GK questions on rivers of the world general knowledge trivia quiz in English printable free river quizzes test are full of useful and interesting facts and stats about various rivers. Precipitation, direct overland flow, springs and seepages, and meltwater at the borders of snowfields and glaciers all feed rivers. Direct precipitation on the water surface has a minor impact unless a large portion of a watershed is covered by lakes, GK questions on rivers of the world. Seepage and percolation into shallow or deep aquifers (porous rock layers that readily convey water) as well as evaporation cause river water losses. Surface discharge or streamflow is sustained by the differential between water intake and loss.
The quantity of water in river systems at any given moment is a minuscule percentage of the overall amount of water on the planet; the oceans hold 97 percent of all water, and around three-quarters of freshwater is stored as land ice; GK questions on rivers of the world, virtually all of the rest is groundwater. Lakes retain less than 0.5 percent of all freshwater, soil moisture approximately 0.05 percent, and water in river channels about half that, 0.025 percent, or about one four-thousandth of the total fresh water on the planet.
Water, on the other hand, is continually cycling via land ice, soil, lakes, groundwater (in part), and river channels. The discharge of rivers into the seas provides these systems with the equivalent of water vapor that is blown overland and subsequently precipitated as rain or snow—roughly 7% of global annual precipitation and 30% of precipitation on land regions, GK questions on rivers of the world. Rivers transport rock debris to the sea 100 times more effectively than coastal erosion. Their sediment delivery rate is comparable to a 30 centimeter (12 inches) average lowering of the land in 9,000 years, which is enough to erase all of the present continental relief in 25,000,000 years.
Rock pieces eroded from rocky channels or dissolved rock debris enter river systems. The solid particles suffer regular size and form changes as they flow downstream as bed load or suspension load, GK questions on rivers of the world. Except in high latitudes and along steep slopes, little or no coarse bedload ever makes it to the sea. Because the streamflow is irregular and the transported material is prone to entering temporary storage, movement of the solid load down a river valley is irregular, resulting in distinctive river-built features such as riffles, midstream bars, point bars, floodplains, levees, alluvial fans, and river terraces.
The Ganges-Brahmaputra and Huang He (Yellow River), which together deliver around 4,500,000,000 tons a year, are believed to supply almost a quarter of all suspended load; the Yangtze (Chang Jiang), Indus, Amazon, and Mississippi deliver between 500,000,000 and 350,000,000 tons a year, GK questions on rivers of the world. Suspended sediment movement on the Huang He results in a denudation rate of around 3,090 tons per square kilometer (8,000 tons per square mile) per year; the Ganges-Brahmaputra denudation rate is about half that. For certain smaller rivers, unusually high rates have been recorded: The Jing, for example, produces 1,060 tons per square kilometer per year, while the Luo produces 1,080 tons per square kilometer per year. Both are Loess Plateau tributaries of the Huang He, GK questions on rivers of the world.
Rivers in medieval Europe provided the water that kept towns afloat and the sewers that took away trash, and they were commonly employed as power sources, either directly or by offtakes, GK questions on rivers of the world. Three of these, Vienna, Budapest, and Belgrade, are on the Danube, with two more, Sofia and Bucharest, on feeder streams above stem floodplain level, according to Western European history.
As may be observed in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, the placement of provincial and equivalent capitals is much more firmly linked to riparian locations. Natural rivers dictated the routes of discovery, conquest, and settlement in modern history in both North America and northern Asia, GK questions rivers of the world. Portaging along lines defined by transient ice-marginal or ice-diverted channels permitted transit from one river system to the next in these places. Natural streams, particularly in Ohio, were used by many pioneer immigrants from the interior of North America.
GK questions on rivers of the world
1. What was the former name of the Congo River, the second-longest river in Africa?
Zaire River
2. What is the deepest river in the world?
the lower Congo
3. Which is the world’s cleanest river?
The Thames River (London)
4. What is the fastest river?
5. Which is the longest river in the world?
Nile: 4,132 miles
6. Which river cut the Tropic of Capricorn twice?
Limpopo River
7. Which is the deepest river of Nepal?
8. What are the only two rivers in the world that flow north?
Johns River and the Nile River
9. What river runs through Benalla?
The Broken River
10. Which country has the deepest river?
11. What is the slowest flowing river in the world?
James River (Dakotas)
12. What is the deepest river in the United States?
Hudson River
13. Which is the Speedest river in India?
Teesta River
14. Which is the largest river in Asia?
Yangtze River
15. Outflows in the North Sea, which river is 240 Million years old?
16. Which continent has maximum river water?
17. Which country is the Limpopo River?
South Africa
18. Which is the smallest river of Nepal?
Gandaki River
19. Where is the mouth of the Congo River?
Atlantic Ocean
20. Which is the second longest river in the world?
Amazon: 4,000 miles
21. What is the only river that flows backward?
Chicago River
22. Which river crosses the equator twice?
Congo River
23. Which is the longest river in Africa?
Nile River
24. What is the fastest flowing river in the United States?
Mississippi River
25. Which is the oldest river in the world?
26. Thames river outflows to which water body?
North Sea
27. Which rivers carry the most water?
28. Vilyuy river passes through which country?
29. What river has the fastest current in the United States?
Gulf Stream
30. What state has the Snake River?
31. What river kills the most people?
32. Which is the third-longest river in the world?
Yangtze: 3,915 miles
33. Did Mississippi ever run backward?
34. Nile river outflows to which water body?
Mediterranean Sea
35. Colorado (western U.S.) river outflows to which water body?
Gulf of California
36. Dnieper river passes through which countries?
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
37. Which is the longest river in Bangladesh?
38. What is the fastest flowing river in Europe?
River Corrib
39. Tyne river outflows to which water body?
North Sea
40. Which is the oldest river in India?
Narmada river
41. Which is the smallest river in India?
Arvari river
42. Araguaia river passes through which country?
43. There is a river named Aa in which country?
44. What is the deepest river in Asia?
Yangtze River
45. Outflows in Tennessee River, which river is 320–340 Million years old?
French Broad River
46. What links Gomal River, Kundar River, Zhob River, Kurram River, and Kabul River?
rivers of Afghanistan, flowing into the Arabian Sea
47. Which one is the deepest river of Bangladesh?
48. Which river was once called the Nile of India?
Indus River
49. Avana River is located in which Ocaenaian country?
Cook Islands
50. What is the longest river in a single country?
Yangtze River

51. There is a river named Aare in which country?
52. Indus (Sindhu) river outflows to which water body?
Arabian Sea
53. What is the longest river in Canada?
Mackenzie River
54. Kolyma river passes through which country?
55. Outflows in the Chesapeake Bay, which river is 260 to 325 Million years old?
56. Which is the largest river in Asia?
Yangtze River
57. There is a river named Achelous in which country?
58. What is the largest river with no dam in its catchment?
Fly River (Papua New Guinea, Indonesia)
59. Which is the smallest river in Bangladesh?
Madhumati River
60. What is the common name of Lancang Jiang?
Mekong River
61. What is the length of Volga, the longest river in Europe?
3,690 km (2,290 mi)
62. What is the smallest river in Africa?
Niger River
63. Mackenzie–Slave–Peace–Finlay rivers outflow to which water body?
Beaufort Sea
64. What is the longest river in Mexico?
Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte or Río Bravo)
65. Murray–Darling–Culgoa–Balonne–Condamine rivers outflow to which water body?
Southern Ocean
66. Which river passes through Russia and Kazakhstan and outflows in the Caspian Sea?
67. Which country is called the land of rivers?
68. Arkansas river passes through which country?
United States
69. Asaro River is located in which Ocaenaian country?
Papua New Guinea
70. There is a river named Acheron in which country?
71. Outflows in Kanawha River, which river is 260 to 325 Million years old?
72. Which city is called the land of rivers?
73. Which river is called the Father of All rivers?
74. Which is the largest river basin?
The Ganga basin
75. Tennessee – 652 miles (1,049 km) is the longest river in which US state?
76. Which country is called the land of no rivers?
Saudi Arabia
77. What is the mouth of Kikori River, Papua New Guinea?
Gulf of Papua
78. What is the third-largest unfragmented rivers in the world?
Pechora River (Russia)
79. There is a river named Adda in which country?
80. Kaladan River passes through which countries?
Myanmar, India
81. Outflows in the North Sea, which river is 320-340 Million years old?
82. Papenoo River is located in which Ocaenaian country?
French Polynesia
83. Niger river outflows to which water body?
Gulf of Guinea
84. Zambezi river passes through which countries?
Zambia (41.6%), Angola (18.4%), Zimbabwe (15.6%), Mozambique (11.8%), Malawi (8.0%), Tanzania (2.0%), Namibia, Botswana
85. What is the largest river in all of Indonesia?
Mamberamo River
86. What is the most northerly large river system in the world, with northernmost tree line in basin?
Khatanga River (Russia (Krasnoyarsk Krai))
87. What’s the widest river in the world?
Amazon River
88. What is the youngest river?
Roe River
89. What continent apparently has no rivers?
90. Which river has the most discharge?
91. Which is the largest river in the world by volume?
92. Where does the Mekong river in China outflow?
South China Sea
93. Outflows in Lake Eyre, which river is 350-400 Million years old?
94. What is the deadliest river in the United States?
Naugatuck River
95. Salween river passes through which countries?
China (52.4%), Myanmar (43.9%), Thailand (3.7%)
96. Ba River is located in which Ocaenaian country?
97. Tocantins–Araguaia rivers outflow to which water body?
Atlantic Ocean, Amazon
98. What is the longest river in Antarctica?
The Onyx River
99. There is a river named the Adige in which European country?
100. Volga river in Russia outflows to which water channel?
Caspian Sea
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