby.
236. Who sets up Phoebe and Mike?
237. What is the name of Ross’ first wife?
238. How many times has Ross been married?
3 times
239. What is Joey’s profession?
240. Who was Ross’ best friend in college?
241. What is the nickname Monica’s dad gives her?
Little Harmonica
242. Which friends ate cheesecake off the floor?
Chandler and Rachel
243. After Richard and Monica break up, what does Monica become obsessed with?
Making jam
245. In the episode where the gang goes to Barbados, Monica and Mike play a game of ping-pong. Who scores the winning point?

246. What is the phrase that Joey Tribbiani is famous for?
“How you doin’?”
247. Who peed on Monica when she got stung by a jellyfish?
248. Where did Ross and Rachel get married while drunk?
249. What was the name of the dancer Joey lived with?
250. Which famous fashion designer guest-starred during an episode?
Ralph Lauren
251. What was Rachel’s childhood dog’s name?
252. What sport do the friends play on Thanksgiving?
253. Who did Phoebe think her grandfather was?
Albert Einstein
254. Chandler falls asleep during a work meeting and accidentally agrees to move to which city/state?
Tulsa, OK
255. For a while, Ross owns a pet monkey named Marcel. What happened to him?
Ross gives him away to a zoo and Marcel then becomes a movie star
256. Which show do Chandler and Joey bond over when they first move in together?
257. Which one of the friends dates Rachel’s boss at Bloomingdales?
258. What color are the kitchen cabinets in Monica’s apartment?
259. What was the name of Rachel’s assistant at Ralph Lauren, who she ends updating?
260. Who plays Monica Geller?
Courteney Cox
261. The Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman said the studio audience wanted these two characters to fall in love. Who were they?
Monica and Joey
262. Whose real-life pregnancy was written into the show?
Lisa Kudrow
263. In the series finale, what do each of the characters do?
Put their keys on the counter
264. Who is the first person to profess his love to Rachel in the series finale? (Hint: Not Ross)
265. Who says the last line on the show?
266. Which two characters fight whether or not they were on a break?
Ross and Rachel
267. After Rachel gives birth and is still in the hospital, she gets engaged to one of her friends—by accident. Who is the friend?
268. Rachel plans a birthday party for her daughter Emma. What was the cake supposed to be in the shape of?
A bunny rabbit
269. Which character had three nipples?
270. Who walks in on Monica and Chandler having sex at the hospital?
Monica’s dad
271. What is the name of the song that Ross sings to his daughter Emma to get her to stop crying?
“I Like Big Butts”
272. Which friend gets her identity stolen?
273. Which friend hates Thanksgiving and why?
Chandler because that was when his parents announced they were getting a divorce
274. At the end of the series, where is Rachel boarding a flight?
275. What does Phoebe tell Rachel to get off the plane?
There’s something wrong with the left phalange on the plane
276. In the series finale, Chandler and Monica move into a house in NJ. Who is their neighbor?
277. What are the real names of the actors who play friends?
Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer
278. Was the show originally titled?
Insomnia Cafe
279. Ben Stiller makes a guest appearance in one episode. Who does he date?
280. The white dog that’s in Joey and Chandler’s apartment originally belonged to a cast member… who?
Jennifer Aniston
281. What is the name of the band that sings the song in the opening credits?
The Rembrandts
282. In Monica’s Apartment, what is the color of the Ottoman?
283. In the pilot episode which food was shared by Ross And Rachel?
An Oreo
284. What was the number of Monica’s apartment?
285. Joey’s Cabbage Patch Kid is known as?
Alicia May Emory
286. ‘Morning’s Here…’ What are the complete lyrics of this song?
Morning is here
287. What is the name of the only actor who never hosted an SNL episode?
Matt Leblanc
288. Which number of the season is only one without an episode of Thanksgiving?
289. What was the name of two British boys with whom Ross Plays Rugby?
Liam and Devon
290. What was originally Monica really wanting to call her kids?
Emma and Daniel
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