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Sedimentary rocks have avoided metamorphism west of the crystalline zone, away from the axis of major geologic deformation, but are squeezed into tight folds. These folded boulders’ upturned sides have been sculpted by erosion into the breathtaking Ridge and Valley landscape of the western Appalachians. Enjoy true or false trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. Broad open valleys of comparable length are typically seen running parallel to long linear ridges, which typically measure around 1,000 feet (300 meters) from base to crest and extend for tens of miles. In contrast to the southern ridges, which are broken by faults and form short, parallel segments that are lined up like magnetized iron filings, Pennsylvania ridges run unbroken for long distances before occasionally turning abruptly in a zigzag pattern.
True or False Questions and Answer Trivia
1. Carnivorous, bog-dwelling plants called bladderworts can snap their traps shut in less than a millisecond, 100 times faster than a Venus flytrap.

2. Amprophophallus titanium petals smell so much like rotting flesh that the plant is known as the "corpse flower."

3. Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at standard room temperature and pressure.

4. Hummingbirds can't fly backward

5. Scientists can work out the approximate age of a tree by the number of rings on its stump

6. A Sphinx is a statue of a man with the body of a penguin

7. A compass needle points South

8. The first dinosaur egg was discovered in the Gobi Desert

9. Most of the human population has blue eyes

10. The Statue of Liberty is red

11. The Moon is around one quarter the size of the Earth

12. Five months of the year-end with the letter Y

13. Breast milk alone can have up to 700 species of bacteria

14. Platypus is so cute and cuddly

15. Catholic Church once put a dead Pope on trial.

16. Prosopagnosia is a disorder in which people struggle to recognize color

17. Mantis shrimp can use their armored claws to strike at speeds of 74 feet per second (23 m/s), delivering blows with 200 pounds (91 kg) of force behind them. The crustaceans are only about 4 inches (10 cm) long.

18. Pregnancy needs external life support system

19. King Richard the Lionheart's heart is still around. After the English monarch died in 1199, his heart was removed and preserved

20. Male sharks have thicker skins than females

21. The ocean is 12,080.7 feet (3,682.2 meters) deep on average, which about eight Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other.

22. Pompeii's plumbing was ahead of its time

23. Femur in the lower leg is the second largest in the human skeleton.

24. Someone who weighs 150 pounds (68 kg) on this planet moves the scales at only 50 pounds (22 kg) on the moon.

25. If you could stand on Jupiter, you'd weigh more than twice as much.

26. Camels actually store water in their humps

27. Central American salamander Bolitoglossa dofleini can extend its tongue more than half its body length in 7 milliseconds, 50 times faster than you can blink an eye.

28. A single sneeze makes 40,000 droplets, travels up to 20 miles per hour, and creates a 5’ spray radius.

29. There are 4 basic nose shapes

30. The cornea is the transparent covering of the iris and pupil for the nose

31. Straight hair has round hair fibers while wavy or curly hair will usually have irregular and oval-shaped hair fibers.

32. The largest lake in the world by surface area is Lake Superior

33. The zodiac sign for Aquarius is the ram

34. Two of the world's most active volcanoes - Kilauea and Maunaloa - can be found in Indonesia.

35. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus

36. The eyelash protects the eye from dirt, dust, and other potentially harmful objects.

37. Chester Racecourse is also known as Roodee

38. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland

39. A gecko is a snake

40. Helsinki is the capital of Finland

41. Asia is the largest continent in the world

42. The pancreas can digest itself due to the cause of heavy alcohol consumption as well as gallstones, cystic fibrosis, or high levels of fats or calcium in the blood.

43. Gliding joints, such as the one at the base of the index finger, allow bending and extending.

44. Metals such as nickel and cobalt are not attracted to magnets.

45. Whale voices are able to travel a whopping 479 miles through the waters of the ocean.

46. All planets rotate clockwise

47. Birds descended from a type of dinosaurs known as theropods.

48. The largest dinosaurs such as the Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus were actually herbivores (plant eaters)

49. The central opening of your eye is known as the pupil, it changes size depending on the amount of light.

50. Gliding joints are found between flat bones that are held together by ligaments. Some bones in the wrists and ankles move by gliding against each other.

The Great Valley, a remarkable trench of shale and limestone that extends almost the entire length of the Appalachians, is by far the greatest valley and one of the most significant routes in North America. Find trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. Since the days of the early settlers, it has been one of the principal routes across the Appalachians, providing a lowland route from the middle Hudson valley to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and beyond southward, where it creates the Shenandoah and Cumberland valleys. It creates the Valley of Vermont in New England, one of the few arable places in an otherwise hilly area, and is covered in slates and marbles.
The Ouachita Mountains in western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma have topography that is very similar to that of the Ridge and Valley. This region is typically thought to be a detached continuation of the Appalachian geologic structure, with the intervening section buried beneath the sediments of the lower Mississippi valley. Share true or false trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. An indentation in the Atlantic separates the remainder of the Appalachian chain from the once glaciated New England portion. New England is shaped like the southern Appalachians, with north-south bands, but being almost entirely covered with crystalline rocks. The White Mountains, which are rocky and lofty, are New England’s equivalent of the Blue Ridge, while the rolling, rocky hills of southeast New England are similar to Piedmont.
(Mount Washington, New Hampshire, is the tallest mountain in the northeastern United States, rising to a height of 6,288 feet [1,917 meters]). Hook the true and false trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. The Taconics, Berkshires, and the Green Mountains, which are the westernmost ranges, have a strong north-south lineation similar to the Ridge and Valley. However, unlike the rest of the Appalachians, the crystalline rocks of New England have been extensively sandblasted by glaciers, resembling those of the Canadian Shield. As a result, the region is best recognized for its stunning environment rather than for its rich soil.
The Appalachians are typical of various geologic zones since they have a wide range of minerals. Only a few numbers are found in sufficient amounts to be exploited continuously, including iron in Pennsylvania’s Blue Ridge and Piedmont as well as the renowned granites, marbles, and slates of northern New England. Solve true or false trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. One of the greatest anthracite coal reserves in the world is found in Pennsylvania’s Ridge and Valley region. While coal was formerly a major source of energy for home heating, oil and gas have since supplanted it, leading to the closure of numerous mines.
Holly is a shrub that has sharp, dark green leaves. Due to the female holly bushes’ tendency to produce vivid red berries during the holiday season, it is sometimes referred to as a Christmas plant. These red berries, which represent the two most popular colors of the season, really stand out against the background of the dark leaves. Bookmark trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. Although holly branches and berries have become a staple of Christmas décor, the Druids were the originators of the symbolism. Christians accepted the same meaning as these people, only stating that it represents Jesus’ promise of eternal life. These people recognized the plant to be a sign of everlasting life. If you don’t have enough room to grow a holly bush, consider using flower arrangements like Teleflora’s Merry and Bright, which includes holly sprigs, as decorations.
An exquisite flower that often blooms in red or white, the amaryllis is ideal for the Christmas season. For your Christmas gatherings, these towering flowers make wonderful centerpieces. The amaryllis blooms for up to six weeks, and as it’s a bulb plant, you may enjoy it for many seasons to come with a little bit of care. Compete for trivia general knowledge questions and answer free online quiz tests. Unlike other holiday flowers, the amaryllis represents confidence and pride as well as the blood of a nymph from Greek mythology, not anything especially related to Christmas.
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