General knowledge questions and answers for kids give them a lot of broadness of mind as well as immense scope to harness a level of understanding. Challenge your kid to locate the card with the number 2 and determine the day of the week the next day. It may be beneficial to sing the Days of the Week song. Your kid will start to comprehend the calendar and the number system. Additionally, Allyn noted that “routines comfort toddlers in ways adults frequently forget.” By constructing a weather window, your child may become a junior meteorologist. Have your youngster use any creative medium to create a depiction of the day’s weather on a sheet of blank white paper (8″ x 11″). (crayons, markers, watercolors). Then, to depict a window frame and panes, cut three long (11″ x 1″) and three short (8″ x 1″) strips from brown construction paper.
Kids are the future generation, and they must be thought in such a way so that every kid can turn into a loyal citizen, and knowledgeable. Blowing your nose in public is frowned upon in Japan. Fermented rice is used to make sake in Japan. The first fortune cookie was created in Kyoto, Japan, in the nineteenth century. Japan is absolutely unique, so if you want to do something unusual, I’d suggest staying there for at least three to four weeks, getting to know the locals as well as you can (the Japanese are incredibly kind and frequently speak decent English), and fully immersing yourself in Japanese culture. Contrary to popular belief, traveling to Japan need not be prohibitively expensive. To locate fantastic properties to rent straight from the owner, use Airbnb or VRBO. A cautious kid can change the world in the future. General knowledge questions and answers for kids’ quiz trivia
We would not underestimate a kid’s passion and merit, general knowledge questions and answers for kids are witty and full of humor, facts, and picturesque. In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo played a lonely, solitary character who suffered abuse because of his physical peculiarities. In order to keep him private and avoid having to take care of him, his caregiver, Claude Frollo, locked him up in a bell tower. Later, during a festival, he ran upon Esmeralda, a sympathetic Romani who was attempting to flee Frollo. She was the first person to extend charity to Quasimodo, and the two assisted one other. He served as evidence that what really matters is on the inside, not the outside. Despite how the world regarded him, Quasimodo refused to allow his physical peculiarities to define him and remained amiable and upbeat. He served as an inspiration to many by demonstrating the power of compassion. Allow the children general knowledge questions and answers for kids printable so that they can practice them from time to time, and grow a habit of continuous learning
From the middle of the 17th century, the captain-general, who held a role akin to the Spanish viceroys, was referred to as viceroy. The term “viceroy” was first used to refer to the English crown’s rulers of Ireland in the fourteenth century, and it was also used from 1858 and 1935 to refer to the British governor-general of India. Let’s solve these general knowledge questions and answers for kids’ printable quizzes.
General knowledge questions and answers for kids
1. Which country has no television?
As per google search, there are 20 countries without Television
2. Which company has the motto: Fly the friendly skies?
United Airlines
3. Who has a famous speech: First Inaugural Address?
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
4. What is Melanophobia?
Fear of the color black
5. What is the value of Pi (π)?
Approximately 3.14159
6. What is the sign for Addition, Add, Sum, Plus, Increase, or Total?
7. What is the plural form of “furniture”?
8. Phobia is a word that originated from which language?
9. Space is absolutely silent as there’s no atmosphere for sound to travel through! True or false?
10. What is the oldest TV channel in the world?
WRGB (then W2XB)
11. Iconic world landmark CN Tower is situated in which city in Canada?
12. It isn’t possible to walk on planets like Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, or Uranus, why?
Because they don’t have a solid surface! They’re mostly made up of different gases.
13. What is the highest mountain known to man?
Present on an asteroid called Vesta and is 22km in height: thrice as big as Everest
14. Who is a hobbler?
A person who tows boats on a canal or river
15. There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth. Tree or false?
16. Sidney, Australia is situated at the bank of which river?
17. What are the two most common scales of temperature?
Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F)
18. Who was the second man to walk on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin
19. Taliban women are required by law to wear what on left arms?
Tattoo of the husband’s name
20. What is meant by a dozen?
12 items
21. Which city is called– The Hub?
22. What is CaCo3?
Chalk (Marble)

23. There is a place named “Beaver Dam” in which country?
New Brunswick, Canada
24. What is the sign for Subtraction, Subtract, Minus, Less, Difference, Decrease, Take Away, or Deduct?
25. Which country had the first public TV?
Soviet Union (1945)
26. What is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, after Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?
27. What is Earth’s largest and only natural satellite?
The Moon
28. There are more bacteria in your mouth than the human population of the United States and Canada combined. T/F?
29. Earth is the only planet in our solar system known to support life. True or false?
30. The moon doesn’t emit any light of its own. True or false?
True. The light from the sun’s rays bounces off of the moon and reaches the Earth in a matter of 1.25 seconds. This is how we get moonlight.
31. River Danube flows through how many countries?
32. What does the high priestess mean in tarot cards?
Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed; the woman who interests the Querent, if male; the Querent herself, if female; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science.
32. What is the sign for Multiplication, Multiply, Product, By, Times, or Lots Of?
33. What is known to be the largest living structure on Earth?
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia
34. What is Microphobia?
Fear of small things
35. What is the sign of Degree (temperature)?
The symbol for degrees is °
36. What is the only word in English that ends with MT?
37. What is the oldest TV network in the world?
38. Horses named Truxton, Sam Patches, Emily, Lady Nashville, and Bolivia; Pol the parrot; ponies – which US Presidents?
Andrew Jackson
39. What 7-letter word has no vowels?
40. There is a place named “Beer Bottle Crossing” in which US state?
41. What’s the luckiest card?
The Ace of Spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card)
42. What is the longest 1-syllable word?
43. Tokyo, Japan is situated at the bank of which river?
44. What is the longest word with all vowels?
8 Euouae
45. How many cells die in the human body every minute?
Three hundred million
46. What is a word that has all the vowels in order?
accession country.
47. Who is a higgler?
A peddler of dairy products and small game (also, a haggler, or someone who negotiates for lower prices)
48. When did the 1st TV come out?
July 2, 1928
49. Iconic world landmark Niagara Falls is situated in which country?
Canada & USA
50. What is Chloroform?
51. A Fraction is what?
… part of a whole.
52. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia spans about how much area and is composed of coral islands and reefs?
2,000 kilometres
53. What does the Moon mean in tarot cards?
Hidden enemies, danger
54. Even light can’t survive in a black hole. True or false?
55. In which the year computer was invented?
1822. The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage (1822) but was not built until 1991!
56. Which company has the motto: Quality never goes out of style?

57. Who invented the school?
Horace Mann
58. What is 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679?
The first 100 digits of pi
59. Men are ten times more likely than women to have what?
Colour Blindness
60. What is the first computer in the world?
ENIAC computing
61. Tarot cards shouldn’t be taken 100% to heart. True or false?
62. What is the company motto of Burger King?
Have it your way
63. What is a Decimal Number?
… a number that contains a Decimal Point.
64. What causes waves and tides in the ocean?
The gravitational pull from the moon and the sun keep changing
65. Who created the character Parker Pyne?
Agatha Christie
66. What is the shortest word with all vowels?
67. Who is a hayward?
An official responsible for fences and hedges
68. There is a place named “Berry Head” in which country?
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
69. Who many Earths could fit inside the sun?
1 million
70. The threshold pain of women is how many times stronger than men?
9 times
71. Who is the national poet in Jordan?
Mustafa Wahbi al-Tal
72. Is there a word with all 26 letters?
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
73. Vienna, Austria is situated at the bank of which river?
74. What is the sign for Division, Divide, Quotient, Goes Into, or, How Many Times?
75. Archimedes lived in which city?
76. Who was the 3 person to walk on the moon?
Charles “Pete” Conrad
77. What property represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter?
78. How many times have humans walked on the moon?
79. Never expect a Tarot card reading to predict someone’s future. True or false?
80. What is the percentage?
… parts per 100. The symbol is %
81. Who found pi?
Archimedes of Syracuse

82. In the observable universe, there are how many galaxies like the Milky Way?
About 100 billion
83. Who is the first person a newly elected Pope meets?
His tailor measured him
84. What is the Degree (temperature)?
A measure of temperature (how hot or cold it is)
85. It takes the light from the Sun about how much time to reach Earth?
About 8 munites
86. What percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water?
About 70%
87. What is the sign of Sodium bicarbonate?
88. How many countries have walked on the moon?
3 nations, The United States, the Soviet Union, and China
89. Humans have only been around for what percentage of the time that Earth has existed?
0.1 – 0.2%
90. Who’s the only person who has Dewey Decimal class named after him?
William Shakespeare
91. How many stars are just in the Milky Way galaxy, of which our solar system is a very, very tiny part?
200-400 billion
92. Earth is the ____ planet from the Sun.
93. Who has a famous speech: Commonwealth Club Address?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
94. Which is called The City by the Bay?
San Francisco
95. A newborn is born with how many bones?
Around 300
96. Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins. True or false?
97. Who is a hawker?
A peddler
98. Has anyone died in space?
18 people
99. you can still see traces of his footprints on the moon’s surface, why?
There is no wind to blow them away
100. Is a Newborn able to recognize smells?
Yes. Newborns are able to recognize the smell of their mothers and many of us can pinpoint the smell of our significant others and those we are close to.
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