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Knowledge quiz questions
1. Liga Nacional de Básquetbol is a bsketball league in which country?
2. Dioptra is used for what purpose?
Astronomical instrument
3. What is now the biggest transmitter of communications around the world?
4. Who crafted the famous painting- Homo bulla in 1590?
Hendrick Goltzius
5. What does the girl’s name Zoe mean?
6. What is the northernmost point in the United States?
Point Barrow, Alaska 71°23′20″N 156°28′45″W
7. P600 is related to what?
Mountain listing
8. Kerry county is located in which country?
9. Impedance analyzer is used for what purpose?
Electronic test equipment
10. What is the largest Japanese prefecture by area?
11. What is the highest and the most prominent mountain in England?
Scafell Pike
12. Winning which four-horse races is also sometimes called the superfecta or quadruple crown?
Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes, as well as the Travers Stakes
13. What is Novo Basquete Brasil?
Brazilian Premier basketball leagie
14. What is Kentucky’s largest single annual event, that first ran from 1935 to 1937?
The Kentucky Derby Festival
15. Frank Gorshin played what role in a 60s series film?
The Riddler
16. What is the largest annual fireworks display in North America?
Thunder Over Louisville
17. Who casts Scott Wheeler in the 2018 action thriller film Black Water?
Jasmine Waltz
18. Famous painting Peach Tree in Blossom is made by whom in 1888?
Vincent van Gogh
19. What are the Filipino customs of marriage?
Candle lighting, a coin blessing, a veiling, the tying of the nuptial cord, as well as the throwing of rice grains
20. The US uses up 7000 tons of what annually?
Currency – it is shredded
21. Firmat city is located in which country?
22. Who is the author of the famous 1941 novel The Captain from Connecticut?
C. S. Forester
23. What is the official name of Mexico?
United Mexican States
24. Basketball game was invented in the United States in the 1890s, in which location?
Springfield, Massachusetts
25. Originally marketed as a temperance drink and intended as a patent medicine -what?
Coca-cola, or Coke
26. Who plays Sofiya in the 2021 film Outside the Wire?
Emily Beecham
27. Christmas in Killarney is a music track by whom?
Bing Crosby
28. Traditional Igbo wedding attire is originated in which country?
29. A Caesar is a cocktail that originated in which location in Canada?
30. Allium cepa – one of the Liliaceae – world most used food item?
31. What is Horchata, or orxata?
a name given to various kinds of plant milk beverages of similar taste and appearance
32. Going My Way film was released in which year?
33. Where is the Headquarters of the Carcanet Press?
34. What is a large petroleum refining firm in Rio de Janeiro having 68829 employees?
35. If a dish is served Florentine what will it contain?
36. What is the depth of the Veryovkina Cave?
37. What is a margarita?
a cocktail consisting of tequila, orange liqueur, and lime juice
38. Which country has its UN code 716?
39. What is the highest United States city?
Mentone, Alabama
40. If you were eating a Prunus Domesticia what would it be?
41. What is Bois des Îles?
42. Which airport has its IATA code ABS?
Abu Simbel Airport
43. Those Barren Leaves is a famous novel written in 1925 by whom?
Aldous Huxley
44. What is the main attraction of the Rickwood Caverns in Alabama?
45. Cerumen is the technical name for what body part?
46. Peking is the romanized form of which city?

47. Where would you find your Coxa?
Hip Joint
48. What is Russian Blue?
49. What is the internet country domain TLD for Norway?
50. International Airline Registrations OO is what country?
51. Which country has its Alpha 3 code YEM?
52. Which Puccini opera featuring Nessun Dorma?
53. Which airport has its ICAO code HAKD?
Kabri Dar Airport
54. Berkswell town is located in which country?
55. In what Shakespeare play does the character Caliban appear?
The Tempest
56. Where did The Khitan people live
Para-Mongolic nomadic people
57. The Red Rose City has what more common name in Jordan?
58. Pagodas have been erected in the city of Beijing since at least what dynasty?
the Sui dynasty (581–618)
59. Albuquerque International Sunport is located in which country?
United States
60. What is Little Red Riding Hood’s name?
61. What is the highest peak of Antarctica?
Vinson Massif
62. Chopin played what instrument as a child?
63. What is Yellow tang?
64. What is the Alpha 3 code for Western Sahara?
65. John Wayne called what film “The most un-American thing ever”?
High Noon
66. What is Engineer’s scale?
Length measuring tool
67. The Pirate Khair-ed-Din had what is an Italian name meaning Redbeard?
68. Famous book Inside the Whale and Other Essays was written in 1940 by whom?
George Orwell
69. What is CGG?
Canadian Coast Guard
70. What vegetable was considered a cure for sex problems in old Egypt?
71. What is Ashera?
72. Who wrote the 1994 biography “Princess in Love”?
Anna Pasternak
73. Berrylands Railway Station is located in which city?
74. What is The Marriage of Figaro?
Opera by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
75. In what language was the first complete bible in the US printed?
Algonquin Indian
76. Which country has its Alpha 2 code WF?
Wallis and Futuna Islands
77. What is Christmas Disease?
Mild Haemophilia
78. What is the moral of Aesop’s Fable- The Ass and His Masters?
He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find happiness in another
79. L’Allegro is a famous poem written in 1645 by whom?
John Milton
80. What’s the most unusual official sporting event in China?
Grenade Throwing
81. What is Set square?
Engineering and technical drawing tool
82. Clemantine Campbell became famous under what name?
Cleo Lane
83. Name a word with all vowels in order.
84. The Michigan Wolverines comprise how many varsity sports teams at the University of Michigan?
85. In India in 1994 who were finally allowed to vote?
86. What is Mictlan?
The afterworld of the Mexica, in mythology
87. What is an SR N4?
88. Coimbra city is located in which country?
89. Together, how many provinces and territories make up Canada, the world’s second-largest country by total area?
Ten provinces and three territories
90. In Milan citizens can be fined $100 if they don’t always do what?
Smile – Not Hospital and Funerals
91. Where is the Transamerica Pyramid located?
San Francisco, California
92. If you were eating Olea Europaea what would it be?
93. Who is the singer of the popular song Sugar Walls?
Sheena Easton
94. Roaman Emperor Septimius Severus was given the title Parthicus Maximus in 198 for what contribution?
“great victor in Parthia”
95. What does the name Barbara mean – from Greek?
Strange or Foreign
96. Who was the 6th Earl of Chester 1181-1232?
Ranulf de Blondeville
97. What is the Alpha 2 code for the Virgin Islands, US?
98. What country spends the most per capita in casinos?
99. Bohemian Paradise is a popular tourist attraction in which country?
Czech Republic
100. What does Scotland export to Saudi Arabia?
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