Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz for Beginners is made of the greatest inventions in the world. Invention Trivia Questions for Beginners is a collection of 30 trivia questions. These scientific invention trivia questions for is beginners can be a good source of your knowledge and testing skills.
A device, technique, composition, or procedure that is original or innovative is referred to as an innovation. The innovation process is part of a larger engineering and product development cycle. It might be a new procedure for making an object or a result, or it could be an enhancement to a machine or product.
Electric motors, telephones, computers, plastic, and airplanes are examples of great contemporary innovations. The Electric Dynamo was invented in 1831. Michael Faraday’s development of the electric dynamo revolutionized the practical application of electricity, from transportation to power equipment and household appliances. Enjoy these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Humans have come up with some incredible — and occasionally bizarre — creations. Several important achievements stand out as particularly revolutionary, from the instant someone beat a rock on the ground to form the first sharp-edged tool, through the introduction of the wheel, to the invention of Mars rovers and the Internet. Here are our top recommendations for the most significant innovations of all time, as well as the science behind them and how they came to be. Explore these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz
1. Who invented the printing press?
2. Who invented the World Wide Web?
3. Who invented the Periodic Table?
4. Who invented the Kevlar?
5. Who invented the Beer?
6. Who invented the Moving Assembly Line?
7. Who invented the Flush Toilet?
8. Who invented the Corkscrew?
9. Who invented the Toothbrush?
10. Who invented the Tin Can?
11. Who invented the electric Battery?
12. Who invented the Camera?
13. Who invented the Internet?
14. Who invented the X-Ray?
15. Who invented the Railway?
16. Who invented the Steam Iron?
17. Who invented the Microscope?
18. Which country invented the Chess?
19. Who invented the Electric Traffic Light?
20. Who invented the Petrol?
21. Who invented the Velcro?
22. Who invented the Duct Tape?
23. Who invented the Crossword Puzzle?
24. Where was the Stapler invented?
25. Who invented the Flashlight?
26. Wheel was invented around which year?
27. Which invention dates back more than 2,000 years to the Ancient Roman period?
28. The first ______ was invented in China during the Han dynasty between the 2nd Century B.C. and 1st Century A.D.
29. The first compass was made of what, a naturally-magnetized iron ore?
30. Bauxite (Al2O32H2O) is the ore of Aluminium which contains what percent of Aluminium Oxide?

The internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks utilized by billions of people all over the world. In the 1960s, a group of computer scientists working for the US Defense Department’s ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) created ARPANET, the forerunner of the internet, to connect the agency’s computers. It employed a data transmission technology called “packet switching,” which was invented by Lawrence Roberts, a computer scientist, and team member, based on previous work by other computer scientists. Enjoy these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
According to computer scientist Harry R. Lewis’ book “Ideas That Created the Future: Classic Papers of Computer Science,” this technology was advanced in the 1970s by scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf, who developed the crucial communication protocols for the internet, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) (MIT Press, 2021). Kahn and Cerf are commonly referred to as the “inventors of the internet” because of this.
The internet advanced further in 1989, courtesy to computer scientist Tim Berners-development Lee’s of the World Wide Web while working at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research). “The core aim of the WWW,” according to CERN, “was to combine the growing technologies of computers, data networks, and hypertext into a powerful and easy-to-use worldwide information system.” The invention of the WWW made the internet accessible to everyone and connected the globe in ways it had never been connected before.
Humans were severely constrained in how much and how far they could move goods across the land before the creation of the wheel around 3500 B.C. The most difficult element of “creating the wheel” wasn’t the wheel itself. Things got complicated when it came to connecting a non-moving platform to the rolling cylinder, according to David Anthony, an anthropology professor at Hartwick College. Explore the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
The wheel-and-axle design was brilliant, but putting it together was challenging. He explained that the holes in the middle of the wheels and at the ends of the fixed axles, for example, had to be nearly flawless round, and smooth. The axle’s size, as well as its snugness inside the hole, were both important considerations.
The effort paid off handsomely. Wheeled carts aided agriculture and commerce by allowing items to be transported to and from marketplaces and alleviating the difficulties of individuals who had to travel long distances. Wheels are now ubiquitous in our daily lives, appearing in everything from clocks to automobiles to wind turbines.
Several innovators pioneered electrical voice transmission, with several of them eventually filing intellectual property cases as telephone use grew, but on March 7, 1876, Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be issued a patent for the electric telephone (his patent drawing is pictured above). According to historian A. Edward Evenson’s book, “The Telephone Patent Conspiracy of 1876: The Elisha Gray-Alexander Bell Controversy and Its Many Players,” Bell made the first telephone call to his assistant, Thomas Watson, three days later, saying, “Mr. Watson, come here – I want to see you” (McFarland, 2015). Grab the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
His family impacted Bell’s decision to invent the telephone. According to Evenson, his father taught spoken elocution and specialized in teaching the deaf to talk, his mother – a talented pianist – lost her hearing later in life, and his wife Mabel, whom he married in 1877, had been deaf since the age of five. The innovation took off immediately, revolutionizing worldwide trade and communication. On August 2, 1922, when Bell died, all telephone service in the United States and Canada was turned off for one minute in his honor.
This important invention goes back over 2,000 years to the Ancient Roman period, and it was only conceivable when humanity learned to cast and shape metal. Previously, wood buildings had to be constructed by geometrically joining neighboring boards, which was a far more time-consuming procedure.
According to the University of Vermont, hand-wrought nails were the standard until the 1790s and early 1800s, with a blacksmith heating a square iron rod and then striking it on four sides to make a point. Between the 1790s and the early 1800s, nail-making machines were available. The technology for making nails has progressed.
According to the University of Vermont, once Henry Bessemer found a way to mass-produce steel from iron, the use of iron nails declined, and by 1886, 10% of U.S. nails were made from soft steel wire. Steel wire accounted for 90% of nails manufactured in the United States by 1913. Find the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Meanwhile, the screw, a stronger but more difficult-to-insert fastener, is usually credited to the Greek scholar Archimedes in the third century B.C., but according to David Blockley in his book “Engineering: A Very Short Introduction,” it was likely invented by the Pythagorean philosopher Archytas of Tarentum (Oxford University Press, 2012).
The burning of fuel in these engines produces a high-temperature gas, which expands and exerts a force on a piston, causing it to move. Combustion engines transfer chemical energy into mechanical work in this manner. The internal combustion engine, which took on its (basically) contemporary shape in the second part of the nineteenth century, was the result of decades of engineering by numerous scientists. The engine ushered in the Industrial Age and paved the way for the development of a wide range of devices, including contemporary automobiles and airplanes.
The following are the strokes: 1) Air and vaporized gasoline are brought in during the intake stroke. 2) The fuel vapor and air are compressed and ignited during the compression stroke. 3) The power stroke occurs when the gasoline ignites and the piston is pushed downward, propelling the machine forward. 4) Exhaust stroke: the exhaust is forced out of the engine. Revel these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Light Bulb
The light bulb revolutionized our environment by reducing our reliance on natural light and allowing us to work at any time of day or night. Several inventors contributed to the development of this revolutionary technology in the 1800s; Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because, in 1879, he created a fully functional lighting system, which included a generator, wiring, and the carbon-filament bulb similar to the one shown above.
This technology not only ushered in the introduction of electricity into houses throughout the Western world, but it also had the unintended consequence of altering people’s sleeping habits. We now stay awake except for the 7 to 8 hours permitted for sleep, and ideally, we sleep all at once, rather than retiring to bed at nightfall (having nothing else to do) and sleeping in parts throughout the night interrupted by intervals of waking. Share the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
The stars were utilized by ancient seafarers for navigation, but this approach did not operate during the day or on overcast nights, making journeys far from shore risky.
The first compass was created in China between the 2nd and 1st century A.D. under the Han dynasty; it was made of lodestone, a naturally magnetic iron ore whose appealing qualities had been studied for years. However, it was initially employed for navigation during the Song Dynasty, which ruled during the 11th and 12th centuries.
Soon after, the technology reached the West via maritime contact. The compass allowed seafarers to navigate safely far from land, allowing them to explore the world and create global trade as a result. The compass, an instrument that is still commonly used today, has profoundly changed our knowledge and comprehension of the Earth. Stay with the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Birth control pills, condoms, and other forms of contraception have not only sparked a sexual revolution in the developed world by allowing men and women to have sex for pleasure rather than procreation, but they have also significantly reduced the average number of children per woman in countries where they are used. Modern families have greater living standards and can offer better for each child since they have fewer mouths to feed. Meanwhile, contraceptives are assisting in the gradual stabilization of the human population on a worldwide scale; our population will most likely stabilize by the end of the century. Condoms, for example, help to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted illnesses.
Scientists are still making progress in the field of birth control, with some laboratories even working on a male version of “the pill.” The Food and Drug Administration authorized Essure, a permanent birth-control implant, in 2002, while the FDA cautioned in 2016 that the device would require stronger warnings to inform patients about the significant dangers of using it.
Printing Press
Between 1440 and 1450, German inventor Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press. The hand mold, a revolutionary molding process that allowed for the quick manufacture of vast amounts of metal moveable type, was crucial to its development. Though others had produced moveable types made of metal before him, notable innovators in China and Korea, Gutenberg was the first to devise a mechanical technique for transferring the ink (which he manufactured from linseed oil and soot) from the movable type to paper. Solve these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
Printing presses, using this moveable type technology, improved the pace with which book copies could be manufactured by orders of magnitude, allowing for the first time in history the fast and extensive diffusion of information. “By 1500, printers’ workshops would be established in every significant municipal town,” noted late historian Elizabeth L. Eisenstein in her book “The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe” (Cambridge University Press, 2012). Up to twenty million volumes were printed in Western Europe by 1500, according to some estimates, whereas Eisenstein believes it was closer to eight million.
The printing machine, among other things, made the Bible more accessible, allowing for alternative interpretations such as Martin Luther’s “95 Theses,” a treatise printed by the thousands that ignited the Protestant Reformation. Click these Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz.
It’s one of history’s most well-known discovery stories. Alexander Fleming, a Scottish chemist, discovered a bacteria-filled Petri dish with its lid accidentally ajar in his laboratory in 1928. The sample had gotten infected with mold, and the bacteria had died everywhere the mold was found. That antibiotic mold turned out to be the fungus Penicillium, and researchers refined it and produced the medication penicillin during the following two decades, which tackles a wide range of bacterial diseases in people without damaging them.
By 1944, penicillin had been mass-produced and commercialized. This advertisement, which was posted on a curbside mailbox, instructed World War II veterans to use the medicine to cure venereal disease.
According to a study published in 2003 in the journal Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, about one out of every ten persons has an allergic reaction to the antibiotic; nevertheless, the majority of those people are able to take the medicine, according to the researchers. It’s time to celebrate the Invention Trivia Questions MCQ general knowledge multiple choice quiz now!
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