Trivia questions and answers general knowledge quiz in printable style will help you gain some interesting facts very easily. When you’re talking to someone, you’ll never run out of things to talk about, which fosters a good social relationship and until you choose to be silent with trivia questions and answers.
The desire to learn more generally involves the responder, and he lays out more knowledge in his responses, which in turn boosts your understanding of trivia questions and answers. Finally, being attentive is more essential than knowing things that everyone can learn. Your general knowledge trivia questions and answers are enough if you are well-versed in the local region and have a broad understanding of topics outside of your scope.
GK trivia questions and answers is a valuable asset. There’s nothing wrong with it. Trivia questions and answers keep you up to date on what’s going on in the globe. When you have a broad knowledge base, you can discuss a wide range of issues with your friends. GK trivia questions and answers are also beneficial to your memory. In fact, trivia questions and answers are not required to have any general knowledge about places where you will never be.
It’s all about sating your ego and gratifying your need to be one step ahead of the competition, which necessitates having all of the general information such as trivia questions and answers. Yes, it is correct. Trivia questions and answers are crucial, just like breathing. You can’t participate in any game or activity if you don’t know what you’re doing. It doesn’t matter which Eva field you’re in. I recommend that you do some research on the internet and obtain some broad information on trivia questions and answers.
Trivia questions and answers General Knowledge
1. Name a long English word with one syllable, 10 letters?
2. Zayed National Museum is a planned museum, to be located in which city?
Abu Dhabi, the UAE
3. In Cambodia, which were the two rival political parties (1998-2012)?
Cambodian People’s Party vs Candlelight Party
4. What is Translatio imperii?
a historiographical concept that originated from the Middle Ages
5. What is Gerber’s most popular flavour of baby food?
Mashed Bananas
6. Founded in 2021, Ghana National Mosque is located in which city?
Accra, Ghana
7. What is a science festival organized by the Abu Dhabi Technology Committee (TDC) which takes place annually in Abu Dhabi, UAE?
The Abu Dhabi Science Festival
8. Name a long English word with one syllable, 10 letters?
9. Antrim county is located in which country?
10. Who was the first NBA player to test positive for COVID-19?
Rudy Gobert
11. What type of meat-producing breed is Halibut?
12. In March 1900, The first Republic of Acre capitulates and is reabsorbed by which country?
Republic of Bolivia
13. What is a rump state?
the remnant of a once much larger state left with a reduced territory in the wake of secession, annexation, occupation, decolonization, or a successful coup d’état, etc
14. “Toy Symphony” was created by which composer in G major?
15. What material was first used to cover baseballs?
16. The total land coverage of which planet is 29.2% of its surface (≈149 million km²)?
17. A peninsula or a semi-enclave, where one country has a land border with a neighbouring one but is otherwise surrounded by sea, while the neighbour borders other countries— for example?
Denmark (neighbouring Germany)
18. Çelebi Sultan Mehmed Mosque is a popular tourist attraction in which country?
19. What is a German independent record label created by Adrian Hates the frontman of the band Diary Of Dreams in 1995 year?
Accession Records
20. What were Billboards hit single of the 1970s?
You light up my life
21. Ballon d’Or 2021 Striker of the year?
Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich/Poland)
22. What is the country calling code of the Cayman Islands?
+1 345
23. What is the name of the Dragon tree (Dracaena draco) in Icod de los Vinos, Tenerife?
El Drago Milenario
24. In which city do you need to visit to watch sports in the USM Alger Centre d’entraînement et de formation?

25. Who was the first NBA player to shatter a backboard?
Chuck Connors
26. What is the name of seasoned meat stacked in the shape of an inverted cone that is turned slowly on a rotisserie, next to a vertical cooking element?
Doner kebab
27. What is the name of a village in Scotland renamed to honour the racing mare Beeswing?
Beeswing, Dumfries and Galloway
28. What is Omukwiyugwemanya in Namibia?
Fig tree (Ficus)
29. What is Bai sach chrouk?
a pork dish
30. In Greek what (bad for your diet item) translates into solid bile?
31. Travellers can visit The Heights Tower in which city in Jordan?
32. What is a fictional city and is the main setting for Danny Phantom with a school (Casper High School), and some other buildings?
Amity Park
33. What is Deadpan?
a species of fly with an unusual biological name
34. Fire at the Prince-Pancoast, leaving 72 dead by suffocation on April 7, 1911, in which mining location?
Colliery, Throop, Pennsylvania
35. What are the two states in the United States that have yet to send a team to the NCAA?
Alaska and Maine
36. The L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills (jabals) that originally made up which city?
37. The Gathering Storm (2009) is a fantasy novel by which American authors?
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
38. Oshigambo town is located in which country?
39. Elsa, Yukon, owned by Treadwell Yukon and later United Keno Hill Mines, abandoned 1980s is a what?
A company town in Canada
40. Who coined the term gossip column?
Mark Twain
41. Tawhid Mosque is a popular tourist attraction in which country?
Syria (Aleppo)
42. KATV tower is located in which city in the USA?
Redfield, Arkansas
43. Mobilis-Algerie Telecom is a mobile operator in which country?
44. Maulden Wood, an ancient wood (1600 or before) is found in which country?
45. Which singers first band was called The Spiders?
Alice Cooper
46. Michoacán, Mexico gained its statehood in which year?
47. What is an electronic band formed in 1988 in Helsingborg, Sweden?
48. What is a subgenre of science fiction, science fantasy, dystopia or horror in which the Earth’s civilization is collapsing or has collapsed?
Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
49. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul is a 1988 humorous fantasy detective novel by which English writer?
Douglas Adams
50. Who was the first-ever NBA player to score 2,000 points in a single season?
George Yardly
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