100 Tough General Knowledge Questions and Answers GK Trivia

Delve into a treasure trove of stimulating and enlightening tough general knowledge questions and answers, meticulously curated for your intellectual indulgence. Engage in a journey of discovery with this compendium of knowledge, designed to challenge and inspire. Each question serves as a beacon, guiding you through the labyrinth of information, prompting you to unravel its mysteries. To master the art of general knowledge, one must embrace a regimen of consistent practice, diligently honing one’s cognitive faculties. These questions, meticulously culled from an array of esteemed sources, serve not only as a test of wit but also as a reservoir of indispensable facts. Let this compendium be your companion, a veritable map to navigate the vast terrain of knowledge.

The Path to Acquiring Profound Knowledge

Embark on a quest for enlightenment as you embark on the journey of mastering tough general knowledge. Success in this endeavor hinges upon a steadfast commitment to regular practice, coupled with an astute discernment of key insights. Cultivate the habit of meticulous note-taking, capturing the essence of each new discovery. These questions, meticulously crafted from a myriad of authoritative reservoirs, offer more than mere intellectual stimulation; they serve as invaluable tools for expanding your cognitive horizons. Embrace the challenge they present, for within lies the opportunity to unearth profound truths and broaden your intellectual repertoire.

Unlocking the Treasure Trove of Knowledge

Unravel the enigmatic tapestry of tough general knowledge questions and answers, meticulously arranged for your edification and amusement. Within these queries lies a wealth of information, waiting to be unearthed and assimilated into your expanding repository of knowledge. To navigate this labyrinth of intellect, one must adopt a disciplined approach, nurturing a thirst for understanding and a hunger for enlightenment. Each question serves as a gateway, offering glimpses into the vast expanse of human knowledge. Drawn from a myriad of reputable sources, these inquiries not only challenge the intellect but also enrich the mind with invaluable insights. Let these questions be your guide as you embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Dive into the World of Tough General Knowledge

Engaging in a challenging online quiz filled with tough general knowledge questions and answers promises an immersive experience that blends entertainment, fun, and learning into a single endeavor. Each question serves as a portal to a realm of knowledge waiting to be explored, offering readers an opportunity to enrich their understanding while enjoying the thrill of discovery. The journey through these questions is not merely a casual pastime; it is a commitment to unraveling the mysteries of the world, one query at a time. With each answer uncovered, the reader delves deeper into the vast expanse of human knowledge, fostering a sense of intellectual growth and curiosity that transcends the confines of the quiz itself.

Embrace the Challenge and Delve into Learning

Embarking on the quest presented by a tough general knowledge quiz is akin to setting sail on a voyage of discovery, where every question serves as a navigational marker guiding the reader through uncharted territories of information. The allure lies not only in the satisfaction of finding the correct answers but also in the journey of exploration and learning that accompanies each inquiry. With each passing question, the reader is encouraged to delve deeper into the realms of history, science, culture, and beyond, broadening their horizons with each new piece of knowledge acquired. It is a journey that rewards not only intellect but also curiosity, sparking a perpetual thirst for understanding that transcends the confines of the quiz itself.

Unravel the Mysteries and Expand Your Knowledge Horizons

Within the realm of tough general knowledge questions and answers lies a treasure trove of information waiting to be unearthed by the inquisitive mind. Each question serves as a gateway to a world of facts, anecdotes, and insights, offering readers a chance to broaden their understanding of the world around them. From deciphering historical events to unraveling scientific principles, the quiz presents an opportunity to engage with a diverse array of topics, each brimming with its complexities and nuances. As readers navigate through the labyrinth of questions, they not only test their existing knowledge but also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the world. It is a journey that transcends mere rote memorization, inviting participants to become active participants in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Engage Your Mind and Enrich Your Experience

Participating in a tough general knowledge quiz is more than just an exercise in mental agility; it is an opportunity to engage with the world in all its complexity and diversity. Each question catalyzes thought, prompting readers to consider new ideas, perspectives, and information. Whether grappling with mathematical puzzles, historical conundrums, or scientific quandaries, every query invites readers to stretch their mental muscles and expand their cognitive horizons. Moreover, the process of seeking out answers fosters a spirit of curiosity and inquiry, encouraging readers to delve deeper into topics that pique their interest. In this way, the quiz becomes not just a test of knowledge but a journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth, enriching the lives of all who dare to embark upon it. RPM 3.0 – 60% CONVERSION & Money for Affiliate Marketing

Let’s solve these tough general knowledge questions and answers in English NOW!


Tough general knowledge questions and answers

1. Canadian comedians have been recognized internationally since which decade?

The 1910s

2. How many incident(s) causes death in Shakespeare’s plays about throwing oneself away?


3. IHF Referee’s Badge of Honour is awarded at three levels- what?

Bronze, silver, and gold

4. How many have died in Mont Blanc?

1,400 people

5. Which country has its national emblem Mount Ararat, eagle, and lion?


6. The United States produces how many pens in a year?

2 billion

7. Name an African country without a river.


8. What is Cribbage?

Card game

9. Any team has a decent proportion of $166.4 million in which sport?

F1 Auto Racing

10. Which Shakespearean play is also known as “The Prince of Denmark”?


11. Biltong – is a delicacy from which country?

Southern Africa

12. What is the ancient region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula inhabited by numerous tribes of people collectively known as the Illyrians?


13. How was the name of August derived?

August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.

14. During the collision of India with Asia, the southern part of which plateau achieved its high elevation before the northern part?

The Tibetan Plateau

15. What is the pH of Cytosol?


16. Which Article of the US Constitution sets three qualifications for holding the presidency?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5

17. Amar Ujala is an Indian newspaper published in which language?


18. What is the month of June called in the German language?


19. Who wrote, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind”??

P B Shelley

20. The Province of Eastern Samar was created from Samar by Republic Act No. 4221 in which year?


21. What is the IATA code for Washington International Airport?


22. How did American physicist William Shockley die?


23. Málaga-Costa del Sol Airport is located in which country?


24. In which year did New Hebrides, a French-British condominium become independent?


25. Earth is located in which galaxy?

The Milky Way galaxy

26. Name a country that begins and ends with the same letter.


27. What is Baccarat Les Larmes Sacree de Thebes?


28. What is the function of the keyboard shortcut ALT + PAGE DOWN?

[Move down one screen]

29. Dinosaurs were a type of what?


30. Stacy Keibler was a cheerleader on which team?

Baltimore Ravens

31. He saw flames ____ the school building.


32. What is Biotin?

Vitamin B7

33. What does schnitty mean?

Colloquial a schnitzel, especially a chicken schnitzel

34. Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?

Charles Darwin

35. What is the city in which King Arthur reigned in mythology?


36. What is the English meaning of the French idiom – courir sur le haricot de quelqu’un?

to get on somebody’s nerves
Literal Translation: to run on somebody’s bean

37. What are hunting dogs of the Otherworld in Welsh mythology?

Cwn Annwn

38. What is the national flower in Kuwait?

Rhanterum Epapposum, locally called Arfaj

39. What language did the word “salon” come from?


40. Which metal with the symbol Au is used for jewelry & precious decorative pieces?


41. A Greek speaks which language?


42. Cesky Krumlov Castle is located in which country?

Czech Republic

43. Is the sun a star or a planet?

A star

44. What does juu-gatsu mean in Japan?


45. What is halva?

Lebanese cuisine

46. Hamamatsu is located in which country?


47. What does “Silk” mean when you talk about an anniversary?

12 years

48. Frederick Soddy received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in which year?


49. Which waterway connects the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean?

Strait of Malacca

50. What is Bislama?

A language

51. What is Sunchokes?

A rare vegetable

52. What is the name given to the East Asian Monsoon in Japan when it moves northward in the spring?


53. What is the Alpha 2 code for Kazakhstan?


54. What planet is known as the red planet?


55. Balham Railway Station is located in which country?


56. What is the name of the main antagonist in the Shakespeare play Othello?


57. What is the internet domain TLD for Iraq?


58. Baildon is a town in which country?


59. The largest desert in the world is??

Sahara Desert

60. What is a tort?

crime committed against an individual, not a larger society

61. Consul was the Roman title to dignify what?

The highest magistracy of the Roman Republic with a one-year term

62. Which country has its Alpha 2 code KE?


63. What is the name of the 1976 film about the Watergate scandal, starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman?

All the President’s Men

64. What is politics?

the structure that regulates power over resources and people

65. Suzuki car brand originated in which country?


66. In which part of your body would you find the cruciate ligament?


67. What is kufr?

1 the act of concealing, denying, or refusing to accept the truth about Allah; 2 showing ungratefulness to Allah for His bounties.

68. What could make you feel less anxious and depressed in Psychology?


69. Jacinto Benavente received the Nobel Prize in 1922 in which category?


70. In the troposphere, how much does the temperature drop for each 100m rise in elevation?

0.6 Celsius

71. What is Midden?

A heap or pile of refuse is generally located near a previous habitation site.

72. What is the period for World War II?


73. What is Independence Day in Indonesia?

August 17

74. What is the Alpha 3 code for Kiribati?


75. What was the most popular girl’s name in the UK in 2020?


76. Kerepakupai Merú is located in which region in Venezuela?

Bolívar, Venezuela

77. Who was the ROaman emperor in the years 96-98?


78. Who wrote the famous fiction The End of the Affair?

Graham Greene

79. Deer velvet, a traditional Chinese medicine treatment is made from immature what?

Deer antlers

80. What is a pet the Tiger Tabby?


81. What is the study of bryophytes?


82. William Butler Yeats received the Nobel Prize in Literature in which year?


83. Which country has its Alpha 3 code PRK?

Korea (North)

84. Who was the Earl of Northumbria during 1067-1068?


85. Which popular video game franchise has released games with the subtitles World At War and Black Ops?

Call of Duty

86. Which Roman emperor was accoladed to the Dacicus (“victorious in Dacia”) in the year 107?


87. Which War caused the most number of deaths in the history of War after World War II?

The Mongol Conquests

88. Due to the extreme difficulty of the ascent, what mountain is nicknamed the “Savage Mountain”?


89. Which is the largest peninsula in Europe?

Northern Europe

90. What is a species of the Gold barb?


91. Name a word with all vowels in order.


92. Who was the captain of the 2006 FIFA WC Champion team of Italy?

Fabio Cannavaro

93. What is the UN Code for Lao PDR


94. Which rock band was founded by Trent Reznor in 1988?

Nine Inch Nails

95. Which term is used for knot tying, representing the section offline leading up to your reel? Is it the opposite of the Tag End?

Standing End (or Standing Line)

96. In which year, the famous novel Kim was written?


97. Which US president had both the highest and lowest approval ratings in U.S. history?

George W. Bush

98. Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1924 for what contribution?

“for his great national epic, The Peasants”

99. What colors can dogs see??

Black, White, Gray

100. Which country has its UN code 417?


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