You might know the history of your own country, but how much do you know about the history of the entire world around you? MCQ World history trivia multiple choice quiz is thrilling and amazing.
Discover this world with your knowledge now through this World history trivia. To celebrate the importance of history, here’s a World history trivia to surprise our past glory: American history. Just like its flag, American history is shaking up with stars and proud moments. World History. Each country has a rich history worthy of our fascination.
History of women. Art History. Is the history multiple choice quiz your favorite topic? Then you must love this MCQ World history trivia. Do you have enough knowledge about world history? If so, then this quiz is truly for you. Take this World history based on your level.
Read all about our panoramic multiple choice quiz MCQ world history. Keep your thought caps on and tackle a challenge devoted to the common wisdom that has covered multiple-choice history since ancient times through the latest trivia. Do you have a history nut? Check out your historical world knowledge with this multiple-choice History Quiz objective-type test.
See how you compare to other fans in history! World History Trivia Quiz A Huge Collection. Answer 50 multiple choice World History Trivia MCQ Questions! Play our quiz games to test your knowledge. Enjoying this experience is not limited to merely polished historians.
Even young students of the past can learn more about the history of our world. Not sure how much you can remember from your world history classes?
Test your knowledge with this quiz and see if you are a history buff. World History MCQ. Do you always think about Babylon and history? If your knowledge covers centuries and the world, then this section is the one for you. World History Quiz with answers.
Who was on the road crying Eureka? A. Archimedes. What was the famous Clown, Coke’s real name? multiple choice History Trivia Quiz Questions and answers about world history events, places, people, and more!
MCQ Trivia Quiz Questions on World History with Headlines, Aida, Oslo, Coliseum, Albion, Liberia, Genghis Khan, Rome, and more! We have prepared a set of world history tests for history lovers and school tyrants. Come and find out how informed you are!
Get help with your world history homework! The answers to hundreds of world history MCQ questions are explained in a way that is easy for you to understand.
If you are a fan of history multiple choice quizzes or would like to remember historical facts, names, and dates, use our World History Quiz Trivia Game! This is a collection of 50 trivia.
A short fun quiz that will test not only your country’s MCQ history but your knowledge of world history? This multiple-choice quiz tells you whether you are a history buff or any history.
50 MCQ World History Multiple Choice Trivia Quiz
Please select 2 correct answers1. Who said that " Man is a political animal" ?
2. The schools which taught primary education to Muslims during the period of sultanate
3. Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was
4 'The Peloponnesian war' was fought between _______ and _____
5. The English King who was prepared to exchange his kingdom for a horse was
6. Which country has always remained free from foreign rule?
7. The historical monument Al Khazneh is located in which city ?
8. Who was the youngest pharaoh king of egypt took over at 9 and died young too at the age of 18 years?
9. The earliest Chinese civilization of which archaeologists tell us in the _______ civilization
10. Which widely known as the “Napoleon of Egypt”?
11. How many battle napoleon fought?
12. Who bags the title of the most successful female pharaoh to ascend the throne of Egypt?
13. How many pharaoh dynasties were there in Egypt?
14. Which Battle marked the end of Napoleon era?
15. Who among the following empasized the 'Five Relationships'?
16. When did the first Railway Train begin to carry passengers and freight?
17. What was the name of the atom bomb dropped by USA on Hiroshima in Japan during the second world war ?
18. Who was among the famous Roman poets ?
19. Who is the First Test Tube Twins Babies in the World?
20. The religious rituals 'The Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu' in Iraq was established during the
21. The Mortuary temple 'Shunet El Zebib' is situated in
22. Which place in not considered as a tomb?
23. World Heritage Site 'Tarxien Temples' is situated in
24. Which construction work is considered as the oldest preserved stone house in north west Europe?
24. Which political party used to have swastik ( a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon) symbol ?
26. The oldest dynasty still ruling in which country?
27. Who was the modern world's first woman head of government ?
28. Whose period was known as the Golden Age of Rome?
29. In which country Aztec civilization was originated ?
30. Which among following is called "Gift of the Nile" ?
31. Which of these was an action of Farmers Alliances?
32. Young Italy movement by led by two revolutionaries, One was "Mazzini" and Other was ?
33. Which is considered as oldest civilization of the world ?
34. Who is called the Napoleon of Iran?
35. What were the watchwords for French Revolution?
36. The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between
37. Who is known as Man of Blood and Iron ?
38. The first news paper in the world was started by ?
39. Who is considered as the master of Greek comedy ?
40. Ancient Egypt was conquered in 30 B.C. by which Empire?
41. The other name of Lighthouse of Alexandria is
42. What is not one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World?
43. In ancient Egypt, people shaved their eyebrows when this animal died:
44. Henry VIII married this amount of times:
45. Roman Emperor Caligula made his ____ an official Senator.
46. What's the name of the first western explorer to reach China?
47. The Bubonic Plague ravaged Europe in this century:
48. Which country did the Magna Carta originate in?
49. Joseph Stalin was the premiere of which country?
50. In what year did Christopher Columbus land in North America?

What does it mean to call a horse “my kingdom for a horse”?
An exclamation from William Shakespeare’s play Monarch Richard the Third, in which the king yells out, “A horse! A horse!” I’d give anything for a horse!” His horse is killed in combat, leaving him vulnerable to his foes.
I’d give anything for a horse!” The concept of a monarch desiring a horse so much that he would sacrifice his entire country for one is exaggerated, yet the phrase “My kingdom for a horse” has become a well-known quote. Its meaning alludes to being willing to offer anything for something that is most important to you.
This remark is paradoxical since it implies that someone desires something minor to achieve a huge task. The king is implying that if he does not locate his horse, he may lose his kingdom since he will either be killed or defeated.

King Tutankhamun (or Tutankhamen) governed Egypt for ten years as pharaoh until his death at the age of 19 in the year 1324 B.C. Tutankhamun’s influence was largely neutralized by his successors, despite his administration being renowned for undoing his father’s chaotic religious changes.
Until 1922, when British archaeologist Howard Carter chipped through a gateway and entered the young pharaoh’s tomb, which had been sealed for more than 3,200 years, he was hardly known to the modern world. The tomb’s immense wealth of artifacts and riches, which were meant to accompany the king into the afterlife, revealed an astonishing amount about royal life in ancient Egypt and swiftly made King Tut the most renowned pharaoh on the planet.

The Royal Lineage of King Tut
King Tut was the grandson of the famous pharaoh Amenhotep III, and probably definitely the son of Akhenaten, a contentious character in Egypt’s New Kingdom’s history (c.1550-1295 B.C.). Akhenaten shifted Egypt’s religious headquarters from Thebes to Amarna, uprooting a centuries-old religious structure in favor of worshiping a single deity, the sun god Aten. Following Akhenaten’s death, two pharaohs reigned briefly before being succeeded by Tutankhaten, a 9-year-old prince.
Early in his reign, Tutankhamun undid Akhenaten’s reforms, resurrecting Amun worship, restoring Thebes as a religious center, and modifying the end of his name to symbolize royal fealty to the creator deity Amun. He also worked with his strong counselors Horemheb and Ay, both future pharaohs, to reestablish Egypt’s position in the area.
What Caused King Tut’s Death?
There are several ideas as to why King Tut was slain. He was tall but fragile, with a clubbed left foot and a severe bone ailment. He is the only pharaoh who has been represented sitting while participating in physical sports such as archery. The boy king’s bad health and early death were most likely caused by traditional inbreeding in the Egyptian royal dynasty. Tutankhamun’s parents were brother and sister, according to DNA testing reported in 2010, and his wife, Ankhesenamun, was also his half-sister. Their only two daughters died in the womb.
Some historians assumed Tutankhamun was slain because his remains exhibited a hole in the back of his head, but current examinations suggest the wound was created during mummification. In 1995, CT scans indicated that the monarch had a shattered left leg that was diseased, and DNA from his mummies revealed signs of several malaria illnesses, all of which might have contributed to his early death.
Mummy and Tomb of King Tut
King Tut was mummified after he died, in accordance with Egyptian religious custom, which stated that royal bodies should be maintained and nourished for the afterlife. Embalmers removed his organs and wrapped him in resin-soaked bandages, and he was laid in a succession of nested containers—three golden coffins, a granite sarcophagus, and four gilded wooden shrines, the largest of which barely fit inside the tomb’s burial chamber.
Due to the sheer modest size of his tomb, historians believe King Tut’s death was unexpected and his burial hastened by Ay, his successor as pharaoh. More than 5,000 objects were crammed inside the tomb’s antechambers, including furniture, chariots, clothing, weaponry, and 130 of the lame king’s walking sticks.

The entry passage appears to have been robbed shortly after the burial, while the interior rooms remained locked. Tut’s successors decided to disregard his rule because, despite his efforts to restore Amun, he was tarnished by his father’s religious upheavals. The tomb’s entrance had been choked with stone rubble, covered over by workmen’s cottages, and forgotten within a few centuries.
Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, had been excavating Egyptian antiquities for three decades when he uncovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922. Archaeologists thought all the royal graves in the Valley of the Kings, across the river from ancient Thebes, had been removed at the time of the discovery. The news of the new tomb, the most intact ever discovered, instantly went throughout the world. Carter and his colleagues spent a decade cataloging and emptying the tomb.

What Has Happened to King Tut?
Several blockbuster museum displays featuring artifacts from King Tut’s tomb have toured the world, notably the international “Treasures of Tutankhamun” exhibitions from 1972 to 1979. The display of the golden burial mask and 50 other priceless treasures from the tomb drew eight million people from seven US locations. The most valuable antiquities, such as the burial mask, are no longer exported from Egypt.
Tutankhamun’s mummy is still on exhibit in the KV62 chamber in the Valley of the Kings, where his stacked coffins have been replaced with a climate-controlled glass case. His golden mask is on exhibit at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, but the Tutankhamun collection will eventually be relocated to the Grand Egyptian Museum, or GEM, which is set to open in 2020.

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Very nice and enjoyable