Space is vast but not beyond our imagination. Let’s think big! Find and solve this 50-space quiz challenge that you know. This space quiz is perfect for kids, students as well as adults. This space quiz will get you thinking about interesting things about space and astronomy.
Test your space smart with this online quiz for kids and adults: Trivia Questions and space quiz featured on our Solar System, space mission, black hole, and many more! Want to test your knowledge of the solar system? Let’s try these 50 awesome space quiz questions!
Find out how much you know and learn interesting facts about our solar system quiz. Common sense multiple-choice questions and the MCQ Universe and Space quiz.
For many competitive exams and exams, common sense questions for kids, adults, professionals, and all students. From the International Space Station to the edge of the center of space, find out how much you know about our solar system and beyond through this space quiz.
If you’ve always dreamed of taking a galaxy far away, this space multiple-choice trivia MCQ quiz is right up your alley. We have questions about the solar system. Check out these Space Trivia questions and learn a great deal you don’t know multiple-choice about space, the solar system, and the stars around us. Test your knowledge of space, science, and astronomy with our fun and challenging quiz.
Multiple Choice Space and Universe Quiz MCQ!
Please select 2 correct answers Please select 2 correct answersWe live in a galaxy which has a diameter over
What is the number of planets in the universe?
The day is longer than a year on
How many galaxies the universe contains
In space, our skin cells molt and and what pulls them away from our bodies?
How many stars are here in the Space?
What makes the space completely silent?
You become taller in Space because of
Tears will not fall down if you cry in Space due to
What is the largest asteroid in Space?
What is refereed to as the 'lava world'?
How many years the Sun takes to travel around the galaxy once – a journey of 100,000 light years.
Because lower gravity, a person with 100kg weigh on Earth would only weigh 38kg on
Which is the only planet that spins backward?
What is the green color planet?
Which planet has the largest dust storms, it lasts for months and covers up the whole planet?
A light-year is a measure of ______ in space.
What is the most massive and hottest star?
What is the biggest star in the universe?
How much bigger is Canis Majoris than the sun?
How far is the Canis Majoris, the largest star from Earth?
A day in Mercury lasts approximately as long as how many days on Earth.
What is the closest galaxy to us?
What is the single largest galaxy that has ever been found in the observable universe?
Pinwheel is the name of a
There are as many as ten million to a billion such black holes in the _____ alone.
What was the first artificial satellite in space?
Which women was the second woman who travels to space?
Normal pens won’t work in Space.
The ring of Saturn planet is not in the solid state.
The Sun is white, not yellow
Name of the biggest black hole is
In Space, if two pieces of metal touch
Which option is not applicable for the planet 55 Cancri e
One day on _____ is longer than one year.
In 3.75 billion years the Milky Way galaxy will collide with
Width of the largest known asteroid is
The Moon was once a piece of the Earth.
What is not feasible in case of Solar Eclipses
What is not true in case of a lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipses occur
Total Solar Eclipse is said to occur when he moon
It takes Venus 243 Earth years to do a full rotation on its axis, but 225 Earth days to do an orbit of the sun. Therefore,
When it is possible to observe the sun and the eclipsed moon together at the juncture of sunrise and sunset, the phenomenon is known as a
There are less trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.
Which of the Saturn's moons is walnut-shaped because it's absorbed some of Saturn's rings?
It rains _____ on Jupiter and Saturn
Like Saturn, there's an asteroid with rings
If the sun were the size of a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a
Due to the moon's changing orbit, total eclipse will not be visible after
Interesting Space and Universe Facts
At the same time, the area is both gorgeous and huge and mysterious. You may simply gaze up at the night sky, pondering what lay beyond the valiant moon and uncountable stars. You won’t believe how much sending fresh fruit to space costs. Space exploration is equally as amazing in real life as it is in fiction.
Even the most accomplished scientists can’t comprehend the breadth and scope of the cosmos, yet we’re learning more and more about the last frontier every day. While it is a well-known truth that the cosmos contains billions of celestial bodies scattered throughout the limitless universe, there are still things we don’t know or comprehend.
We will take you far beyond outer space in this post as we list over 50 astounding facts about space and beyond that, you may not be aware of.
1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter are the only terrestrial planets in the solar system.
2. It is thought that the solar system is 4.6 billion years old. It is predicted that it will continue for another 5,000 million years.
3. Every year, the moon moves 3.8 cm away from the Earth.
4. The orbit of Neptune around the sun takes 165 years. Since its discovery in 1846, it has only completed one orbit, which occurred in 2002.
5. To “hear” what’s going on in space, NASA utilizes a technology called data sonification, which converts radio waves, plasma waves, and magnetic fields into audio files. The noises range from ambulance-like screeches to beeps that sound like an extraterrestrial spaceship approaching.
6. Mercury rotates slowly, yet in fewer than 88 days it completes one round around the Sun. As a result, the planet’s day is twice as long as its year.
7. NASA’s Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite claims to have found evidence of large volumes of water on the moon.
8. IC 1101 is thought to be the universe’s biggest galaxy. This supergiant elliptical galaxy is nearly 30 times larger than the Milky Way, with a diameter of 5.8 million light-years.
9. Once every 25 to 35 days, the Sun completes a full rotation.
10. To equal the huge size of the Sun, one million Earths would be required.
11. Galaxies come in a variety of sizes and forms. They are classified as elliptical, spiral, or irregular in general.
12. The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus. It has a surface temperature of about 450 degrees Celsius on average. This is owing to a potentially disastrous greenhouse effect on its atmosphere.
13. Being a space outlaw is a possibility. Although astronauts are in free fall, space is not a free-for-all. To ensure that space does not become a conflict zone or a nuclear test site, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs enforces specific space rules. One of them is that no one can launch a weapon of mass destruction into space, that space research must be restricted to “peaceful means,” and that any government that launches an item is liable for the damage it does.
14. The gas giants are the four planets that remain in our solar system. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the four planets.

15. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its center, and we live in it. It stretches between 100 and 200 million light years.
16. The RMC 136a1 is, on the other hand, the most massive star. It possesses a mass of 315 suns and a temperature of almost 50,000 degrees Kelvin.
17. On the other hand, the cosmos is thought to be 13.82 billion years old.
18. A dog named Laika was the first animal to go into orbit in space. On November 3, 1957, the dog boarded the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft and took launch.
19. The Sun makes up 99.86 percent of the solar system’s mass. Helium and hydrogen make up three-quarters of the Sun’s mass.

20. A person who normally weighs 100 kilograms on Earth would only weigh roughly 38 kilograms on Mars’ surface due to its reduced gravity.
21. In the cosmos, there are most likely more than 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1 septillion) stars. The Hubble Space Telescope discovered roughly 10,000 galaxies in one of the universe’s deepest and darkest areas of the night sky after nine years of observation.
22. Olympus Mons is a three-times-the-size-of-Mount-Everest-sized volcano on Mars. Olympus Mons is the highest peak in the solar system, standing at a height of 21 kilometers.
23. The first humans to set foot on the moon were Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins. They were sent to the moon on July 16, 1969, by the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
24. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system, with a mass of nearly 318 Earths. It is two and a half times more huge than the rest of the plants put together.
25. It is extremely costly to launch something into space. When you split the cost of a mission’s launch by the weight of its cargo, you get some incredible figures.
Each pound of supplies used to cost $10,000 to carry into space, according to payload specialist and space station engineer Ravi Margasahayam. Since then, prices have risen dramatically, with the cargo on Orbital Science’s Cygnus spacecraft costing over $43,180 per pound and SpaceX’s new carriers costing around $27,000 per pound. According to Business Insider, launching a 16-ounce bottle of water into space today can cost anywhere from $9,100 to $43,180.
26. UY Scuti is the most well-known star at the moment. In the Scutum constellation, this brilliant red supergiant is around 9,500 light-years distant. The star in question is 1,708 times the size of the sun.
27. Outer space isn’t a vacuum. You may imagine that, except for the apparent stars and planets, the surrounding space is absolutely empty – a pure vacuum free of all stuff. True, space is a vacuum, but it’s an imperfect vacuum since it’s dense with particles like interstellar dust clouds, space plasma, and cosmic rays.
28. Uranus’s blue hue is due to the abundance of methane in its atmosphere. All of the red light that penetrates the planet is filtered away by methane.
29. According to the study, the Milky Way’s core comprises hundreds of black holes associated with stars as well as 10,000 standalone black holes.
30. Moons aren’t found on every planet. The only planets in the solar system without moons are Mercury and Venus.
31. On Venus, there are more volcanoes than on Earth or any other planet in the solar system.
32. Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Earth after the sun.
33. Normal matter accounts for only 5% of the universe’s mass. Dark matter makes up a quarter of the cosmos, while dark energy makes up the other seventy percent.
34. Charon, Pluto’s moon, has been classified as a double dwarf planet rather than a moon orbiting its own planet due to its size.
35. Jupiter has a large number of moons. Although there are only 53 recognized moons around Jupiter, astronomers estimate there are 67.
36. The pistol star is said to be the brightest star in the cosmos. It has a brightness ten million times that of the sun.
37. Because the moon has no atmosphere, there is no mechanism for wind to damage its surface. This means that the imprints on the moon will remain unchanged for millions of years.
38. Ceres, the dwarf planet, was the biggest object ever classified as an asteroid. Ceres is an asteroid belt object discovered by Guiseppe Piazzi in 1801.
39. There are tens of thousands of black holes at the Milky Way’s core. According to recent research, the Milky Way galaxy’s nucleus contains tens of thousands of black holes. Because light cannot escape black holes, they are impossible to detect on their own. When partnered with a star, however, they interact in such a way that X-rays may be used to locate them.
40. Earthquakes can potentially occur on the moon. These vibrations, known as moonquakes, are less powerful than those that shake the Earth. They are most common between the lunar surface and its core at vast depths.

41. The sun accounts for 99.8% of the mass of the solar system. The sun has a mass of 1.989 1030 kg, accounting for 99.8% of the mass of the solar system. In comparison, the remainder of the solar system is a speck of dust.
42. The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies will collide. However, there is no need to be concerned because this will most likely occur in four billion years.
43. Without a spacesuit, you’d last roughly 15 seconds in space. In “Gravity,” Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) has enough trouble living in a spacesuit. It would only take seconds to asphyxiate without a spacesuit. Air expands because there is no pressure in space. This implies that the air in your lungs expands and tears the tissue. Your body would use up all of the oxygen in your blood in around 15 seconds in such an intense environment. Loss of bowel control, boiling blood, bursting capillaries, and bloating are some terrible repercussions of uncontrolled space exposure.
44. According to Olbers’ paradox, the cosmos is neither static nor timeless. The cosmos is expanding, according to Edwin Hubble, and thermal radiation from the Big Bang places the universe at 13.8 billion years old. Because some stars haven’t been around long enough for their light to reach us, we don’t see stars in every direction.
45. No one knows how many stars there are in space because of the vastness of the cosmos. Astronomers could, however, estimate the number of stars in the Milky Way. The number of stars ranges from 200 billion to 400 billion.
46. According to one belief, the moon was created when a massive object crashed with Earth, shattering a chunk of the planet and resulting in the formation of the moon.

47. About 100 billion stars make up the Milky Way galaxy. When you multiply that amount by the estimated number of galaxies in the visible universe (10 trillion is a conservative estimate), you get 1 septillion.
48. The Great Wall of Sloan is the universe’s greatest structure. It is a 1.37 billion light-years wide supercluster of galaxies.
49. On Venus, a year is shorter than a day. Venus rotates slowly in the opposite direction of Earth, taking 243 Earth days to complete one full round. However, because Mercury is so close to the sun, it only takes 225 days to travel around it. A year on Venus is thus shorter than a day.
50. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is in charge of space projects as well as research in aerospace and aeronautics.

51. If two pieces of the same sort of metal come into contact in space, they will permanently bond. This is because the atoms of two metal pieces are unaware that they are distinct.
52. When the Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft orbited the planet, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut, became the first human to travel into space.
53. There’s an intriguing reason why space seems dark. You could believe that there should be no dark space because stars are omnipresent and should light up the sky. Olbers’ paradox is named after German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers, who proposed it in 1823: if the cosmos is boundless, immobile, and timeless, then you should see a star everywhere you look.
54. The moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun. It is, however, 400 times further away from Earth than the moon. This gives the impression that they are the same size.

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