Funny true or false questions and answers list is a good opportunity for fun and amusement. As long as you go on, you will find charm and thrill. Life is full of challenges, where some light and interesting funny true or false questions and answers list can be a great collection and sharable to your social network, friend, and pals. In 2000, the Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist Leninist’s Guerrilla Units attacked a Nationalist Movement Party headquarters in Istanbul, killing one person and injuring three others. Enjoy these funny true or false questions and answers list.
Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984, pledging to return Hong Kong to China in 1997. In 1967, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his show, CBS renamed CBS-TV Studio 50 in New York (built-in 1927 as Hammerstein’s Theatre) “The Ed Sullivan Theater.” Share these funny true or false questions and answers list
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a Soviet author, declines to accept his Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970, fearing that the USSR would prohibit him from returning. In 1974, after being deported, he accepts. The residents of Geneva withstood a surprise invasion by soldiers of the Duke of Savoy and his brother-in-law, Philip III of Spain, in 1602. Since then, it has been known as Fête de l’Escalade.
In 1282, in Cilmeri, near Builth Wells, south Wales, Llywelyn ab Gruffydd/Llywelyn the Last, the last native Prince of Wales, is assassinated. From 1259 until 1259, he reigned. Have fun with these funny true or false questions and answers list. In late medieval England’s first recorded case involving same-sex intercourse, John “Eleanor” Rykener, a male cross-dressing prostitute, is taken to court in London in 1395 for “committing that loathsome unmentionable and humiliating vice” (verdict unknown)
The Battle of Fredricksburg takes place in Virginia in 1862, between Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Major General Ambrose Burnside’s Union Army of the Potomac. South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and Incoming South Wales state cricket associations met with new Prime Minister John Curtin in 1941 and decided to suspend all interstate first-class matches for the duration of WWII. Grab these funny true or false questions and answers list.
Funny true or false questions and answers list
1. The probability that you in any glass of water will find at least 1 molecule of water once drunk by Cleopatra is practically 100%.

2. You replace every particle in your body every seven years. You are literally not the same person you were 7 years ago.

3. Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.

4. There are more cars than people in Los Angeles.

5. Cotton Candy was invented by a soldier.

6. Just before the Nazis invaded Paris, H.A. and Margret Rey fled on bicycles. They were carrying the manuscript for Curious George.

7. There are more atoms in a single glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans of the Earth.

8. Jupiter and Saturn have diamond rain.

9. Wilford Brimley was Howard Hughes' bodyguard.

10. In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are eaten by other humans annually.

11. Dolphins have names for each other and can call out for each other specifically.

12. Two-thirds of Africa is in the Northern Hemisphere.

13. Sloths will mistakenly grab their arms instead of the branches of a tree, which can lead to fatal falls.

14. Goats have square pupils.

15. A Blue Whale's heart is the size of a VW Beetle and large enough that you could swim through its arteries.

16. 54 million people alive right now will be dead within 12 months.

17. Some of the first examples of graffiti come from 1st century Pompeii, where messages like “I don’t want to sell my husband” and “Successes was here” were written on walls.

18. Airplane food isn't very tasty because of our sense of smell and taste decrease by 20 to 50 percent during flights.

19. Prairie dogs say hello with bites.

20. An adult is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms. For perspective, there’s a ‘measly’ 300,000,000,000 (300 billion) stars in our galaxy.

21. In 30 minutes, the human body gives off enough heat to bring a gallon of water to a boil.

22. The Dancing Plague of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Spain, where people danced without rest for a month straight.

23. Humans share 98% of their DNA with bananas.

24. Cookie Monster's real name is Sid.

25. Along with the five traditional senses of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste, humans have 15 “other senses.” These include balance, temperature, pain and time as well as internal senses for suffocation, thirst, and fullness.

26. The average hummingbird's heart rate is more than 200 beats per minute.

27. While working on Pac-Man, video game designer Tohru Iwantani was allegedly inspired by the shape of a pizza with one slice removed.

28. Half of all humans who have ever lived have died from malaria.

29. Human fingers are so sensitive that if your fingers were the size of Earth, you could feel the difference between a house and a car.

30. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.

31. A large percentage of the budget for Monty Python and the Holy Grail was donated by members of Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

32. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ballpoint pen.

33. The New York Yankees have won as many World Series as the next four closest teams combined.

34. More people in the world currently suffer from hunger than from obesity.

35. The longest interval between the birth of twins is 87 days.

36. The USA is an older country than Germany.

37. A mosquito has 107 teeth.

38. Of all the people in history that have reached 65 years of age, half of them are living right now.

39. The first Native Americans to help the Pilgrims, named Samoset and Tisquantum ("Squanto"), could both speak English before having met the settlers.

40. It takes a photon 200,000 years to travel from the core of the Sun to the surface, then just a little over 16 minutes from the Sun’s surface to your eyeball.

41. "Rain of fish" is an annual weather event in which hundreds of fish rain from the sky onto the Honduran city of Yoro.

42. Jousting is the official sport of the state texas.

43. When your mother was born, she was already carrying the egg that would become you.

44. There is a garbage swirl in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas.

45. The oldest person on Earth was born closer to the signing of the United States Constitution than today.

46. Crabs are monogamous life mates and travel in pairs, holding each other’s tails.

47. Multiple "Marlboro Men" have died from lung cancer.

48. If the human brain were a computer, it could perform 18 thousand-trillion operations per second.

49. There's a basketball court above the Supreme Court. It's known as the Highest Court in the Land.

50. The population of Ireland is still 2 million less than it was before the potato famine, 160 years ago.

51. Facebook engineers originally wanted to call the "Like" button the "Great" button.

52. If "The Simpsons" aged normally, Bart would now be older than Marge was in the first season.

53. Janis Joplin left $2,500 in her will for her friends to "have a ball after I’m gone."

54. Velociraptors were slightly bigger than the hummingbird

55. In a 2008 survey, 58% of British teenagers thought Sherlock Holmes was a real guy, while 20% thought Winston Churchill was not.

56. The total weight of all the leaves on Earth is greater than the total weight of all the humans on the planet.

57. Google's founders were willing to sell to Excite for under $1 million in 1999—but Excite turned them down.

58. Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body.

59. The average adult human has one to two pounds of bacteria in his or her body.

60. More than 2,500 left-handed people are killed every year from using equipment meant for right-handed people.

61. Snakes shed 40 pounds of skin in their lifetime, completely replacing their outer skin every month.

62. A TI-83 calculator has six times more processing power than the computer that landed Apollo 11 on the moon.

63. The average four-year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day.

64. Psychology is the brain trying to comprehend itself.

65. Fredric Baur invented the Pringles can. When he passed away in 2008, his ashes were buried in one.

66. Sharks kill 4 times as many people like vending machines per year.

Along with their own food, the Arabs introduced their own culinary customs to Indonesia. The prevalence of Yemeni food in Indonesia, such as Nasi kebuli, Mandi rice, Ka’ak cookies, Murtabak, or lamb Maraq, demonstrates the impact of Hadhrami immigration on Indonesian cuisine (lamb soup or stew).
Genealogies are mostly patrilineal, as is typical in Middle Eastern countries. [32] In Sayyid households, patrilineality is even more pronounced; a child born between a non-Hadhrami man and a Hadhrami woman is not regarded as a Sayyid. [27] Many of the Hadhrami migrants originated in Hadhramaut, in locations like Seiyun, Tarim, Mukalla, Shibam, or other Hadhramaut locales.
There haven’t been many if any, studies or DNA samples taken from Arab Indonesians. According to speculation, the DNA haplogroups J, L, and R, with a higher likelihood of J-M267 traces, are those seen among Arab Indonesians. Additionally prevalent is haplogroup G-PF3296, particularly among Sayyids of Hadhramaut origin. Due to intermarriage between Indonesians and Yemenis, the existence of mtDNA R9 haplogroups among Arab Indonesians is projected.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland (Free State), and Newfoundland were granted total legislative independence by the Statute of Westminster in 1931. (not then part of Canada) Funny true or false questions and answers list will divulge a lot of unknown facts that you did not know. Let’s test your level by practicing these funny true or false questions and answers list.
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This is interesting i have learnt a lot of new things. thanks for sharing