Trivia questions for adults with answers are suitable questions, quizzes, and trivia of general knowledge which are printable and competitive. In Japan, immigration is hardly ever a problem. Ethnic Japanese make up about 98.5% of the population. The majority of the wood from the Amazon rainforest is consumed in Japan. With approximately 37 million residents, the greater Tokyo region is the world’s biggest metropolitan area. One of the most expensive cities in the world to live in is frequently considered to be Tokyo. However, it is actually no longer the case. Tokyo no longer even ranks among the top 10 economies, according to the World Economic Forum. On the other hand, Osaka, the second-largest city in Japan, does appear on the list of the world’s priciest cities. Sushi used to be sold on the streets. The most expensive tuna in the world was purchased in Japan for US$3.1 million at the fish market in Tokyo.
Introduction of the rationalization concept by Weber. Relationships are structured in contemporary society to be as effective as possible, based on technical knowledge rather than moral and political values. As a result, bureaucracies become effective, impersonal, and uniform. Sports can benefit from applying a number of the major components of rationalization that Allen Guttmann outlined. Modern sports have separated themselves from the religious organizations from which they originated due to secularization. Sports and religious celebrations were intertwined in premodern communities. Sports do have a little amount of religious significance, as seen by pre-game prayers, superstitions, and rituals. One can easily solve these free trivia questions for adults with answers, one can uplift standards and confidence in general affairs.
There is no end to learning new things, from plenty of free sources like this one full of trivia questions for adults with answers printable for gossip, competition, fun, and exams. Princess Jasmine of Agrabah was on the verge of agreeing to an arranged marriage when she met Aladdin, the charming dreamer who won her heart. She repeatedly advocated for herself, saying she didn’t want to wed someone she didn’t love. When she confronted Jafar, the Sultan’s malevolent counsel, she really shone. After discovering the genie’s lamp and seizing the kingdom, Jafar intended to wed her. Then Jasmine said that she was “not a treasure to be won,” displaying her courage and being a great role model for young females. One of the first female Disney characters to recognize her value and demand nothing less was.
Although the first Al-Rabithah al-Alawiyyah in Indonesia was founded in Batavia, the approval didn’t come until the Solo Branch’s establishment on October 7, 1928. Hasan bin Husein al-Seggaf, Ali bin Syech bin Shahab, Salim bin Basri al-Seggaf, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Husein al-Seggaf, Husin bin Abdurrahman al-Seggaf, Abdullah bin Abdul-Rahman bin Sumaith, Husein bin Abdullah al-Habshi, and Ahmad bin Ali bin Muhammad M. were the founders of Solo. Let’s solve these trivia questions for adults with answers in order to hone your professional sharpness and merit.
Trivia questions for adults with answers
1. How far is the Giza Pyramid Complex from Downtown Cairo across the Nile River?
18 km
2. The Holy Qur’an, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad how many years ago?
1,400 years
3. (22, 1), (31, 1), (4, 1), (90, 1), (1, 100) are some examples of
Co prime numbers
4. One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age, also called what?
The Arabian Nights
5. Walruses and whale carcasses, and seals are the prime food for which animal?
Polar Bear
6. On what date did Billionaire couple Bill and Melinda Gates announce their divorce?
3rd May 2021
7. Some people can taste words or hear colors. It is called
8. Whose pen name was George Eliot?
Mary Ann Evans
9. Who is the national poet of Guatemala?
Miguel Ángel Asturias
10. What is called the Television Capital of the World?
11. There is a place called “Stiffknee Knob” in
North Carolina, USA
12. Which country is called the Land of the Morning Calm?
South Korea
13. After how many years of marriage Bill and Melinda Gates have been divorced?
27 years
14. In the Bible what in Hebrew means Place of a Skull?
15. What is the name of the muscle that controls the human breathing process?
16. What is the most common surname for Motel owners in the US?
17. Klaus Voormann designed the cover for which Beatles album?
18. What did Tantalus serve to the Gods that caused his punishment?
His dismembered son Pelops
19. Name Casper the friendly ghost horse?
20. Rocketbuster makes the world’s largest authentic what?
Cowboy boots
21. According to Earth Medicine what’s the birth totem for the march?
The Falcon
22. Pope John Paul II played what sport for the Polish national team?

23. The Statue of Unity is situated in which country?
24. What would a rhinotillexomaniac be doing?
Picking their nose
25. Australians call someone from where a croweater?
South Australia
26. Whose pen name was Silence Dogood?
Benjamin Franklin
27. Where would you see sprites blue jets and elves?
Thunderstorm electrical discharge
28. In the song who is the man who made Eastwood such a star?
The fall guy — unknown stuntman
29. The brain continues to send out electric wave signals until approximately how many hours after a death?
37 hours
30. How did Miss Piggy tell the difference between love and lust?
By spelling
31. What is Dominican Republic’s national poet?
Pedro Mir
32. Christopher Proudfoot owns the world’s largest collection of what?
33. What is classified on the Fujita scale?
Tornadoes 1 to 5
34. What was the distress call before SOS?
CQD – come quick danger
35. Name the first African American doll produced by Mattel.
36. If you shout Tsuki what sport are you practicing?
37. There is a place called “Success” in
Missouri, USA
38. Name the first storm on 19 June 1978 called after a man?
39. The brain is much more active at night than during the day. T/F?
40. For which game would you win the Plimpton Cup?
41. In the film Bambi what is Bambi’s first word?
42. The month “April” has originated from where?
The Latin word aperio, “to open (bud),” plants begin to grow in this month. In essence, this month was viewed as spring’s renewal.
43. Lord Harry, Old Billy, Queed, Skipper, and Toast nicknames for who?
The Devil or Satan
44. Which country has no national monetary unit of its own?
45. The Motherland Calls Statue is situated in which country?
46. What was invented by Garnet Carter of Chattanooga in 1926?
Miniature Golf
47. Old Lyme Connecticut has a museum dedicated to what?
48. Nevada and Canberra are varieties of which vegetable?
49. Who was nicknamed The Admiral of the Mosquitoes?
Christopher Columbus
50. The human brain cell can hold how many times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica?
5 times
51. The term warts and all comes from a portrait of who?
Oliver Cromwell
52. Aquileo J. Echeverría, and Carmen Lyra are the national poets of which country?
Costa Rica
53. What is called the Manhattan upon the Meuse?
54. In the Muppet band Zoot plays which instrument?
55. Bone is stronger than some steel. True or false?
56. What is Britain’s most commonly planted tree?
Sitka Spruce
57. The month “November” has originated from where?
From the Latin word novem, “nine,” this had been the ninth month of the early Roman calendar.
58. What was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover?
National Geographic
59. Which artist is supposed to have used 1000 greens in painting?
John Constable
60. At birth we have over 300 bones. True or false?
True. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones.
61. Which country is called the Hermit Kingdom?
North Korea
62. There is a place called “Sugar City” in
Idaho, USA
63. What Bond thing did Roger Moore not do in 7 films?
Drink Martinis – and smoke
64. The Human brain constitutes ___ of white matter and ___ of grey matter.
60% white, 40% grey
65. Xavier Roberts was the original creator of which toy?
Cabbage Patch Dolls
66. Who spoke for the first time in a Bugs Bunny cartoon in 1951?
67. What is the most popular jukebox song of all time?
Crazy – Patsy Cline
68. What percent of the body weight is made of bones?
69. In the USA domestic violence peaks on what day of the year?
Superbowl Sunday
70. The classical music term fugue comes from Latin meaning what?
71. Ancient Romans dyed their hair with what waste product?
Bird Shit
72. What type of large vehicle is named after a Hindu God?
73. The human brain is capable of creating more ideas equivalent to that of the atoms of the universe. True or false?
74. Who wrote the book The Puppet Masters later a film?
Robert Heinlein
75. Two possible answers – in which country would you find Shit?
Iran or Ethiopia
76. Whose pen name was Lewis Caroll?
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
77. Who was shot and killed in saloon number ten?
Wild Bill Hickock
78. Your bones, pound for pound, are 4 times stronger than concrete. True or false?
79. Which spy’s name translates as Eye of the Dawn?
Mata Hari
80. What is tattooed on the Marlboro man’s hand?
An Eagle
81. What fictional planet orbited the red star Negus 12?
Superman’s Krypton
82. By Olympic rules what must have 14 feathers?
Badminton Bird
83. In the US what links Fort McHenry with the moon?
A flag flies 24/7 president’s decree
84. The Chinese scattered firecrackers around the house – why?
Fire Alarms
85. The human brain is made up of more than 10 billion nerve cells and over how many other cells and weigh less than three pounds?
50 billion
86. 93. In the human body, what is produced by the parotid glands?
87. What in history were the Beaver, Dartmouth, and Eleanor Ships?
Boston Tea Party
88. Wired Digital Incorporated created which search engine?
89. José Martí, Lezama Lima, and Nicolás Guillén are the national poets of which country?
90. February 25th, 1990 what was banned in the US?
Smoking on all domestic flights
91. 33% of the world’s population can’t do what apparently simple thing?
Snap their fingers
92. The Human brain is the most powerful computer which has the processing speed of what?
3000+ GHz
94. Which duo has won seven Oscars?
Tom and Jerry
95. Which company brewed harp lager?
96. Your bones are composed of what percent of water?
97. Which country is called The Pearl of the Orient Seas?
98.There is a place called “Squirrel Hill” in
Pennsylvania, USA
99. Which is the City of the Kings?
Lima, Peru
100. Urchin is an old English name for which British native mammal?
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