Learn with fun. General knowledge quiz questions and answers printable quiz trivia GK are a collection of evergreen common facts that everyone should know about. The 1990s are regarded as the Renaissance Era of Disney. After a couple of largely unsuccessful decades following Walt Disney’s passing, it helped bring the corporation around for the better. Some of the greatest Disney films and protagonists ever were produced in the 1990s. Disney films from the 1990s inspire fond memories of childhood, and fans have a soft spot in their hearts for the endearing main characters. This time period saw the introduction of endearing and misunderstood characters, powerful and self-assured women, and the reimagining of a long-time fan favorite.
General knowledge quiz questions and answers can be solved alone in order to pass some creative time. Sports encourage fair competition, whereas traditional sports were exclusive. For instance, women and outsiders were not allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics. Modern sports, on the other hand, give the underprivileged possibilities while fair judging and officiating create an even playing field. Access to and achievement in sports are still influenced by social standing. Athletes are more prevalent and successful in wealthy nations, and those in higher social classes have access to greater facilities for training and preparation. Specialization: Just like the industry, modern sports have a complicated division of labor. The kicker in American football is an example of a particularly specific function that athletes must learn to play. This does not true for all sports, since someplace a premium on having players who can fill a variety of positions as needed.
Also, these general knowledge quiz questions and answers are useful knowledge bases for people from all walks of life. In a short time, Pasar Kliwon District in Indonesia’s Al-Rabithah al-Alawiyyah erected a school there named Madrasah Ibtidaiyya al-Rabithah al-Alawiyyah. The school initially offered Islamic Studies, Arabic, and a few limited secular topics. The school was renamed the Islamic Education Foundation of Diponegoro on March 9, 1966, for patriotic reasons, and it is still in operation today.
General knowledge quiz questions and answers are competitive and fresh, full of fun, entertainment, and confidence. Let’s solve these general knowledge quiz questions and answers printable and get appreciation from your mentors. To prevent her father from going to battle, Mulan pushed her concerns aside and pretended to be a man. When the time came for combat, she trained and labored until she was prepared, and her gut instincts helped save her army from the Huns. Mulan returned to rescue their lives despite being despised once they learned who she was. Mulan’s courage and selflessness saved not only her father’s life but also the lives of the Emperor and the people of China as a whole; her mental and physical fortitude was impressive. She did not let gender norms define her; instead, she took matters into her own hands and defended the people she loved.
General knowledge quiz questions and answers
1. (13, 14), (28, 57), (1, 99), (2, 97), (46, 67), and (75, 41) are some examples of what?
Co prime numbers
2. Asper BBC News, which is the fastest-growing religion in the world?
3. The brain itself cannot feel pain. True or false?
4. What is “a group of performers on various musical instruments for playing music, as symphonies, operas, popular music, or other compositions.”?
An orchestra
5. What is the condition called that can cause senses to overlap?
6. What is the real name of Voltaire?
François‐Marie Arouet
7. Julia de Burgos and Giannina Braschi are national poets of which country?
Puerto Rico
8. Which city is called the – City by the Bay?
9. Which country has the most Buddhists in the world?
10. Which opera’s last lines are Mimi Mimi?
La Boheme
11. There is a place called “Turkey Scratch” in which country?
Arkansas, USA
12. Which country is called the – Land of the Incas?
13. The right side of the human brain is responsible for what?
14. Which company operates the Central Selling Organisation?
DeBeers – diamonds
15. Which actor refused the leading role in Laurence of Arabia?
Marlon Brando
16. In Shakespeare who is Romeo’s love – before Juliet?
17. What country is 95% Buddhist?
18. Who would use a plessor?
Doctor reflex hammer
19. Evidence of the first recorded brothel was found in which city?
Athens Greece
20. Who is the national poet of Nicaragua?
Rubén Darío
21. In 1900 caterer Harry Stevens introduces what words to language?
Hot Dogs
22. In Star Trek Voyager what is the shuttle crafts’ name?
The Delta Flyer
23. Arnold Palmer is a drink originated by Arnold Palmer who was as
24. Which country did the French know as Terra Napoleon?
25. Any damage to brain cells cannot be repaired completely. T/F?
26. How many Surahs are there in the Holy Quran?
27. On Donavan’s Mellow Yellow who did the whispering vocal (Quite right slick)?
Paul McCartney
28. Popular drink Bellini originated in which country?
29. Cognac must be at least 5 years old before it’s labeled what?
30. The human brain can read up to how many words per minute?
31. Garnet is the birthstone of January – what does it symbolize?
Truth – consistency
32. There is a place called “Truth Or Consequences” in which country?
New Mexico, USA
33. In which Dickens novel does the character Fezziwig appear?
Christmas Carol — Scrooge’s Boss
34. Grits are food from which nationals?
35. Which two-letter word is the most sacred in Hinduism?
36. In Greek mythology what type of creature was Chiron?
Wise Centaur
37. Which religious festival begins with the sighting of the new moon?
38. What is Gumbo?
This Louisiana staple is packed with meat or seafood, onions, peppers, and celery originating from Africa.
39. John Chapman the real name of someone famous in Ohio?
Johnny Appleseed
40. Which part of the spinal cord has a cluster of nerves, which are most sensitive?
41. Where is King Arthur supposed to be resting?
42. In British nobility which title is the highest?
43. What is the busiest rail station in the world?
Shinjuku Station (Tokyo, Japan), Approx. 1,260,000,000
44. Who wrote the song, Johnny b Goode?
Chuck Berry
45. Waving a yellow flag is an international signal for what?
Infectious disease
46. In Hawaii what is the annual Kona festival?
Coffee picking contest
47. The Invincible City is another name of
48. What is the oldest restaurant in America?
White Horse Tavern
49. What star, the most popular of 1925 was born in a trench in France?
Rin Tin-Tin during WWI
50. Who are the national poets of Mexico?
Ramón López Velarde, Octavio Paz
51. There is a place called “Tea” in which country?
South Dakota, USA
52. Payusnaya and malasol types of what?
53. Who would wear a diadem?
Kings headband
54. Which is the first Islamic country?
55. What is the average weight of a human brain?
about 3 pounds
56. Which country is called– Uncle Sam?

57. What are common links between Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, and Gwendolyn Brooks?
National poets of America
58. What is the real name of George Orwell?
Eric Blair
59. Which country’s name translates as the land of the free?
60. What is the most chosen name for a US school sports teams?
Eagles or Tigers
61. First 23 busiest rail stations in the world are situated in which country?
62. Men listen with the ___ side of the brain and women use both sides of the brain.
63. What are the 3 most sacred Islamic texts?
Quran, Hadith, Muhammad
64. Where did you find the cherry strawberry orange apple grape bird?
Pac Man speeds up things
65. Great Sphinx Of Giza stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of which river in Giza, Egypt?
The Nile
66. Doughnuts were originated by which nation?
67. What did sailors often have tattooed on backs to stop flogging?
A Cross
68. The Little Silver Cup is the name of which city?
69. The sliotar is a leather-covered cork ball used in which sport?
70. Our Brain has how many nerve cells?
over 100 billion
71. Who was the first choice to play Beverly Hills Cop?
Sylvester Stallone
72. Who was THE woman to Sherlock Holmes?
Irene Adler
73. Which country is called the– Land of Grace?
74. The adult human brain is about what total body weight?
75. Where would you find lagna?
In sea overboard attached to float
76. Who wrote the Royal Firework Music?
George Friedric Handel
77. Mimi is the first name of which Warner Bros cartoon character?
78. What occupation had the most fatal work injuries in the US in 1994?
Truck Drivers
79. What percent of the brain’s cells work and the remaining cells are kept in reserve?
80. Where would you find a breast, fore, spring, and after spring 4 of 6 mooring lines tying up?
81. David kills Goliath in which book of the Bible?
82. Giza, also spelled Gizah, also called Al-Jīzah or El-Giza, city, the capital of which area in Upper Egypt?
Al-Jīzah muḥāfaẓah (governorate)
83. How did King Arthur acquire the round table?
A Wedding gift
84. There is a place called “Sweet Lips” in which country?
Tennessee, USA
85. What was Marilyn Munroe’s original last name?
86. As we get older, the brain loses almost what volume per year?
One gram
87. Name Jennifer Anniston’s Godfather?
Telly Savalas
88. What was sport originally meant in French, look here?
89. If something is cooked en brochette how is it done?
On a skewer
90. El Bocho is the name of which city?
91. Valentine Michael Smith is the central character in which book?
Heinlein stranger in a strange land
92. In Dukes of Hazzard boys drove General Lee’s which name jeep?
93. In which American state is Wankers Corner?
94. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping. True or false?
95. What physical feature gives the platypus its name?
Webbed feet
96. What is the real name of Mary Westmacott?
Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christie
97. In the 1920s what was a Chicago Overcoat?
A coffin
98. English festival word from French literally Farewell to Flesh?
99. Spring Temple Buddha is situated in which country?
100. The brain operates on the same amount of power as what power light bulb?
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