Random General knowledge trivia is a good source of harness knowledge on the subject matter. We feel you are one of the lovers of General knowledge trivia and these random General knowledge trivia questions are for you. Answer as many as you can and prove you have the gut to beat the world with random General knowledge trivia.
Overthinking is the practice of distorting or overanalyzing events to the point that making a choice becomes difficult. We become locked in analytical paralysis when this happens. You’re overthinking if you say to yourself, “I should do this, but what if” or “I’ve never done that before, so I’m not sure how to.” This unhealthy habit may send you into a downward spiral of tension and anxiety as you worry about what might happen or what others might think.
Unknowing is not a sin, the sin is when we leave opportunities and willingness to learn General knowledge trivia. Knowledge is everywhere, just grow your will and be determined to sit for the General knowledge trivia quiz below.

General knowledge trivia open up the window of learning, even if you have missed the right answer of any of the following General knowledge trivia, the answer is just beneath for your learning. Let’s confront these 100 General knowledge trivia picked up from different areas of the knowledge. It’s all for yours.
What makes the sky so blue? The visible light beams of the sun lose a substantial percentage of their blue wavelength when they transit through our tumultuous atmosphere. Blue is dispersed more than any other color due to minute particles of materials and molecules of air inside the environment. The reason behind this is because blue waves are the shortest. The sky takes on its unique blue color as a result of the scattering process.

Around 1.8 billion years ago, collisions are thought to have generated a supercontinent (also referred to as the original Pangea). The supercontinent’s sedimentary layer (preserved on the Amazonia craton) was deep and extensive, obliterating previous suture lines with postcollision rhyolites and clastic shelf deposits. In certain sequences, such as at Carajás, Brazil, extensive layered iron and manganese deposits can be discovered. Hundreds of gabbro dikes have already been emplaced over a 150-mile (240-km) region in west-central Uruguay, resulting from early phases of continental-plate dispersion that created vast dike swarms of mafic rock.
How can a lightning flash’s distance be calculated? The flash’s light enters your eyes almost immediately. Thunder barely travels at a speed of 1,100 feet (335,3 meters) per second. Begin counting seconds from the moment you see the lightning flash (1001, 1002, 1003, etc.) until you hear thunder. One mile is equal to five seconds (1.61 kilometres). Thunder, by the way, is rarely heard more than 15 miles (24 kilometers) away.

Random General Knowledge Trivia Quiz Questions Printable
Let’s start with the printable General knowledge trivia here:
01. What is the capital of Australia?
02. In which country is Mount Fuji located?
03. In which country is the Cape of Good Hope?
South Africa
04. What country has the greatest number of active volcanoes?
05. The Sierra Madre Oriental is a mountain range in which country?

06. Where was the hottest temperature ever recorded?
07. Which of these countries uses the Shilling as its currency?
08. Which of these countries has three national capitals?
South Africa
09. In which ocean is the island of Madagascar?
10. Distance round: Can you guess the distances between these two cities? London & New York?
3465 miles

11. Distance round: Can you guess the distances between these two cities? Paris & Madrid?
65 miles
12. During which time Earth has traveled 940 million km (584 million mi).
365.256 days (1 sidereal year)
13. Chess was derived from a game called
14. The concept of “checkmate” and “check” came from
The Persians
15. What crayon did Crayola rename to “peach” in 1962?

16. What city is home to Amazon.com’s headquarters?
17. Before starting to make cars, what was Toyota’s first product?
A loom
18. How is the number 20 written with Roman numerals?
19. What celebrity’s car was fixed and raced in the 2009 documentary “Love the Beast”
Eric Bana’s
20. What is Barbie’s full name?
Barbara Millicent Roberts

21. Distance round: Can you guess the distances between these two cities? Rome and Sydney?
10153 miles
22. Distance round: Can you guess the distances between these two cities? Hong Kong & Tokyo?
1793 miles
23. What is liquid clay used in pottery called?
24. H.J. Heinz Company is based in which American City?
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

25. About __ of which is contained in the world’s oceans.
26. The land surface of the earth is about
27. The Stasi was an intelligence organization in what country?
German Democratic Republic

28. In 1934, five years before his retirement, who became the first athlete to appear on a Wheaties box?
Lou Gehrig
29. At which university was the beverage Gatorade developed?
University of Florida
30. What is the technical difference between rowing and sculling?
Rowing means using a single oar
31. What was the official language of England for over 600 years?

32. How many total candles do you need to light a menorah properly for the entire eight nights of Hanukkah?
33. What is the name of the Italian dessert made from ladyfingers dipped in coffee, mascarpone cheese and flavored with cocoa?
34. Africa is a continent containing
54 countries

35. How many Oceans are there on earth?
5 oceans
36. The death penalty is legal in 31 U.S. states and illegal in
19 states
37. The ability to digest the lactose in milk as an adult is actually a genetic mutation that occurs in less than-
40% of the world’s adults

38. Which of these things causes autism?
Genetic factors
39. Most of the world’s ______ occur in the area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.
40. Which is the world’s largest desert?

41. What company originally owned the name “Saltine” before losing it to trademark dilution?
42. What nickname did the Western press give to members of the Fists of Righteous Harmony in China?
43. On what mountain does Moses speak to God through the burning bush and received the Ten Commandments?
Mt. Sinai
44. What is the largest football stadium in Brazil?
The Maracana stadium
45. Poutine consists of gravy and cheese curds on top of what?
French fries

46. What martial art originated in 1882 by Japanese doctor Jigoro Kano?
47. Which is the second-largest and second-most-populous continent on earth after Asia?
48. What are the names of the oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and
49. Do sharks commonly eat people?

50. Which language is English most closely related to?
51. What country does yoga come from?
52. Which countries belong to Scandinavia?
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
53. Which food is most common in the standard Western diet?
Red Meat
54. Which country is shaped like a boot?
55. Which is an unincorporated U.S. territory?
Puerto Rico

56. In soccer, how many yellow cards result in a red card?
57. What figure did the tobacco company R.J. Reynolds decommission in 1997?
Joe Camel
58. What percentage of the world’s population has red hair (rare gene MC1R)?
59. What is the first primate with a sixth finger?
60. On the standard Monopoly board, what color are the Chance cards?

61. The sleeve insignia of a First Class Petty Officer in the US Navy is a spread eagle over how many chevrons?
62. What does the “64” in “Commodore 64” mean?
Kilobytes of memory
63. What is Pele’s birth name?
Edson Arantes do Nascimento
64. What does “vermicelli” mean in Italian?
Little worms
65. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Fourth Thursday in November

66. In 1996, what became the first minivan to be named Motor Trend magazine’s “Car of the Year”?
Dodge Caravan
67. What continent was the original home to the red tomato?
South America
68. What popular designer was hired by Hermes as creative director in 2003?
Jean-Paul Gaultier
69. How many balls are on a pool table at the start of a game?
70. What video game, that peaked in the late 2000s, got people to try stumping a cartoon genie?

71. The name of the building known as the Taj Mahal means what?
Crown palace
72. Originally how long was the Great Wall of China?
6000 km
73. In 1990, what did the World Health Organization officially remove from its list of “mental illnesses”?
74. What popular show features characters named after famous artists?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
75. What fashion brand was founded by artist Gwen Stefani?

76. What is the literal translation of the Greek word “Utopia”?
77. What is the American term for the rope maneuver called “abseiling” in Europe?
78. Which author wrote `Shout At The Devil’?
Wilbur Smith
79. Which bird is considered to be the fastest in the world?
Peregrine Falcon
80. The autobiography `The Long Walk To Freedom’ is based on who’s life?
Nelson Mandela

81. What is the name of the largest cut diamond in the world?
Golden Jubilee
82. In what city is the Notre Dame cathedral situated?
83. Up to how far can a Horned Lizard shoot blood from its eyes?
4 feet
84. In which country is the oldest university in the world situated?

85. Off the coast of which continent is the Great Barrier Reef?
86. Who merged with the struggling Cleveland Barons in 1978?
The Minnesota North Stars
87. The Chevy model known as the Camaro was originally intended to be called what?
88. What is the opposite of a utopia?
89. What does a spermologer collect?
90. What is the Wankel engine typically referred to as?
Rotary engine

91. What would you find in a bento box?
92. The Demologos was the first steam-powered what?
93. What company produced the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls until 1989?
94. What’s the first of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief?

95. In which US state is the General Sherman Tree located?
96. What two alcoholic ingredients is the Martini cocktail made of?
Gin and vermouth
97. What popular show features characters named after famous artists?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
98. What pharmaceutical company manufactures the drug Viagra?
99. What does a bibliophile fear, or hate?
100. What type of animal is the Japanese monster, Gezora?

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