Over time, people’s brains may degenerate, so one way to keep your brain sharp is to practice it with general knowledge questions with answers for all. In fact, this common-sense quiz is all about it! Let’s explore general knowledge trivia. If you are looking for a variety of subjects in school, you will have no problem scoring 100% on these general knowledge questions with answers for all! Learn some basic knowledge trivia questions.
Are you a degenerate quiz? Trivia questions not only make you sound smart in front of all your friends, but they also help train different parts of your brain with general knowledge questions with answers for all. Enjoy the common sense trivia questions and answers. For example, did you know that your memory actually improves over time as you recall random trivia events? And since these kinds of random questions and information consume different parts of your brain, you will become more intelligent in terms of both creativity and critical thinking. Here we go for basic knowledge trivia for all.
You will get 30 question general knowledge multiple choice quiz tests. Answering trivia questions can help reduce your stress levels in a healthy way, as it can help you to avoid certain obstacles in your life overall. So if you think you are the best, take our random trivia quiz now, this general knowledge questions with answers MCQ!
General knowledge questions with answers multiple choice MCQ
1. Which of the following foods is properly considered a nut - not a legume or a seed?
2. Where do penguins live?
3. In the "iliad," greek forces besiege the people of what kingdom?
4. Cardinal is the official bird of which of the following states?
5. Which language is spoken by the most people on the continent of Africa?
6. Where is Mount Kilimanjaro?
7. Why was the Boston Tea Party so named?
8. What animal feeds almost exclusively on bamboo?
9. Which star doesn't appear to move through the sky over the course of a year?
10. Who authored "The Lord of the Rings," "The Hobbit," and the many other books which take place in Middle Earth?
11. All known elements are organized in something called what?
12. In the Harry Potter series, Harry must battle which evil wizard?
13. Digestion typically releases what chemical that makes you happy?
14. What famous comic strip, written by Bill Watterson, centered around a young boy and his stuffed tiger?
14. Which of these foods was invented in Australia?
16. Which of the following is not an island in Hawaii?
17. Yellowstone National Park is in which of the following states?
18. Which American town was famous for its witch trials?
19. In the "Iliad," Greek forces besiege the people of what kingdom?
20. According to the Big Bang Theory, how did the universe begin?
21. Which English king was famous for beheading his wives?
22. U.S. president is thought to have taught himself how to read and write?
23. What is the head of the Roman Catholic Church called?
24. Newton is said to have been inspired by what to describe the theory of gravity?
25. Which of these was not one of Snow White's seven dwarfs?
26. The famous "I want YOU for the U.S. Army" poster from WWI features an image of whom?
27. What chemical is added to U.S. water supplies in the hopes of improving dental health?
28. The poster for which film from the 1950s features three skipping characters, all dressed in bright yellow raincoats and swinging umbrellas?
29. The human brain communicates with the rest of the body through networks of what?
30. What plant is traditionally the primary ingredient in wine?
The poster for which film from the 1950s features three skipping characters, all dressed in bright yellow raincoats and swinging umbrellas? Which 1950s picture depicts three skipping figures clothed in bright yellow raincoats and swinging umbrellas on the poster? In the 1950s, a cheerful musical and love story called “Singin’ in the Rain” was released. Let’s explore the general knowledge question and answer.
In the “Iliad,” greek forces besiege the people of what kingdom?
In the Iliad, Greek forces besiege which kingdom?
It relates to the fights and events during the weeks of a conflict between King Agamemnon and the hero Achilles during the Trojan War, a ten-year siege of the city of Troy (Ilium) by a coalition of Mycenaean Greek nations (Achaeans). We will solve these general knowledge trivia mcq now.
The geologic structure of South America is divided into two portions that are asymmetric. A series of stable shields create highland zones in the larger, eastern part, divided by huge basins (including the vast Amazon basin). Continue with these easy multiple-choice general knowledge quiz tests. The Andes Mountains cover almost all of the western part of the country. Random general knowledge questions multiple choice will be good to enhance the learning process.
The Andes, which were formed when the South American Plate moved westward and pushed the oceanic plate westward under it, form a massive backbone that runs the length of the continent’s Pacific coast. If you are talented, solve these quiz questions and answers multiple choice general knowledge tests. Large amounts of silt are swept down by the continent’s largest rivers and their tributaries, filling the basins east of the Andes and between the eastern highlands. Multiple choice general trivia questions will really confusing!
Except for Antarctica, no other continent reaches thus far south. General knowledge quiz questions multiple choice with answers is awesome. Despite the fact that the northern section of South America lies north of the Equator and four-fifths of its landmass is inside the tropics, it also reaches subantarctic latitudes. Have fun with the general trivia questions and answers.
Much of the high Andes are in the tropics, although there are huge zones of moderate or frigid temperature near the Equator, which is a rare occurrence. Discuss the general knowledge quiz questions with multiple choice answers. The wide variation of elevation results in an unmatched diversity of climatic and biological zones, which is perhaps the most striking feature of South American topography. Don’t quit the quiz questions general knowledge multiple choice.
The first peoples of South America are thought to be descended from the same Asiatic peoples that came to North America from Siberia during the last ice age (Wisconsin). Find these general knowledge quiz questions multiple choice in the blog. However, only a small percentage of these peoples survived the arrival of Europeans after 1500, with the majority succumbing to sickness or mingling with European and (particularly in Brazil) African peoples. One must have some common sense trivia.
Although certain regions of the continent have been industrialized and have contemporary cities, the inhabitants in rural areas continue to live in agrarian communities. Share the general trivia questions multiple choice. Despite the continent’s abundance of mineral goods and renewable resources, most of the continent’s economic development falls behind that of the world’s more industrialized regions. Nonetheless, there is growing worried over the resource’s fast expansion and frequently harmful use. General knowledge quiz questions multiple choice is here.

Specific articles by name—for example, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela—discuss individual nations on the continent. See the entries Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, and So Paulo for more information on the continent’s largest cities. General trivia multiple choice is quite amazing. If you observe the entries South American Indian and Pre-Columbian Civilizations for further information about the continent’s indigenous peoples. The entries Latin America, history of, and Latin American literature cover similar ground. Don’t skils the multiple-choice general knowledge quiz questions and answers.
South America’s geologic history may be divided into three developmental periods, each corresponding to a significant division of geologic time. The Precambrian period (about 4.6 billion to 541 million years ago) was marked by a complicated series of amalgamations and dispersals of stable slabs of protocontinental crust known as cratons. Don’t skils the multiple-choice general knowledge quiz questions and answers. The Paleozoic Era (approximately 541 to 252 million years ago) is the second stage, during which the cratons and material accreted to them led to the development of the supercontinent Gondwana (or Gondwanaland) and eventually the much larger Pangea (Pangaea).

The separation of Pangea and Gondwana, the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, and the development of the Andean cordillera were all part of the third stage, which happened throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras (about 252 million years ago). It’s time to solve the general knowledge trivia multiple choice questions and answers.
South America’s current tectonic framework is made up of three basic units: ancient cratons, more modern Andean ranges, and a variety of basins. Solve these general knowledge trivia questions multiple choice in one sitting. The Precambrian core of South America is represented by five cratons: Amazonia, So Francisco, Luis Alves, Alto Paraguay, and Ro de la Plata, which now appear as up warped massifs arrayed from north to south in the immense eastern portion of the continent (with the exception of the Alto Paraguay craton); a number of other Precambrian crustal blocks were also accreted along the continent’s margins over.
The Andes, with their towering peaks and intermontane plateaus, run the length of the continent’s western edge and reflect the collision of the Pacific and South American plates caused by the opening of the South Atlantic during the Cenozoic Era (about 66 million years ago). It’s time to solve the general knowledge trivia multiple choice questions and answers. Finally, between the cratons and along the entire eastern border of the Andes, huge, downwarped, sediment-filled basins may be discovered. Solve these general knowledge trivia questions multiple choice in one sitting.
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