Harry Potter house is full of adventure, thrill, challenges, and learning and you will be able to pass when you solve the quiz successfully. Solve this harry potter house quiz and take credit with your friends. Share them with this Harry Potter house quiz so that they can also do fun with it! The first six volumes in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series are mostly set at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a made-up British boarding school of magic for students aged eleven to eighteen. It also plays a significant role in the Wizarding World world.
Hogwarts was built in the Scottish Highlands in the 10th century by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin to teach young wizards and witches and to protect pupils from muggle persecution. According to theory, Rowena Ravenclaw named Hogwarts after having a dream in which she was brought to a cliff beside a lake by a warty hog. Since that time, Hogwarts has taught the majority of wizarding kids in the UK and its environs while keeping its location a secret from other wizarding schools and muggles.
The Triwizard Tournament was organized as an interscholastic rivalry amongst the three most esteemed magical schools in Europe: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang, some three hundred years after the institution was founded. Before being abandoned, the competition lasted six centuries. The tournament was attempted to be revived in the 1994–1995 academic year, but due to Cedric Diggory’s untimely death, it was permanently discontinued.
Coeducational secondary boarding school Hogwarts enrolls students between the ages of eleven and seventeen. According to the seventh book, attendance at Hogwarts is not required, and some pupils receive their education at home. Initially, Rowling estimated that Hogwarts had roughly a thousand students. [Reference required] Later, she made the suggestion of 600, but she acknowledged that this figure was still out of line with the few individuals in Harry’s year. She went on to say that the reason for this was that she had just 40 characters for Harry’s year.
According to the books, children who demonstrate magical aptitude automatically win a spot at Hogwarts, and squibs are not permitted to enroll as pupils (though they can work there in other roles, as Argus Filch does). There is no entrance exam at Hogwarts because “you are either magical or you are not,” according to the magical quill that tracks the birth of magical kids and records their names in a huge parchment book. A teacher examines this book annually and writes to the students turning eleven. Hogwarts acceptance or rejection must be posted on July 31.
The letter also includes a list of the materials the student will require, such as spell books, uniforms, and other items. The prospective student is supposed to purchase the essential supplies, often from stores in London’s Diagon Alley, a secret alleyway behind the wizarding bar The Leaky Cauldron, close to Charing Cross Road. As was the case with the young orphan Tom Riddle, students who are unable to pay for their supplies may be eligible for financial help from the school.
Harry Potter House Quiz Test All Short Questions
1. How many harry potter books are there?
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2. Where is the author of harry potter from?
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3. What is the most famous harry potter book
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4. Which Harry Potter movie was the best?
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5. What is the funniest Harry Potter movie?
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6. Which Harry Potter movie made the most money?
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7. Will there be a Harry Potter 9?
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8. What is JK Rowling's favorite Harry Potter book?
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9. Which is the longest Harry Potter book?
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10. What is the most famous harry potter spell?
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11. What is the most deadly spell in Harry Potter?
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12. What does Harry Potter say when he casts a spell?
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13. What is Harry Potter's favorite spell?
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14. What killed Sirius Black?
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15. Who killed Dumbledore?
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16. What spell did Harry hit Draco with?
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17. What spell killed Bellatrix Lestrange?
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18. What is Hagrids full name?
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19. What does Expecto Patronum mean?
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20. How many spells are there in harry potter?
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21. What spells does Voldemort?
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22. What is Hermione Granger's favorite spell?
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23. What is Ron's signature spell?
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24. Who destroyed the ring Horcrux?
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25. What is Hermione's spirit animal?
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26. What is Hermione's Favourite food?
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27. How did Voldemort die in the movie?
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28. Does Sirius Black die?
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29. Who killed Fred Weasley?
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30. Is Snape evil in the Half-Blood Prince?
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31. Who killed Dumbledore?
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32. What is a Horcrux?
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33. What did the Boggart turn into for Professor Lupin?
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34. Who kills Snape?
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35. How did Molly kill Bellatrix?
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36. What house is JK Rowling in?
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37. What is Snape's full name?
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38. What language is Expecto Patronum?
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39. What does alohomora mean?
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40. How did Fred die?
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41. What is the first name of the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts?
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42. How did Voldemort kill Snape?
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43. Who was the Half-Blood Prince?
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45. There really is a 9 3/4 platform in London. Which station can tourists find the platform at?
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46. Which actor was considered to play the role of Harry Potter instead of Daniel Radcliffe?
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47. Who was originally cast as Bellatrix?
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48. In what year was the first Harry Potter book published?
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49. Which city is home to one of the Universal Studios Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park attractions?
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50. How many times did Emma Watson audition before landing the role of Hermione Granger?
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51. Who does Harry Potter marry?
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52. Why did Moaning Myrtle become a ghost?
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53. Which of the following actors did J.K. Rowling want to play Severus Snape?
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54. Where did the inspiration for Sirius Black's tattoos come from?
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55. The Harry Potter books have made the American Library Association's list of most frequently challenged books. What is one of the reasons that parents suggest the books are inappropriate for children?
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56. Unlike some other religious groups and leaders, Pope John Paul II had a more positive view of the books. What did he say Harry Potter helped children do?
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57. What is Harry Potter based off of?
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58. What is the name of the famous jelly bean brand from the Harry Potter series?
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59. On the day that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released in Great Britain, the publisher asked booksellers not to do what?
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60. What does 'Expecto Patronum' mean in Latin?
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61. What were Dobby's last words?
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62. What does Snape say before he died?
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63. What are the last words of Harry Potter?
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64. Why did Tom Felton have the pockets in his Hogwarts robes sewn shut?
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65. What is Harry Potter's grandfather's name?
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66. Why did J.K. Rowling use initials instead of her full first name for her books?
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67. How many publishers rejected to publish Harry Potter?
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68. What is the name for the Hogwarts school?
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69. Tom Felton auditioned for the role of Draco Malfoy and which another character?
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70. The Room of Requirement is located on Hogwarts' which floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy?
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71. Which Harry Potter star murdered?
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72. in literature what is the name of harry potter's pet owl
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73. What was Harry Potter's first broom?
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74. What is the best broomstick in Harry Potter?
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75. What house was Hagrid?
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76. What's the fastest broom in Harry Potter?
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77. How much do brooms cost in Harry Potter?
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78. Where did Harry Potter get his broom?
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79. What house is Dolores Umbridge in?
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80. What house is McGonagall?
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81. What did Hermione smell?
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82. Can a Muggle fly a broom?
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83. What house were peeves in?
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84. What was Hagrid's Patronus?
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85. What is the Patronus of Voldemort?
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86. What house is Trelawney?
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87. Which director did J.K. Rowling want to direct the Harry Potter movies?
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88. What is the name of Draco Malfoy's two henchmen/friends?
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89. Even Draco Malfoy's name invites mistrust. What is Draco mean in ancient Greek?
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90. When Rowling took an online hat sorting quiz, which house did she get assigned to?
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91. Which publisher decided to give Rowling's magical books a chance?
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92. When did J.K. Rowling was born?
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93. What is Harry Potter's birthday as recorded in the novels?
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94. Before the Harry Potter books, what was the last children's book to appear on the New York Times bestseller list?
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95. What to the Dementors represent?
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96. What would a muggle see if he or she accidentally stumbled upon Hogwarts?
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97. Why was King's Cross chosen as the gateway to Hogwarts?
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98. What does Hermione look like?
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99. What spell does Dumbledore use when Harry is falling?
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100. How many languages have the Harry Potter books been translated into?
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A member of the Hogwarts staff personally delivers letters to Muggle-born witches and wizards who may not be aware of their abilities and are unfamiliar with the hidden wizarding world. The staff member then educates the parents or guardians about magical society and reassures them regarding this news. Even though the school is located in Great Britain, children from Ireland can attend, hence its catchment area includes the whole British Isles.
It is OK for each pupil to bring an owl, a cat, or a toad. First-year students get a list of necessary supplies along with their admission letter. These include a wand, subject books, a standard size 2 pewter cauldron, a set of brass scales, a set of glass or crystal phials, a kit of fundamental potion components (for Potions), and a telescope (for Astronomy). A pair of protective gloves, a simple black cap, plain black work robes, and a black winter cloak with silver fastenings make up the Hogwarts uniform. Each outfit must have a nametag for the wearer. First-year students are not permitted to own a broomstick, but Harry Potter is granted an exemption to this rule in his first year after showing exceptional skill as a Seeker in Quidditch.

The Hogwarts Express, which students board at the beginning of every school year, is the main means of transportation to Hogwarts. At King’s Cross station in London, students board the train from the similarly fictitious and secret Platform 93.4. Sometime after sunset, the train pulls into Hogsmeade station, which is close to Hogwarts. The “Keeper of the Keys, Game, and Grounds” (Hagrid in the first novel) then accompanies first-year students to tiny boats that magically float across the lake and deliver them close to Hogwarts’ entrance. The elder pupils take carriages drawn by animals known as Thestrals up to the palace.
The first-year students enter the castle and wait in a tiny room off the entry hall until the senior students have taken their seats before going into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony to establish their House assignments. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Minerva McGonagall explained, “Because your House will essentially act as your family while you are a student here, the Sorting is a highly significant event. You will attend lessons with the other members of your House, stay in the dorms, and pass your free time in the common area.”
Each student is seated on the stool in front of the other students after the Sorting Hat performs a song. The student wears The Hat, which evaluates their minds and places them in one of the four Houses according to their skills, personalities, and interests. The Hogwarts house-elves prepare a feast for the students and professors following the Sorting Ceremony. Dumbledore will lead the pupils in singing the school song if he is in a good mood.

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