Here comes the trivia night. What you learn today, will be your asset for tomorrow. Trivia night questions and answers printable quiz trivia questions answers are appropriate for all members of the family, friends, and colleagues, as long as you think everyone a part of your family. Instead, Lord Curzon clung to power, and it wasn’t until the Tories seized control in 1922 that he had access to all of his authority’s responsibilities. Up until 1923, he served with distinction, laboriously resolving the complex issues brought on by postwar Europe and the Near East. Curzon had excellent cause to think that his efforts would be rewarded by the premiership that he believed he so rightly deserved as the dying Tory prime leader Bonar Law prepared to resign from office. But that was not to be. The choice of Stanley Baldwin, a member of the House of Commons, as prime minister was the consequence of backroom political maneuvering and concerns that a premier from the House of Lords would be “out of touch.”
These trivia night questions and answers can be solved alone, or with family, colleagues, friends, pals, network, or event with competitors. Viceroy: A person with the authority to act on behalf of their sovereign or monarch to rule over a nation or a region. The chief administrators of Spain’s American colonies as well as the administrators of the “kingdoms” (reinos) of peninsular Spain were referred to as viceroys (virreys) (e.g., Aragon, Valencia).
By solving these trivia night questions and answers as well as many other quizzes continuously, anyone will be able to grow confidence in general knowledge and trend of the world. Even with Pierre de Coubertin and the newly established International Olympic Committee’s best efforts, the 1896 games outside of Greece were not particularly well-attended. The majority of nations did not bother to send formal delegations, and the participation of many of the greatest athletes in the world was prohibited by the prohibition on professional athletes. For instance, the American squad consisted of 13 collegiate and amateur competitors who paid for their own flights to Athens. Team member Thomas Curtis subsequently stated, “In effect, we picked ourselves. Many other contestants were Greeks from the area or even tourists who happened to see the competition and decided to enter. The most well-known of these unintentional Olympians was John Pius Boland, an Irishman who went to the games to watch but wound up competing in the tennis event when a friend enrolled him. Boland had to scrounge together a racket and wear leather-soled shoes on the courts, but he still managed to win both the singles and doubles competitions.
Let’s solve the trivia night questions and answers now, full of fun, adventure, and entertainment. In the beginning, Netflix provided a per-DVD rental model, but in September 1999 it introduced the idea of a monthly membership. By early 2000, the firm had abandoned the per-rental business model, enabling it to concentrate on flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fines, shipping and handling costs, or per-title rental fees. When Netflix started experiencing losses in September 2000, amid the dot-com bubble, Hastings and Randolph proposed selling the business to Blockbuster LLC for $50 million. The CEO of Blockbuster, John Antioco, dismissed the proposal as a joke and claimed that “the dot-com panic is grossly overdone.” Despite having seen rapid development at the beginning of 2001, Netflix was forced to delay its initial public offering (IPO) preparations and fire one-third of its 120 workers due to the ongoing repercussions of the dot-com bubble collapse and the September 11 attacks. When you successfully solve quizzes like these trivia night questions and answers printable, you will definitely feel encouraged with a different tire of worldly knowledge.
Trivia night questions and answers
1. Austerlitz is written by whom?
W. G. Sebald
2. What does the Eight of Wands mean in tarot cards?
A card of action; swiftness
3. Where is Bruce Lee’s grave?
Seattle, Washington
4. Which company has the motto: Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there?
State Farm
5. What country was ruled by the Schleswig-Holstein dynasty?
6. Sneezes regularly exceed at what speed?
100 mph
7. Who has a famous speech: The Children’s Era?
Margaret Higgins Sanger
8. What is Mysophobia?
Fear of dirt and germs
9. Whose Epitaph is this: “Peace at last”?
Lenny Bruce Epitaph
10. Santiago, Chile is situated at the bank of which river?
11. Thespian is a word that originated from which language?
12. What is the common name NaOH?
Caustic Soda
13. Who is a huckster?
A peddler (now refers to as a con artist)
14. What is measured in Darwin’s Rate of evolution?
the speed of genetic or morphological change
15. In France what takes place at Auteuil, Saint-Cloud, and Chantilly?
Horse Racing — they are courses
16. Tears and mucus contain what enzyme that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria?
17. In the Old Testament what is the first book of Moses?
Genesis – first 5 all Moses’ books
18. Iconic world landmark Duomo is situated in which city in Italy?
19. Where would you find Giacomo Marconi airport?
20. Tiercel is the correct name for a male what?
Hawk or Falcon
21. Dover is the State Capital of which US state?
22. Who are the national poets in South Korea?
Yun Dongju, Han Yong-un, Park Mok-wol, Jeong Cheol
23. What Shakespeare’s character ends up saying?
The rest is Silence Hamlet
24. Lucy Hobbs Taylor 1867 first woman in the US to do what?
Become a registered dentist
25. An anglophile loves what?
26. Which country is the diabetes capital of the world?
27. What is the Speech of Muhammad named in Islam?
28. What element was produced in the big bang 13.7bn years ago?
29. What is the correct name for a castrated pig?
30. What is the literal meaning of the title Viceroy?
In place of the King
31. Which is called The Forty Forties?
32. There is a place name “Best” in which US state?
33. Seoul, South Korea is situated at the bank of which river?
Han River
34. Where can you see Ada Byron?
Woman on Microsoft watermark
35. Who is the Roman Goddess of invention and wisdom?
36. How much water per day is lost through breathing?
Half a liter
37. In the Northern hemisphere it’s Jan 1st South Aug 1st what is it?
Racehorse official birthdays
38. American Pastoral is written by whom?
Philip Roth
39. What word describes one-tenth of a nautical mile?
40. Balein, Boops, Fin, Grampus and Pothead are types of what?
41. Which company has the motto: Think Outside the Bun?
Taco Bell
42. Name John Huston’s last film?
The Dead
43. Who is a hooper?
A maker of hoops for barrels, casks, and tubs
44. What does the Latin phrase Ex Mores mean?
According to Custom
45. What would you do with a celesta?
Play it — a percussion instrument
46. Inside your belly button are thousands of bacteria that form an ecosystem the size of an entire rainforest. True or false?
47. What does a sacerdotal person study for?
The priesthood
48. What is the common name of Solid Carbon dioxide?
Dry Ice
49. The Sureto are the secret service of which country?
50. The Ten Commandments what was number four?
Keep the Sabbath holy
51. Pax was the Roman god of the peace who’s the Greek equivalent?
52. Who is the national poet in Nepal?
Madhav Prasad Ghimire
53. Who has a famous speech: The Issue (off-site)?
Eugene Victor Debs
54. In the Bible John the Baptist lived on wild honey and what?
55. What would you do if someone gave you a?
Twank Drink it – it’s tea
56. It is impossible to tickle ourselves. T/F?
57. Who wrote the Paris and Prague symphonies?
58. The Brandenburg Gate was a former city gate of which city?
59. Iconic world landmark Gehry Buildings Medienhafen is situated in which country?
Düsseldorf, Germany
60. Who wrote the play Androcles and the Lion?
George Bernard Shaw
61. Joseph Gayette invented it in 1857 to prevent piles – what?
Toilet Paper
62. Who had pets named Millie, and Ranger?
George H. W. Bush
63. Northern Lights is written by whom?
Philip Pullman
64. Who was the first newspaper owner to give staff a paid holiday?
Joseph Pulitzer
65. What is the subject of the reference book Janes?
Militaria — Ships Planes Guns etc
66. Sneezing too hard can cause a rib fracture while suppressing a sneeze can cause damage to the blood vessels of the head or neck. True or false?
67. There is a place name “Bigfoot” in which US state?
68. Who is the national poet in Pakistan?
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
69. Whose epitaph reads Lived a philosopher died a Christian?
70. Which river flows through ten countries namely Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine?
River Danube
71. Which is called the Beantown?
72. Who was the last prisoner in the Tower of London?
Rudolf Hess
73. Who is a hostler or an ostler?
One who cares for horses or mules, or moves or services locomotives (originally, an innkeeper, who also maintained stables)
74. Which Somerset Maughn novel is considered autobiographical?
Of Human Bondage
75. Which spice comes in hands?
76. Sometimes, when you have to pee, you can visibly see that your bladder is bigger. T/F?
77. Ronald MacDonald is worldwide except in Japan what’s he there?
Donald MacDonald
78. Iconic world landmark Acropolis is situated in which Greek city?
79. What is a curragh?
80. What do the arcana represent in the Tarot card?
Protagonists’ “Social Links” or “Confidants,”
81. Shanghai, China is situated at the bank of which river?
82. The Quadriga was installed in which year?
1793. Quadriga is a car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast.

83. Whose Epitaph is this: “Come on let’s go”?
Ritchie Valens Epitaph
84. Who was the father of Icarus?
85. What would you expect to see at Santa Pod?
Drag Racing
86. Taste buds are present inside the mouth and also at the roof of the mouth. True or false?
87. Lake Tiberius is better known by what name?
Sea of Galilee
88. There is a place name “Big Rock Candy Mountain” in which US state?
89. Who has pets such as Socks the cat; Buddy, a chocolate Labrador retriever?
Bill Clinton
90. Which is called the– Frisco?
San Francisco
91. Which Saints day is the 23rd of April Saint George of which country?
92. Whose Epitaph is this: “OK…I gotta go now”?
Dee Dee Ramone Epitaph
93. What is Necrophobia?
Fear of death or dead things
94. Which modern artist created the Mother and Child Divided?
Damien Hurst
95. What do 9 cups mean in a tarot card game?
The 9 of Cups is directly related to The Hermit, card 9 of the Major Arcana
96. Who has a famous speech: 1992 DNC Address?
Elizabeth Glaser
97. Sacred carvings is the literal translation of what word?
98. What is the motto of IMAX?
Think Big
99. What is the most tattooed product in the world?
Harley Davidson
100. Where is Elvis Presley’s grave?
Memphis, Tennessee.
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