Simple general knowledge questions will be really when you find fun and entertainment unless a person is able to solve anything crazy. Late in 2001, DVD players were a common holiday present, and chief talent officer Patty McCord saw that demand for DVD subscription services was “increasing like crazy.” On May 29, 2002, the business went public by issuing 5.5 million shares of common stock for US$15.00 each. The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office granted Netflix a patent in 2003 that covered its subscription rental business as well as many renewals. In 2003, Netflix reported its first profit of $6.5 million on $272 million in sales; by 2004, the profit had risen to $49 million on over $500 million in sales. 35,000 distinct movies were accessible in 2005, and 1 million DVDs were distributed daily by Netflix.
We are sure these simple general knowledge questions printable quiz trivia are fresh and up to date. By solving these simple general knowledge questions, a person will greatly improve the learning craze and trends of the world. Lord Curzon’s dreams were bitterly dashed, but he insisted on chairing the conference when Baldwin was chosen for the position for which he was so much more qualified. Up until Baldwin replaced him with Austen Chamberlain in 1924, he continued in his position as foreign secretary. Since being made a marquess in 1921, he had hoped more than ever for a son to take the throne. However, he was to also experience disappointment in this regard. He underwent surgery for an internal ailment on March 9, 1925, and died from the repercussions less than two weeks later. His earldom and marquessate both passed away with him. Later, his eldest daughter, Lady Irene Curzon, received the barony of Ravensdale and his nephew received the viscountcy.
Let’s solve these simple general knowledge questions with ease and fun, don’t take them so lightly, because it would be a foolish job to let others overtake you in the journey of life. It wasn’t until the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis that the Olympic custom of awarding gold, silver, and bronze medals was established. The losers in the 1896 games earned bronze medals and laurel branches, while the victors received silver medals, certificates, and olive branches. Meanwhile, the unfortunate third-place finishers received nothing.
The large viceroyalties of New Spain (Mexico) and Peru were established in the early 16th century, while two more—New Granada and Ro de la Plata—were established in South America in the 18th century. The viceroys were chosen from among the aristocratic Spanish families by the monarch of Spain and the Council of the Indies. They had a wide range of official responsibilities, including collecting and increasing royal revenues, appointing less-important colonial officials (both civil and ecclesiastical), enforcing the law, protecting the Indians and facilitating their conversion to Christianity, and, up until the 18th century, granting encomiendas (grants of Indians for labor and tribute to certain colonists). The sources of these simple general knowledge questions are reliable and authentic.
Simple general knowledge questions
1. What color is associated with Muslim widow women?
2. US government started the DV lottery system in which year?
The first DV lottery, for the fiscal year 1995, was named DV-1
3. Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began spreading the message of Islam publicly to all Meccans at that age?
4. What was the first Pink Floyd album?
Piper at the gates of dawn
5. What is the so-called “Gang of Eight”?
A bipartisan group of eight United States Senators – introduced in 2013 a bill that would have comprehensively reformed the immigration system in the USA
6. Which is called – The Forbidden City?
7. Nathan Burnbaum became famous under what name?
George Burns
8. Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led Hijra, emigration to Medina (called Yathrib) in which year?
9. What was built by the inmates of Changi Prison Camp?
Burma Railroad
10. The largest cell in the human body is what?
Female egg
11. In Pennsylvania legally a man needs a written permit from his wife to do what?
Purchase Alcohol
12. The capital of Nigeria was Lagos what is it now?
13. What is the origin of the month of February?
The Latin word februa, “to cleanse.” The Roman calendar month of Februarius was named Februalia, a festival of purification and atonement that took place during this period.
14. Which city is called The Bubble?
Tel Aviv
15. Newspeak – Portable Handheld Communications Transcribers.
A Pencil
16. What is a common link between Jan Kochanowski, Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki, Zygmunt Krasiński, and Cyprian Norwid?
National poets in Poland
17. What are ceps morels and chanterelles?
18. Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure?
19. Which country is called – The Sunny Side of the Alps?
20. Who is Dick Tracey’s girlfriend?
Tess Trueheart
21. Your eyes are always the same size from birth. T/F?
True, but our noses and ears never stop growing
22. What are the common links among Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Richard III?
All plays contain ghosts

23. Which is called – the City of Palaces
24. What is the name of Porky Pigs’ father?
Phineas Pig
25. The Greek for the circle of animals gives its name to what?
26. Shaddock is another name for what?
27. US 1900 census people with 2 or less what were lower middle class?
28. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph & nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as how many miles per hour?
170 miles
29. How many pints will the 27-inch Americas cup hold?
None – it’s bottomless
30. There is a place “Odd” in which US state?
West Virginia
31. What is called the City of Peace and Justice?
The Hage
32. Name two sports where the winner moves backward?
Rowing – Tug of War
33. The iron present in our blood (Heme) forms a ring of atoms called what, the shape of this structure produces the red color of blood?
34. International dialing codes – where is 672?
35. Tintoretto did most of his painting in what city?
36. The reason for Thirst being salt tends to bind what?
37. Who composed The Dream of Gerontius?
Edward Elgar
38. Name the river that flows through Baghdad?
39. Which country is called the Land of Milk and Honey?
40. What Olympic event only takes place at 70 and 90 meters?
Ski Jumping -— official ramps
41. The tiny droplets of water that makeup fog are so small that it would take how many of them to make a single tablespoonful of water?
7 thousand million
42. The Daleks come from what planet?
43. If you are in the Choke mountains what country are you in?
44. Who is the national poet in Norway?
Henrik Wergeland
45. What is the main ingredient of mock turtle soup?
Calf’s Head
46. How often must one perform a quotidian task?
47. Thirst not only occurs when the body loses a lot of fluids but also occurs due to what?
Increased levels of salt in the blood
48. What does GP mean on a music score when all players are silent?
General Pause
49. What are the Roman numerals for 505?
50. The relation between your thumb and your nose is what?
The length of your thumb is equal to the length of your nose.
51. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is situated in which part of the Netherlands?
Haarlemmermeer, North Holland
52. Where would you find your purlicue?
Space between thumb and finger
53. The total amount of fossil fuel used by humans since the start of civilization is equivalent to less than how many days of sunshine?
30 days
54. Who killed his grandfather with a quoit at the Larrison games?
55. Who is the Patron Saint of desperation?
St Jude
57. Which plant gets its name from the Persian for turban?
57. Grilled on a Ploughshare literal meaning what?
Japanese dish Sukiyaki
58. What was the first manmade object to exceed the sound barrier?
Tip of a whip
59. Agrippa poisoned her husband/uncle who was he?
60. In which country are condoms most commonly used?
61. Who was Barbara Streisand’s first husband?
Elliot Gould
62. The amount of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface is what times the amount of energy used by all human beings worldwide?
6,000 times
63. What was the name of the saloon in Gunsmoke?
Long Branch
64. What celestial body gets its name from the Greek long-haired?
65. There is a place called “Ogre” in which country?
66. What seven-letter word do all Americans pronounce wrongly?
67. Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash?
Orville Wright
68. What did God create on the fifth day (both)?
Sea creatures and birds
69. Fried fish lettuce spinach is a traditional Xmas eve meal where?
70. What is the scent of an artificial hare at greyhound tracks?
71. What percent of the people killed by lightning are male?
72. An average American eats 28 what in their lifetime?
73. Frankfurt Airport is situated in which location in Germany?
74. Where do men play each year for the Challenge Cup?
75. In Japan what is Shogi Japanese?
76. What does a galactophagist drink?
77. A petrologist studies what?
Rocks history formation etc
78. To whom are the Jews Gentiles?
The Mormons
79. The shape of the porphyrin is affected by the presence of ____in your body.
80. In the language of flowers what does the cucumber flower mean?
81. What would a German do with a Gravenstein?
Eat it – a yellow apple
82. You can use what seed to forecast the weather: The scales will close when rain is on the way?
Pine cones
83. In Baltimore it is illegal to scrub or wash what?
A Sink
84. Sir Wilfred is the real name of which eponymous character?
85. What is a common fact about Kočo Racin, Georgi Pulevski, and Kole Nedelkovski?
National Poets in North Macedonia
86. Brave New World – Aldus Huxley – was named after Shakespeare’s which play?
The Tempest
87. There is a place named “Okay” in which US state?
88. Who lives at 742 Evergreen Terrace?
The Simpsons
89. In the 18th century what would a pencil be?
90. Who was the Roman god of agriculture?
91. Gail Borden invented what food item Condensed?
92. There is a place called “Oniontown” in which US state?
93. Handel’s Largo comes from which opera?
94. Suvarnabhumi Airport is situated in which country?
95. The energy in an average one-day hurricane could power the United States for how many years?
3 years
96. Who was voted the most popular film performer in the USA in 1926?
Rin Tin-Tin
97. What is a common link between Robert Burns, Hugh MacDiarmid, Hamish Henderson, and Robert Tannahill
National poets in Scotland
98. Captain Macmorris only ever Irishman in what Shakespeare play?
Henry V
99. John F. Kennedy International Airport is situated in which area of New York, United States
100. Where was Bob Dylan born?
Duluth Minnesota
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