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200 general knowledge test questions and answers below
1. What is the name of the largest green Canyon on the earth?
Blyde River Canyon
2. What is the highest yielding cereal (grain) crop?
3. How many laborers were recruited for the construction of the huge project the Great Wall of China?
More than 1,000, 000 laborers
4. How many lakes are there in Finland giving the country the nickname The Land of the Thousand Lakes?
Over 187,000 lakes
5. What is the fastest fish?
6. Waitangi Day, celebrated on the 6th Feb, commemorates the signing of the treaty which is regarded as the founding of which island country?
New Zealand
7. Which organ of the human body The human heart is approximately equal in size to that of a person’s fist.
8. The world’s first text message was sent on the 3rd of December of which year?
9. Born on the 4th Jan 1643, he went on the become one of the most influential scientists of all time as a mathematician, astronomer, physicist, and writer, but what was his name?
Isaac Newton
10. In what year during Henry Hudson’s search for the Northwest Passage, did he sail into what is now known as Hudson Bay?

11. Hybridized corn is produced in
12. What are the only two countries in Africa that were not colonized by the European powers?
Ethiopia and Liberia
13. The human heart pumps blood at such pressure that it would be able to raise blood up to the
fourth floor of a building
14. The American singer Andy Williams was born in which decade?
1920’s (1927)
15. Rose Heilbron became the first female judge to sit where in 1972?
The Old Bailey
16. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between Iraq and Iran?
Shatt al-Arab
17. What is the name of the chemical compound in the body which causes feelings of ecstasy?
18. What is the minimum number of chromosomes in animals?
Ascaris (2n = 2)
19. In which decade was Adolf Hitler born?
The 1880s
20. What is the chemical name of magnetite?
Iron oxide

21. Which Islands in the Pacific Ocean are the most endangered island nation!
The Marshall Island
22. Which food contains the same chemical that causes a feeling of Ecstacy in the human body?
23. Every year more than 2 million left-handed people die because of mistakes they make when using machines designed for
Right-handed people
24. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between Argentina and Brazil?
Iguazu River
25. In 1587 which queen was executed for her part in the ‘Babington Plot’ to murder her cousin?
Mary, Queen of Scots
26. In February 2013 which US State became the last to certify Amendment Thirteen of the US Constitution and thus became the final state to abolish slavery?
27. In November 1921, the Japanese Prime Minister Hara Takashi was assassinated in which city?
28. Which two students founded Google in 1998?
Larry Page and Sergey Brin
29. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between Guatemala and El Salvador?
Paz River
30. In 1918 Finland declared its independence from which country?
31. Which is the country that can’t join FIFA because of bad weather conditions and grass can not grow there?

32. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between the United States and Canada?
Rainy River
33. If you were locked in a completely sealed room, you would not die due to a lack of air, but from
Carbon dioxide poisoning
34. Which is the country that can’t join FIFA because of bad weather conditions and grass can not grow there!
35. No one really knows what fingerprints are for, but they might help wick water away from our hands, prevent blisters, or improve touch. True/ False?
36. What is the minimum number of chromosomes – Plant?
Mucor, Porphyra (n = 2)
37. Salvador Allende became the first Marxist president of any Latin American country through open elections in which country in 1970?
38. Which country has the highest rate of twin births in the world!
39. Which parts inside the eye cover about 650 square mm and contain 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million are black
40. Mark Spitz became the first competitor to win seven medals at a single Olympic Games, but which year’s games were they?

41. What is the chemical name of petrol?
42. 2010 saw the official opening of which building, the tallest in the world (as of January 2020) in Dubai?
Burj Khalifa
43. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia
Luapula River
44. Lake Baikal has declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. True/ False?
45. Lakes can form in interestingly different ways such as in the craters of volcanoes, by sinkholes in the ground, or even artificially by dams made by man. True/ False?
46. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between the United States and Mexico?
Rio Grande
47. Which political party did former Prime Minister David Lloyd George represent?
48. Death would occur after ten days without sleep, whereas hunger it would take several weeks. True/ False?
49. What is the chemical formula of Laughing gas?
50. What is the name of the river that makes the international border between Bangladesh and Myanmar?
Naf River

51. The last large-scale armed rebellion against authority in the UK was in November 1839 when 10000 armed Chartists marched upon which town in Monmouthshire?
52. During a person’s lifetime, it is about 2.5 meters. After they die, the muscles in the walls of this relax, and it’s length increases to 6 meters. What is it?
The small intestine
53. The maiden journey of the USS Shenandoah took place in 1923. What was special about this?
The first U.S airship
54. In which epidemic during 1918-1920, an estimated 500 million people from the South Seas to the North Pole fell victim to Spanish Flu. One-fifth of those died?
Spanish Flu
55. What is the name of the Epidemic in 2020 that causes much death all over the world?
56. How many people visit the Great Wall of China every year?
10 million +
57. Born in 1954, Stuart Leslie Goddard is better known as which singer?
Adam Ant
58. What is the name of the epidemic caused in 1770-1772 where as many as 100,000 people may have died in Moscow?
Russian plague
59. In January 871 the forces of Ethelred and his brother Alfred were defeated at the Battle of Reading by an invasion army from where?
60. By the time the plague ended during 1665-1666, about 100,000 people, including 15% of the population of London, had died of
Great Plague of London

61. 100,000 people estimated that up to 30% of the population of Marseille had perished by the epidemic during 1720-to 1723 called
Great Plague of Marseille
62. How many bacteria does a person pass on to another person when they kiss them?
278 different types of bacteria (95% of them are not harmful)
63. In 1973 the Netherlands had a car-free Sunday whereby the roads were used by only cyclists roller skaters. Why?
The 1973 Oil Crisis
64. What is the largest chromosome
Trillium govanianuin (30 jim)
65. A person would die quicker from a total lack of sleep than from hunger. True/ False?
66. Cradle and scythe are introduced in
67. What is the chemical formula of the plaster of Paris?
68. Edvard Grieg was a pianist and composer who died in Sept 1907. What nationality was he?
69. Which civil rights activist along with E. D. Nixon, led the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was instrumental in leading to segregation on buses being declared unconstitutional in the United States?
Rosa Parks
70. The average human body contains enough ____ to make 900 pencils
71. The official animal of Scotland is
The unicorn

72. Who found the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Nov 1922?
Howard Carter
73. In 1888, George Eastman received a patent for his camera that used roll film and registered which trademark?
74. What was the name of the epidemic which was a cluster of Eurasian diseases brought to the Americas by European explorers from 1519-to 1532?
American Plagues
75. In 1958 the first artificial satellite launched in 1957 fell back to earth. What was its name?
Sputnik 1
76. What was the name of infection that was a form of viral hemorrhagic fever that killed 15 million inhabitants of Mexico and Central America (Aztec) during 1545-1548?
The cocoliztli epidemic
77. Henry E Steinway, who died in Feb 1871 was a German-American businessman who founded a company making what?
78. Other than the hair, which is the only thing in the body that grows faster?
Bone marrow.
79. Guy Fawkes enlisted in the army of which European country in 1593?
80. What is the largest and widest cultivated crop
Rice (Oryza sativa)
81. The largest of the permanently ice-covered lake is
Vostok (Antarctica)

82. November 2014 saw the official opening of One World Trade Center. What did it replace?
World Trade Center Twin Towers
83. The average human body contains enough ____ to fire a toy cannon
84. The Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the seven wonders of the Ancient world, that is still in existence and it is located in
85. In 1870 the Third Republic is declared in France after which the leader was deposed?
Emperor Napolean III
86. Born in December 1963, what did Michael Edwards become known as after the Winter Olympics of 1988?
Eddie the Eagle
87. Who commanded the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 which was rammed by a Japanese ship in WWII, and went on to have an important political career?
John F Kennedy
88. Following the surrender of Germany, a meeting was held between Russia, the USA, and GB to agree on how to administer it. What is the meeting known as (taking its name from the city it was held in)?
Potsdam Conference
89. In what year did Iraq invade Kuwait, eventually leading to the Gulf War?
90. Scotland’s Forth Road Bridge near Edinburgh officially opened in which year?

91. The average human body contains enough ____ to make seven bars of soap and enough water to fill a 50-liter barrel.
92. No pig is allowed to be called _____ in France!
93. Which British king supposedly ordered the death of his nephews Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York?
King Richard III of England
94. On the 4th of November 1956, Soviet troops entered which country in order to quell a rebellion?
95. 44 Spanish settlers founded in which place when translated to English as ‘The Village of Our Lady, the Queen of the Angels’ in 1781?
Los Angeles
96. In December 1958 the UK’s first motorway was opened to traffic as part of what would eventually become the M6, but what was it originally called?
Preston By-pass
97. Born in 1921, Alan Whicker had a successful television career and presented his documentary program for over 30 years, what was it called?
Whicker’s World
98. The amount of iron a human body contains can be used only for use in
A watch
99. Born in April 1770 in Cockermouth he was Britain’s poet laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850, his most well-known work is ‘Daffodils’?
William Wordsworth
100. The average width of the Great Wall of China is
6.5 meters (21.3 feet).
101. What is the smallest chromosome?
An alga (0.025 rims)

102. The conversion of arylamines to aryl fluorides via diazotization chemical reaction takes place in
Balz-Schiemann Reaction
103. Disneyland is the most visited place in Europe which is in
104. The first televised address from the Oval Office was made in 1947 by which President?
President Truman
105. Who succeeded Queen Mary I of England on the throne?
Elizabeth I
106. What is Carborundum?
Sodium thiosulphate
107. What is the largest inland island in Africa?
Ukerewe (530 square km)
108. What was the surname of Papa Doc and Baby Doc, both dictators of Haiti?
109. How fast the hair grows?
About 6 inches per year.
110. According to German researchers, the risk of having a heart attack is higher on _____ than on any other day of the week.
111. What is the lake called which is permanently covered by ice?
A subglacial lake

112. Who resigned as British Prime Minister in April 1955 due to failing health?
Winston Churchill
113. The smallest country in Europe is
114. Which is the home to countless species including 6 species of turtles, 215 species of birds, 17 species of sea snakes, and more than 1,500 species of fish?
Great Barrier Reef
115. Which march, protesting unemployment and poverty, set off for London on 5th Oct 1936?
Jarrow March
116. In 1948 due to health reasons, Queen Wilhelmina abdicated the throne of which country?
117. Which ship, although only slightly damaged, was found abandoned near the Azores in 1872?
Mary Celeste
118. Right-handed people chew most of their food on the right side of their mouth, whereas left-handed people do so on the
119. Lake Baikal experiences some real storms, the wave height of which reaches up to 4-5 meters! True/ False?
120. The world population will jump from 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050. Farmers will need to _______ food production by then to keep pace.
121. Which king reigned over England from 1216 to 1272?
King Henry III

122. Who was forced to retreat the following defeat during the Second Battle of El Alamein in 1942?
General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
123. What was the name of the first edition of the world’s first Sunday newspaper that was published in 1791?
The Observer
124. Who was murdered in August 1876 while playing poker and holding cards of Aces and eights, now known as ‘dead man’s hand’?
James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok
125. What was the name of the epidemic which may have been smallpox, which laid waste to the army, and may have killed over 5 million people in the Roman empire during A.D. 165-180?
The Antonine Plague
126. Which epidemic traveled from Asia to Europe, leaving devastation in its wake during 1346-to 1353?
The Black Death
127. Which Apache leader in 1886 after 29 years years of fighting finally surrendered in Arizona
128. The average human body contains enough ____ to kill all the fleas on the average dog
129. In Oct 1930 which aircraft crashed in France on its way to India on its maiden voyage?
130. The largest country in Europe is
131. The largest lake in Europe is Lake
Ladoga in Russia

132. What is the maximum number of chromosomes in Angiospérms
Poa litorosa 2n = 266
133. Who was the English criminal executed in 1739, whose exploits as a Highwayman were unjustifiably romanticized?
Dick Turpin
134. A feeling of thirst occurs when water loss is equal to 1% of your body weight. The loss of more than 5% can cause fainting, and more than 10% cause death from
135. Which war began in 1853 when the Ottoman Empire declared war on the Russian Empire?
Crimean War
136. What happened for the first time at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa in 1967?
Human heart transplant
137. In which decade did British aviator Amy Johnson die?
The 1940s
138. How many times do the muscles which help your eyes to focus completely move per day?
Around 100,000 movements
139. The altitudes of the Great Wall of China vary – the highest point is the Huanglouyuan in the northwest suburb of Beijing, with an elevation of 1,439.3 meters (4,722 feet), while the lowest point is at ______ just above the sea level.
Laolongtou in Hebei
140. What is the name of the chemical reaction in which aromatic compounds are formulated by hydrogen cyanide in the presence of a Friedel–Crafts catalyst?
Gattermann Reaction
141. Which powerful woman was married to King Louis VII of France and later to King Henry II of England?
Eleanor of Aquitaine
142. Which was made when a rock smashed into Earth?
143. At birth, how many cells are there in the human brain?
14 billion
144. How many languages are spoken in Europe!
Over 200
145. How many types of hard and soft coral are there in the Great Barrier Reef
More than 600
146. Tom Petty, who died in October 2017 formed which group in 1976?
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
147. Gutzon Borglum began carving giant iconic sculptures in 1927?
Mount Rushmore
148. The Moon is drifting away from the Earth. T/F?
149. Who blinks only once or twice in a minute?
An infants
150. The Belgian Revolution started in October 1830 which lead to the Kingdom of Belgium being formed. From which country did they secede?
The United Kingdom of the Netherlands

151. What is the most advanced plant family
Compositae in dicots and Gramineae in monocots
152. Which glands secret the hormone melatonin, got its name from its shape, which resembles a pine nut.
The pineal gland
153. Which motor racing world champion was killed in an accident at Hockenheim in 1968?
Jim Clark
154. What is the correct order of the planets in the Solar System, starting closest to the Sun?
Mars, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
155. This number of brain cells does not increase throughout a person’s lifetime. T/F?
156. Which English king commissioned St James’s Palace in London?
King Henry VIII
157. Which is the only place in the world that has only one ATM!
158. In 1854 a series of fires and explosions killed 54 people and injured hundreds more in which two northeast towns?
Newcastle and Gateshead.
159. What type of planets are mostly made of rock and metal, and they are mostly solid.
Terrestrial planets
160. In 1986, The Federated States of Micronesia gained independence from which country?
United States of America
161. Which famous novelist who died in December 1894 wrote the ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’?
Robert Louis Stevenson
162. The theatre La Scala was inaugurated in August 1778, in which city?
163. The last four planets of the universe are called
Gas giants
164. freshly prepared diazonium salt is further mixed with cuprous chloride or bromide which results in the replacement of diazonium group by –Cl or –Br in the chemical reaction named
Sandmeyer Reaction
165. What is the chemical formula of common salt?
166. What is the name of the Largest seed?
Lodoicea maidivica
167. There are no polar bears in Antarctica. They are in
168. Which Queen of England was the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon?
Mary I of England
169. There are thousands of reefs and hundreds of islands in
Great Barrier Reef
170. At what age does the number of human brain cells start decreasing by 100,000 every day?
After 25 years
171. Which lake, the highest in the world is located in a crater in the Andes Mountains on the border between Chile and Argentina?
Ojos del Salado

172. What is the water level in Lake Baikal above sea level?
456 meters (1496 feet)
173. Who was elected US President in 1960?
John F Kennedy
174. A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the telephones of the world combined. True/ False?
175. A third of the world’s languages are spoken in
176. Born in October 1973, which British actress starred as Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones?
Lena Headey
177. How many farmers in the United States are 55 years old or older?
Approximately 60%
178. Who blinks about 10 times every minute?
An adult
179. Who invents the first gasoline-powered tractor in 1892?
John Froelich
180. After what age do neurons (that is, nerve cells) shrink and the brain gets smaller?
After 50 years

181. Coffee is grown commercially in
182. Which British king celebrated his Silver Jubilee in 1935?
King George V
183. The eco-system of which living thing is 2,300km long?
Great Barrier Reef
184. Which long-distance train had its first run in October 1883?
Orient Express
185. Who is considered the “Father of Modern Agriculture.” He invented the world’s first mechanical reaper in 1831
Cyrus McCormick
186. What architecture spans 15 regions in north China: Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang.
The Great Wall
187. The human heart pumps _______ liters of blood during the average lifetime.
182 million
188. Which Queen of Great Britain was succeeded by King George I?
Queen Anne (1702-1714)
189. What is the chemical formula of Baking soda?

190. Representation of four basic chemical reaction types is synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement. True/ False?
191. What is the largest island in Lake Victoria?
Ukerewe (530 square km)
192. What is the Biggest plant ovule
Cycas thourasii (7 cm in length)
193. The average height of the Great Wall of China is 6 to 7 meters (20 to 23 feet), and the highest is
14 meters (46 feet)
194. The highest lake in the world is
Ojos del Salado (at 20,965 feet high).
195. The word “farm” is from the Old French ferme, meaning “rent, lease,” and the Latin firmare, “to fix, settle, confirm, strengthen.” True/ False?
196. A flea can accelerate ____ than the Space Shuttle.
197. Which former Tory Prime Minister died in 1995?
Sir Alec Douglas Hume
198. What is the chemical formula for washing soda?
199. What is a sugar called in chemistry?
200. What is the surgical procedure called a that removes half of the brain’s amygdala—and with it, the patient’s sense of fear.

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