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Free plant questions with answers. Trivia questions innovation MCQ. This online quiz and worksheet will help you discover some of the most famous inventions throughout history.
Answer each of these questions to see how the quiz works. Take this trivia quiz and try to identify famous historical figures who did great inventions. We will ask you a set of questions from the Discovery field and you will need to answer. This quiz is the best fit with years of the invention as well as interesting facts, but not just any history, the invention of all-ages trivia questions answers multiple choice.
We want to challenge you to identify the country where the innovation came from. So we’ll name a discovery. These Trivia Quizzes are all about inventions, from startup machines to A’s invention, when you’re done, see your results and our explanations regarding each outcome.
Here are trivia questions with trivia answers for all ages, though very young children may struggle with some questions. Who invented the legendary Benedictine monk?
Invention All Ages Trivia Questions Answers
1. Computer was invented by Charles Babbage in which year?
2. Clock was first invented in around 3,500 B.C.E. in
3. Alphabetization came to surface around the ___ millennium B.C.E.
4. Pasteurization was invented by Louis Pasteur in which year?
5. One of the effective water pumps was made by Ruth Amos in which country?
6. What was invented by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582?
7. Condoms have been used since the 18th century, while the contraceptive pill came into use in the 1930s; the brainchild of
8. Electric telegraph was invented in 1836 by
9. Refrigerator was invented in 1844 by whom?
10. Steel Plow was invented by whom?
11. Numeral System comprised of 10 numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) along with their positional numerical values (123 refers to one hundred plus twenty plus three) was invented in
12. Automobile was invented by whom?
13. Paper was inted in China in which century?
14. Penicillin, a bacteria-inhibiting mold was invented by Alexander Fleming in which year?
15. What metal took a prominent role in human civilization during the Industrial Revolution?
16. In 1781, James Watt patented what?
17. Who was the first to research on electricity, before Benjamin Franklin?
18. Printing Press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in which year?
19. Gunpowder was invented in which country?
20. Which country was the first to make use of paper money in the 9th century?
21. In which country a lodestone, a naturally magnetized mineral, was used to make early compasses in around 300–200 B.C.E?
22. The development of _____ was pioneered by the Mesopotamians and Egyptians started in the 13th century
23. Nails have been used since around 3400 B.C.E. by the people of Ancient
24. What is considered as the greatest invention of all time invented around 3500 B.C.E.
25. When was fire fully utilized to the point where it was considered a tool?
26. The Chinese fire lance, a bamboo tube that used gunpowder to fire a spear, invented in which century?
27. Who is typically credited with inventing the very first watch, created one of these “clock watches” in the 15th century?
28. Who first invented zero in the world?
29. Who invented the first toothpaste in the world?
30. Who invented the first book in the world?
Charles Babbage proposed the Analytical Engine, the first universal mechanical computer, in 1837. The Analytical Engine was the first general-purpose computer idea, with an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), rudimentary flow control, and integrated memory.
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, two University of Pennsylvania academics, designed and build the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator in 1945. (ENIAC). According to Edwin D., the machine is the first “automated, general-purpose, electronic, decimal, digital computer.”
Pasteurization is now described as the procedure of heating every particle of milk or milk product to any of the one specified pasteurization time-temperature combinations (Food and Drug Administration, 2011), most commonly 72°C for 15s, in properly designed and operated equipment, and is effective in destroying human pathogens.

Pasteurized milk is a raw milk that has been cooked to a specific temperature and for a specific amount of time to destroy microorganisms that may be present. Pathogens are microorganisms that make humans sick, such as bacteria. Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria, and other bacteria can all be found in raw milk.
Refrigerators function by converting the liquid refrigerant flowing inside them to gas. The evaporation process cools the surrounding region and delivers the intended effect. You may test this procedure for yourself by placing a drop or two of alcohol on your skin.
What is the mechanism of the steel plow? It cuts a furrow, raises it, turns it over, and breaks up the dirt as it does so. This also burys the surface plants, exposing the soil, which may now be readied for growing a fresh crop.
How does a plow function? The plow’s massive weight compresses the soil, forming a layer known as the “hard pan layer” that becomes deeper over time. This layer prevents both air and water from passing through, making the formation of new plant roots more difficult, resulting in a gradual loss of soil fertility.
What is the mechanism of the iron plow? A plow (sometimes written “plow”) is an agricultural instrument that splits the soil and makes a furrow (small trench) for sowing seeds. A moldboard, which is a wedge produced by the bent section of a steel blade that twists the furrow, is an important element of the plow.
Around 100 BC, China created paper. Ts’ai Lun, a Chinese government official, was the first to develop a paper-making company in 105 AD, under the Han Dynasty emperor Ho-Ti.
Paper and printing were two of China’s most important innovations, and they revolutionized the globe. Around 100 CE, during the Han dynasty, when the national civil service was established, the paper was developed. Rags were used to make the first paper, but subsequently plant resources like bark, hemp, and bamboo were utilized.
Inventors in China pushed communication to the next level some 2,000 years ago, using fabric sheets to record their designs and words. And so was born paper as we know it today! Ts’ai Lun, a Chinese court official, invented paper in Lei-Yang, China.
When did paper become popular? The first authentic papermaking technique was reported in China during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 CE), typically credited to court official Cai Lun.

The first watch is said to have been invented by a clockmaker from Nuremberg named Peter Henlein. In the 15th century, he built one of these “clock watches.” included in the invention of all-ages trivia questions answers
When did watches become popular? Spring-powered clocks first emerged in the 14th century, and watches were invented in the 17th century. The watch was a mechanical instrument for most of its existence, powered by winding a mainspring and maintaining time using an oscillating balance wheel. Mechanical watches are what they’re called.
Historians consider the Chinese fire lance, a bamboo tube that fired a spear with gunpowder, to be the first gun ever constructed. It was invented in the 10th century.
When did the first arms appear? Around the year 1000 CE, the first devices described as firearms or proto-guns appeared in China. They had evolved into “real guns” by the end of the 13th century, metal barrel weapons that discharged single bullets that obstructed the barrel as a part of the invention of all-ages trivia questions answers.
Who invented the first pistol in the world? The development of gunpowder, most likely in China around 1,000 years ago, was the beginning of guns.
What was the very first weapon ever created? Arrows, bows, and stone tips Archaeologists believe that stone tips are one of the earliest kinds of weapons, with the earliest surviving specimens of stone tips containing animal blood dating from roughly 64,000 years ago in what is now South Africa.

Who was the first in the world to invent zero? Around 3 B.C., the first documented zero occurred in Mesopotamia. It was independently created by the Mayans in 4 A.D. It was first invented in India in the mid-fifth century, then moved to Cambodia near the end of the seventh century, and finally to China and Islamic nations around the end of the eighth century.
Who was the first person to create toothpaste? A dentist named Peabody (first name unknown) was the first to add soap to dental paste in 1824, followed by John Harris in the 1850s, who included chalk. Colgate mass-produced the first toothpaste in a jar almost 20 years later.
The Egyptians were the first civilization to use a toothpaste-like concoction to clean their teeth, according to historians. Though the oldest recorded formula goes back to 4 AD, it is thought to have been utilized as early as 5,000 BC, covering the invention of all-ages trivia questions answers.
Who created the world’s first book? Gutenberg borrowed money from Johannes Fust to support his enterprise, and in 1452, Fust became a partner in the book-making process with Gutenberg. They started publishing calendars, booklets, and other items. The only book that came out of Gutenberg’s store was the Bible, which he published in 1452.
When did the first book appear? The Diamond Sutra is the world’s first printed book, and while its exact date is unknown, it is considered to have been composed between the 2nd and 5th century CE.
What did Martin Cooper come up with? A mobile phone, also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, cellphone, handphone, handphone, or pocket phone, is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area. It is sometimes shortened to simply a mobile, cell, or just phone.

When was the first camera invented in the world? While historians largely agree that Joseph Nicéphore Niépce of France invented the first photographic camera in 1816, the camera’s development required centuries of contributions. Niépce used silver chloride-lined paper to make photographic pictures, and the oldest existing photograph is from 1826. While there have been decades of contributions to the invention of the camera, historians agree that the first photographic camera was developed in 1816 by Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
What was the first camera’s name? George Eastman was the first to employ photographic film, first with paper film in 1885 and then transitioning to celluloid in 1889. His first camera, which he dubbed the “Kodak,” was first sold in 1888.
Who made walking possible? It took 1.8 million years for a hominid with anatomy sufficiently similar to ours that we can claim it walked like us to arrive in Africa. Homo erectus was the first species to have long legs and short arms, allowing us to walk, run, and move over the Earth’s landscapes as we do today.

What was the first image you took? The shot, simply labeled “View from the Window at Le Gras,” is thought to be the oldest surviving photograph in the world. And it was nearly gone for good. Nicéphore Niépce photographed it between 1826 and 1827 in the municipality of Saint-Loup-de-Varennes in France.
Who created the video game? Physicist William Higinbotham is credited with creating the first video game in October 1958. It was a basic tennis game that was highly popular at a Brookhaven National Laboratory open house, and it was akin to the legendary 1970s video game Pong.
Whence came to the toilet? Sir John Harington, an English courtier and the godson of Queen Elizabeth I, described the first modern flushable toilet in 1596. Harington’s design asked for a 2-foot-deep circular basin waterproofed with pitch, resin, and wax and fed by water from an above cistern.

Who created email, exactly? Raymond Samuel Tomlinson was an American computer programmer who created the first email software for the ARPANET system, which was the forerunner to the Internet, in 1971. It was the first system that allowed users on various sites connected to ARPANET to send mail to each other.
Who made the first film paper? George Eastman created the first flexible roll film in 1885, although it was composed of paper rather than synthetic. In 1889, the first transparent plastic roll film (made of highly flammable nitrocellulose) was produced. In 1908, Kodak invented “safety film.”
When was the first selfie taken? Robert Cornelius existed long before Ellen and Kim. Nearly 180 years ago, he took the world’s first selfie. In 1839, Robert Cornelius is credited with capturing the first selfie.

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